Decision Time
Stay will be revealed soon... :)
New Head Coach...AKA TONY!!!

VK article click here to read the article!
Tony and I have built a great basketball relationship and see good things happening in the future for the Comets! This is definetly something that is in favor of me staying next year. I am hoping to make that final decision within the next week or two. I will have a meeting with the club this week and we will see what happens from there!! I am also waiting to see if they will be able to offer me a job to work with the youth in the school systems here in Umeå. I think it could be something great to promote basketball here in Umeå and hopefully someday compete at a much higher, competitive level! Vi får se!!
Vi hörs!
Beautiful Weather!!
-Let me begin real fast with Thursday...Anna arrived in Umeå around 15.20. She accompained me to coach with TB's girls (U95) and then we went to practice! Spent the night just hanging out not doing much!
On Friday, Anna and I participated in the SFI Innebandy match held at Gammlia. SFI, stands for Swedish For Immigrants, basically a school for foreign people to attend to learn the swedish language. I actually went to school there for a little bit last year and I still actively participate in a lot of the events they partake in. Anyway, the game on Friday was for SFI students and their friends vs. Konvux (local community school). Our friend Jesper from Umeå FC also played on our team, along with other sport players from the local sports here in Umeå. It was a lot of fun. Innebandy...aka a fun sport and completely foreign to me. It's pretty crazy to be running around with a stick in my hands. Just doesn't feel right...but I really enjoyed it and I even scored the 1st goal of the game!! We ended up winning the game 4-1 which was even better!! Anna and myself played in the same line and our line went +3...meaning our team scored 3 times. In fact, I scored and then Gunnar (the pastor of my local church here) scored two goals! It was great and tons of fun!! Here are some pictures from the day.

CHECK OUT THIS INNEBANDY PLAYER!! (And the stick Sophia ;) )
After the game about 15-20 of us players from the game went to eat some pizza at Steve Galloway's (our goalie for the game...and former fotbol star in Umeå) restuarant called Rhodes. Danny found some some entertainment there as well!!

The great weather started on Saturday. Anna and I went into town to window shop and basically people watch! The best thing was sitting on the steps eating soft served vanilla-blueberry ice cream dipped in sprikles. SO NICE!! So many people were out and just enjoying the weather to the fullest!
We also had our DM match vs. IKSU later that day. We won 98-35!! We brought home the gold baby!! There were 7 of us that made the game! We had played an organized game since our last game April 4th, but we still managed to play pretty well!! Anna was too shabby, scoring 40 pts :-P Before our game...the U95 team played and also won the gold!! This is the team that I just took over helping coach and have been helping them through out the year with some camps.

Anna and I watching the U95 girls...U95 girls playing...bring home the gold!!

Me and the U95 girls!!

Bringing home the gold!!
Later in the night we hungout with the soccer boys! Toby had a great idea that he would like to go blonde...he felt left out maybe because Anna and I were doing our hair that night as well. The first attempt with Toby wasn't so successful, but the second time he loved it!! Slim shaddy in the house!! We had ourselves another calm night.

