Game Time!!

Only two more games left in regular season.
One semla...
Two semlor...
Three semlor...
OKAY that's all I could do!! Three semlor today! Oh I love them!!
Tonight I am going to stay up and watch Fort Lewis vs. Adams State. The game starts at 6:00pm mountain time...that means 2.00 am here. But I am running on a sugar rush kind of...just think I will hit my wall in about an hour or so. But still, I am really excited to watch Fort Lewis!! My alma mater!! Currently they are ranked #2 in the nation which is so amazing!! Plus Adam State is always a good rival game! GO SKYHAWKS!!
Also tonight...I worked on my swedish for like 3 hours straight. With the help of my roommate (Anna, clearly not Shannon) I was able to write up my little spill for my oral exam tomorrow. I will have to tell my teacher where everything is in my apartment. No notes, straight from memory. And I have to answer questions also :S I'm a little nervous, but I have been working on it for some time now, so I hope I do alright! ;)
Well what else...??? Nothing really. I'm boring. Oh and my roomies did start a 1000 piece puzzle. Well hope everybody has had a great start to their week!! Miss ya back home! Soon I'll be home!!
Fantastic Weekend!!
Despite being sick for the really was a great weekend!! And much of that can be contributed to our win on Friday!! Saturday was spent with my roomies in a low-key setting. Went to eat lunch together and then went to the University for a fika. I am not exactly sure how we ended up at the University for a fika...but we went to the HHUS and lounged around for awhile. Then we went home...watched some basketball on the computer...Luleå vs. 08. It was a pretty exciting game...08 won by two points, but Luleå had a chance to tie or win with a last second shot (they missed). Then it was time to get ready to pre-party with the team at Anna's and then head over to our good friends party...the IKSU basketball team! I was feeling still a little sick, so I decided to attend the party for awhile and then head home for some rest. It was really fun to spend some outside time with the team!! Good times for sure!!
Here are some random pictures of the evening...
After the IKSU party, I dropped off some of the girls at Rex for some dancing. I decided to go home and sleep my head cold away....which worked. Because the next day, I felt 100x's better!! Finally through with my cold!! Sunday was relaxing day. I started the morning with some Swedish homework...practice makes perfect!! Then a long day spent with my buddy Sophia! We had planned to fika around 14.30 and head over to the Umeå City innebandy match which was suppose to start at 16.00. But the game got moved to 17.30 and then again to 18.00. So Sophia had a lot more time on our hands than expected. I brought Sophia with me to church to meet up with Shannon. We hung around there for awhile and then decided to go get some food before the game, or else we would be starving by the time it ended. We finally got to watch the game after about 3 hours of messing around...and it was a really good game!! City ended up winning 7-4! So maybe now they will face Dalen in får se!!
OH btw...looks like we will be playing an extra month in the qualifications. A team we needed to lose yesterday ended up winning, so that put us 2 games behind. Meaning most likely we will end up in the bottom two. I'm not too worried about it right now...because I am confident we will do alright.
And now that leaves me to present time! Today was a typical Monday. I had school, went to basketball school to coach the little girls, and then had practice. Jag har pratat mycket svenska idag och jag vet inte varför? Good practice. Jag ska ta ett prov på onsdag om min lägenhet och alla saker i den. Jag ska skriva mer på svenska nästa nytt inlägg!!
Tomorrow is FAT TUESDAY!!! That means I am going to eat semlor for breakfast,,,and then for lunch...and then for dinner!!! ALL THREE MEALS!!!!! YESSSSS!!! I can't wait!! It's going to be great...although I might turn out fat! OH WELL:..I mean it is fat tuesday!! Alright...time for bed!! Hope everybody had a great weekend!!
3rd Time is a Charm!!

VK article
3 is the magic number right now!! I know it is only our 3rd victory of the year....but it still feels great!!! Last night we won against Jämtland 56-50!! We really came out hard in the 1st quarter of the game. We jumped on Jämtland early and after 10 minutes, the score was 22-4. The first quarter seemed to be our only quarter where we scored more than 20 pts, because as the game continued on, Jämtland continued to creep back into it. At half-time the score was 33-15 and I was so proud of us that we held the team to only 15 pts. We played great this game...holding them to only 50 pts for the entire game. I was so proud of us that we kept our composure at the end of the game and held on for the victory!!
I ended the game with 16 pts and 14 rebounds. Anna Ö had 15 pts and 12 rebounds (yeah 12 rebounds...way to go Anna!!) and Shannon had 15pts. ROOMIES!! We out-rebounded Jämtland 47-29!! That was the difference in the game. We wanted the ball more and it showed!! I am so proud of the team and how much we