Today was the best weather of the whole weekend!! The sun was shinning and it was absolutely beautiful!! Anna and I went for a long walk to the hospital to eat lunch...then to Lindell Hall for some fika...and then about 45 min. laying in the sun! After that we went to watch our soccer friends play there first home game of the season. Umeå FC tied their game 1-1. The sun was blazing on me and Anna...we for sure walked out a bit sunburnt!
So this wasn't the best description in my blogg and I apoligize for that. But I am extremely tired right now and I must go to bed so I can function tomorrow morning! Hehe...I think Anna and I will wake up early and workout. Get a little lift and run in!! But here is a brief re-cap and I have more to tell for sure!! Talk soon and I hope everybody had a great weekend!!
-sorry i didnt proof read!
Game Day!!
Vi hörs snart!!
Body Pump Here I Come!!
So far my day has been pretty busy (more busy than normal anyway). I went and did some shooting with the soccer boys today...and no...not shoot hoops, but shooting at a goal. There was even a goalie in the goal! Haha!! It was pretty fun, especially since I was able to score 3 times, outside the box ;)!! YIPEEE...and the boys didn't even think I would score once!
Then it was a fika with Tony and Hannah at the hospital. Kind of a weird place to fika, but it's by the university so it made sense at the time. Then I was just able to walk over to my class which started at 3.00. I rode my bike today to school! Okay it isn't my bike, I have borrowed it from Julia, but it was such a great day I thought I should ride a bike in it! So that's what I did!! It was really nice!!
So now I am off to dinner and then BODY PUMP later!! Wish me luck!
All Moved In...ALLT!!
Tonight was a nice evening spent with Anna Wiren who came over to join me for en kväll fika! We drank some coffee and snacked on some cookies and bullar (buns). We had a nice conversation about our recent ski trips and looked at some photos. It was great spending some time with her and a teammate for that matter of fact. I couldn't believe it had been 2 weeks already since the last time I saw her!
Today I started up school again! It had almost been a week and a half since my last class. We had last week off because of Easter so it was kind of hard for me to get motivated to go to school again. It turned out to be a good thing though because it always gets my mind thinking swedish! It encourages my swedish more which is great! I even impressed some of my swedish friends tonight writing swedish on facebook! Hehe!! Jag kan skriva bra att pratar...inte bra ;)
Tomorrow we start up practice again. It isn't like our regular in-season practices but kind of like an individual workout. It will be good to get a ball back into my hands and get a little bit of a workout in! We play in a DM (district match) this weekend...most likely we will play IKSU...I believe at 16.00.
Anna is coming on Thursday!! She will be here for the weekend and leaves on Tuesday!! I am excited to have her back! It's been kind of lonely Rookie of the Year will be back in town!! Härligt! YIPPPEEEE!!!!
I talked with Jamie last night and our weekend in Stockholm trip is officially booked!! We will travel there May 22nd until the 25th! Jamie will arrive in Umeå May 16th and stick around until the 22nd before we head out to Stockholm! I might stick around Stockholm for a few extra days to watch Anna in the national camp, and then head back to Umeå after! Will be a nice little vacation for me anyway. I'm hoping maybe Anna's dad might take us sailing..HINT HINT...haha! Oh I hope it's great weather!! I will also be booking my trip to Oslo here in the next couple of days. I talked with Julia last night and it looks like I will be there June 11th until the 15th when my family arrives, then more traveling in Norway, and then back to Stockholm the 19th! Then finally home home soon after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My traveling adventures are getting closer and closer!! Can't wait!! Seems kind of hectic, but it's all planned out as followed...
Tentative Travel Itinerary and Visitors
May 16th: Jamie arrives in Umeå
May 22nd: Jamie and I travel to Stockholm for the weekend
May 25th: Jamie leaves and goes back home
May 27th: I travel back to Umeå
June 7th: I travel to Stockholm to accompany my family (uncle John, aunt Joy, and cousin Monica!)
June 7th-9th: In Stockholm
June 9th-11th: Cruise to Helsinki, Finland
June 11th-15h: Travel to Oslo and visit Julia!
June 15th-19th: Travel in Norway
June 19th: Back to Stockholm
Oj oj...I think thats enough information for the night! I am planning on a lot of fikas this week. Tomorrow with Sanna, Wednesday with Sophia, and Thursday Anna is here. Talk about a busy schedule!! I have to get to sleep!!
wGod natt!!
Spectacular Weekend!!
What a great weekend and it isn't even over yet!! It has been busy and I still have not finished what I need to, but I'm not worried about it much! It is almost 11.30 in the morning and I still have not made it out of bed, but I have enjoyed just lounging around and not being stressed!! It's really nice right now and just what I need!! The weather looks absolutely beautiful right now!! I am about to get up and go for a nice walk I think, one of my new favorite activities!! But then I must begin the packing. I have procrastinated long enough, I have to make the move out of my apartment and into Julia's for the next month and a half. I have most of the day to get this completely and then I will attend church later tonight at 4.00. Perhaps a night fika with some of my church friends after, but then back to the packing and moving activities.
Have a mentioned yet that this weekend was pretty great!! Well it started off on Friday when I played some innebandy (floorball) with my SFI friends!! This was actually our "practice" because next Friday I will be playing in an innebandy game vs. the Umeå Kommun with the SFI group. Playing innebandy is quite fun!! And in fact, I actually scored a goal!! It was so much fun and I got a pretty good workout as week our game is at 2.00 at Gammlia if anybody is interested. So then after the practice I went over to Maria's for a fantastic fika with Kalle, Frida, Johan and little Leo! She made some tasty mozarrela sandwiches, and also some brownies later!! It was great food and company! Little Leo is so adorable by the way. Leo is Maria and Kalle's 10 month old son, and he is SOOOOOOOOOO cute. I love playing with him, he was such a happy baby. I am looking forward to future play times!! Later that night Sophia picked me up to go over to Cissi's apartment. There we munched on some snacks and sipped on some wine and had us some good girl talk. We actually had some wine left over from our ski trip to Hemavan so that's what we used! It was a very nice and pleasant evening!!
On Saturday morning I woke up early to attend Sophia's spinning class at USM. Let me just mention right now that another reason I am still laying around in bed is because my legs are pretty sore from a good workout in the class. It was so much fun though to workout doing something else besides running or lifting weights!! In fact I KNOW I want to do it again! The class was instructed in Swedish, but my dear friend Sophia was kind enough to throw in some English for me ;) Thanks friend!! Oh and also thanks for making my quadriceps incredibly sore today...haha!! After the class, I received a phone call from Ida telling me about this 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Ålidhem that I should come check out! Her boyfriend Jonas was playing in it and she thought it would be something we would enjoy watching! So I went and accompained Ida to the basketball event and ran into a lot of people I actually knew in the basketball world of Umeå! I made a quick phone call to Tony and told him about it and he also joined us! It was actually a very eventful and fun event! Tony ended up joining a team, as well as Ida. A girl had gotten injured, so Ida stepped in to replace her. It was pretty sweet watching Ida's team take on a bunch of guys who thought they were pretty good. In fact, her team almost beat them but it resulted in a tie. Ida was so excited after the game that she begged...okay maybe encourage me sounds better... to come and join their team! I didn't have any basketball clothes or basketball shoes on me, so I borrowed some shorts from Ida and just played in my running shoes. We played another all-guys team and they were clearly dominating us from the beginning. Then we made a little run and all of a sudden our game was close. We were down 2 points, so I thought (it was actually only 1 pt we were down) when in the final seconds of the game I shot a deep 3-pointer as the buzzer sounded off and it went in!!! We ended up winning the game and the crowd went wild there---haha!! My team was Ida, Tina (plays for IKSU) and Angelica (a german-exchange student). No way we should of won! But we did and it felt sweet!! And even better, that game put us through to play-offs!! But our luck run out short, and we ended up losing in our next game and were finished playing in the tournament. But that one game was so much fun and one I will NEVER FORGET!!
Later that night I met up with the soccer boys for dinner and then went over to their place and watched a movie, NOTORIOUS (about Biggie's life). Then I went over to my friend Danny's place to play some rock band with him and his friend Lars. I took the guitar one time, the drums another time, but my favorite for some reason was the lyrics! We rocked it, that's for sure!
So now it's time to get up, go on a walk, start packing and begin the moving process!! Time to get it going!!
Congrats to my friend Mattias on finally winning some gold!! It's about time :P His team won the Swiss innebandy league last night!! GRATTIS!!
Hope everybody had a great weekend!!
On Tuesday, Tony and I did a Basketball Fun Day! This was a combination of all the Comets teams in all ages. Girls as young as 8 years old, to girls as old as16 years of age! It was so much fun putting them all together and having them run through some basketball drills. It included some competitions, cheering and shouting, a little drama skit put on by Tony and myself, and 5 on 5 playing. I really think everybody enjoyed there time there and I thought it was great putting all the teams together and the girls really getting along!! I am so amazed by the amount of energy Tony gives every second of every minute. It is insane but I think it is sooo awesome!! Everybody really does feed of his emotion and passion for the sport of basketball. MAJOR SWEETNESS!!

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. The sun was shining, the snow was melting and people out and about everywhere. Just stunning! Then today....SNOWING! I can't is freakin snowing right now. Gray skies, cold weather, and snow. April weather in Umeå, pretty crazy! I was so excited after yesterday that the start of summer may be on it's way, and then it goes and snows today. Well the good news is, that I don't think the snow is really sticking. Because I can still see the grass that is starting to appear everywhere! I went to Gammliahallen to workout, but couldn't manage yet to get in a good workout, so I went for a long walk instead. The snow was blowing in my face and my feet got a little wet...but I still managed to get in a good walk. Once I got home, I warmed up some hot chocolate and decided to sit in front of the computer and write a blog for today!! Now there is some ambition right there!!
Not much planned for tonight. I will probably meet my new friends for dinner, aka the soccer boys, Toby, Jesper and Vlado who play for Umeå FC. Since my roommates have left me and I spend more time alone than normal, they said that it would be alright if I could join their group, haha!! Okay it really isn't like that...but it's fun to hangout since all of us really don't have much to do in our busy sport lives! They are really nice and fun so I really enjoy their company!!
What else...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Jamie will be here May 16th and that is exactly ONE MONTH away now! That is going to be SO MUCH fun, I can't wait. Next weekend Anna will be back for a District game we will be playing in!! We will probably just be playing IKSU, a division II team. It will be nice to have Anna back!! We will also have to pack EVERYTHING up in our apartment and officially move out.
Hope everybody is having a great week!! I will try and keep up with this better since I will have a little more time on my hands. School will also be starting back up next week, so that will keep me a little more busy.
I Miss Lil' Prince!

On top of the world!!
So this weekend was a fantastic weekend of skiing and great company! I even got to experience some of the mountains in Sweden...although I must say they don't really compare to mountains of Colorado, but they were still good!! I accompanied Sophia, Jonas, Maria, Kalle, Johan and Andreas to a 4 day trip in the mountains!! It was sooooo much fun! The weather was great also and we all picked up those cool ski face sunburns (you know the one's where you can see where your googles were on...haha!). The weekend was packed with some great one
"My name BE Johan"
"It's raining Johan"
"Where is my Lil' Prince"
"We'll be coming down the we come!"
Ok so I titled this blogg I MISS MY LIL' PRINCE because both Sophia and Maria have mentioned it in their blogg's. SOOOO I thought I would be a good sport about it and just take it and join in. What they don't realize is, was at the time I really thought he was the man of my dreams. He had the looks, the SIZE, and he could even go off ski jumps! I met him on our first trip to the suana and immediately was drawn to him! Then later that night I saw him again at our restaurant bar and sparks began to fly. But as the weekend continued, I just thought in my heart that it wasn't right. So I knew little prince was gone forever in my life!! Sad story but maybe one day we will meet again! Maybe Hemavan 2010!! YOU GUYS SUCK BTW!! AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WONDERING...IT WAS NOTHING LIKE THIS...THEY JUST THINK ITS FUNNY TO TEASE ME ABOUT THIS.
SOOO anyway, Sophia, Jonas and myself left Umeå on Thursday afternoon around 14.00 and drove about 4 hours North-West to Hemavan. We met up with Maria, Kalle, Johan and Andreas at our stuga (swedish for cabin) just in time for dinner. We had two rooms with four beds in each room. The girls took one room while the boys took the other. That night we settled in, took a suana and lounged at our restaurant pub. Had a couple drinks, played some darts, and had some good talk with the group!
Leaving Umeå

Sauna, Drinks and Lounging at the Stuga 1st Night

We woke up the next morning bright and early to hit the slopes! I went skiing along with Johan and Andreas...while Jonas, Sophia, Maria and Kalle went snowboarding. I want to note here that I have not skied in 2 years so I was a little rusty. The group that I was with however, was not bad at all. In fact, I thought they were really good and made me look like a rookie! It was still fun though and I didn't even fall my first time down. The second time though, was a much different story. Since everybody thought that I did good the first time, they were like...Hey Amy, come down this slope with us! I believe it was a black or blue...and I knew that I was not ready for that yet. But as the guys kept encouraging me, my courage grew and I decided to take the slope. After about the first minute or so, I just wiped out hard losing both my skies and rolling a bit down the mountain. Sophia, Jonas and Andreas both stayed with me during this tough time and helped me get back on my feet, while the rest just left. It wasn't long after that I fell again and then I think yet again after that. I was almost two seconds away from just walking down the mountain when I took a big breath and focused hard. And yes!! I finally made it down!! Once we got down, we made a little hole with a snow sofa and took a fika!! I love this Swedish culture and all the fikas we do. We drank some hot chocolate and ate some sandwiches. The sun began to shine on us and everything felt great!! Nice and relaxing!! The whole day was spent skiing until around 16.00, then we went to AFTER SKI!! After ski was a lot of fun...there was local band from Umeå there and everybody just hungout, drank some beers and danced!! After...AFTER SKI, we went back to our stuga (I took a power nap, along with a few others) and then later that night we went out to a club at the famous hotel, Högfjällshotellet, in Hemavan for some dancing.
At the bank...

On the mountain...


At Högfjällshotellet dancing...

On Saturday I was absolutely EXHAUSTED! After a full day of skiing the day before and then a night of dancing, I pretty much felt like I had been run over by a truck a few times. But I got up out of bed, went with the crew to the top of the mountain on my skies and just slept the morning at our snow bank on a blanket. For lunch I managed to ski down the moutain, eat at the ski restaurant and then back to our bank! I did ski more times after lunch, I managed to build a little more energy. Jonas accompained me on skies also, he took Johan's. So that was fun. Maria and I after awhile decided to head back to our stuga and take a nap while the rest of them went to after-ski #2. We napped, showered, and got ready for our Easter dinner...(called Påskmiddag), at the place we were staying. The others joined us right before the dinner and all of us enjoyed the EASTER TABLE of food...called PÅSKBORD. It was a very good dinner!! In the night...lets just title that Sophia's night...we went out to the hotel again for yet another night of dancing. Met some new friends and hungout with them some of the night!
On the mountain Day #2

At the top

At lunch...

Påskmiddag...Easter dinner

Hanging out in the stuga...

Sunday morning was a little bit different then the others. I accompained Maria to the hospital in Tärnaby because she had a really bad cough and felt sick the entire trip. My legs were so tired and sore from the past two days, I knew that I could not ski anymore. So while the rest went up to the mountain again, Maria and I had our own little adventure to the hospital. We came back to the stuga...watched Sweden vs. Finland in women's hockey...packed the car...and left for Umeå around 16.00. We got back to Umeå around 21.30 and I had never been so tired in my life! WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND! Today was the first day I have felt a little more rested and recovered, but soon I will be back in top-shape!!
Hope everyone had a GLAD PÅSK...Happy Easter!!
BEFORE...(and Yes Anna...I know they are upside down!) :)



Årets Rookie i Damligan

Grattis Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to congratulate Anna on our team for being this year's Rookie of the Year in the Damligan. Pretty sweet honor!!! I'm so proud and excited for her!! You deserve it girl!! KRAM!
Coming Soon...
Goodbye for now!
Happy Easter EVEYONE!!!!
Mustache Party!
Here are some pics from the evening!!

HAHA!!! Everyone had to wear a mustache!!!
Here are some classic mustaches from the evening....which one do you like best??

As the night went on!!!!

Shannon and Anna are leaving Umeå on Thursday. I will also be leaving to Hemavan for a 4-day ski trip with some friends!!! I am so excited for it and can't wait!!! It is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!! Just what I need for a good vacation right now!!! I am pretty exhausted right now. Stayed up until 5 in the morning watching NCAA men's basketball final. I can't believe it wasn't a closer game. That kind of sucked.
Julia has left :( Had a goodbye fika for her last night. Much of the team was there to say goodbye as well as some other friends!! It was also another pleasant evening spent with everyone. Kind of sad how everybody is saying goodbye right now. You will have a great time in Oslo Jules!!! LYCKA TILL!!
I'm off to bed. I'll try and write another log before I take off Thursday! Take care everyone!
Ending on a Strong Note!!! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!

So I have a lot to blog about!!! Let's start with our best victory of the entire season happening last night!! It was so SWEET!!!!!!! We beat Sallen and ended up winning the qualifications!! We actually ended up in 1st place!! Yippee!!!
Going into the game last night, we knew that we had to win to stay in the Damligan next year. There was a possibility that if Eskilstuna won, we could still advance...but we didn't want to rely on that. We knew that we had to win the game! We controlled our own destiny. We started the game and it was very close in the first quarter, but we had the edge 21-16. Then in the second quarter we started to get a little cold on all our shots...I mean nothing was falling in. Also it hurt us because Ida picked up her 3rd foul in the 2nd and Shannon was a risk with 2 fouls. So with those factors, Sallen passed us and lead by 4 pts going into half-time. At half-time I was a little disappointed with our defense, because I really didn't think that we were putting that much effort into it....I knew we could have been going a lot harder! So we re-evaluated our defense pressure and decided to pick-up man to man and put the pressure on their guards. The third quarter got a little scary because Sallen continued to sustain the lead by 5-6 pts through out. And it almost felt like nothing was working offensively on our end. So going into the 4th quarter we knew that we had to pick it up! With about 5 minutes left to go in the game, we were down 6 pts I believe. Our hopes and dreams of staying in the Damligan were getting a little weaker. And then, like the snap of a finger...we changed gears! I mean our defense was AMAZING!!! We seriously had about 5-6 steals in a row on defense and went on a 23-9 run. It was absolutely the best thing I have ever experienced playing basketball. Everybody was playing with their hearts and everything was so emotional! Our crowd was absolutely ridiculous! The energy was fantastic! It just felt so freaking unbelievable! And we win the game 68-57!!!!!!!

It was really a team effort in this victory!! EVERYBODY played together and that is the reason for this win no doubt. I am so proud of us doing this!! We really did work our butts off at the end of the game!! That's why we won the game!! I was also really happy for Anna Ö because I got on her at half-time really bad about playing bad defense. And then in the 4th quarter she literally gets 5 steals...almost in a row! She stepped up big...good job girl ;)! And then of course there was the shot heard round the world from one of the least expected players on our team. Caroline Sigefelt hits a big time 3 pointer with about 2 minutes remaining in the game to put us up 7pts!! It was the nail in the coffin! The entire gym errupted after she made the shot and everybody was absolutely estatic!! Yeah Caro!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for her...she has been the heart and soul of the Comets for quite some time! Ida also played a tough match, her emotion was the best though! So energetic and determined...she ended up with 13 pts. Shannon battled vs. the other teams best player the entire game and she did a great job. She had no idea what to do and was pretty much shut-down once Shannon got into her head! Also was able to get 3 steals and 16 points! Great performance! Anna ended up with 11 points and 11 rebounds (and the 5 steals I already mentioned). I had 19 pts and 15 rebounds. And I did knock a girl in the face (not on purpose of course) which actually resulted in her losing a tooth. I feel pretty bad about that one! But like I said the entire team played great! Frida played some tremendous defense on their guards, which she deserves more credit for and Madde was our spark from the bench! Julia worked her butt off on defense and like always, boosted some more energy for us when we really needed it! I am so proud of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the game we celebrated like we had just won the world championships!! It was so GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! We jumped up and down, hugged every single person we could, and the best part...we sang WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!! HAHA! It was great! I stole some of these celebration pictures from our local newspapers!! A lot of people came up to me after the game to congratulate us!! We made so many people happy, including ourselves the most!!
Way to end on strong note!
New Game!
Fy fan!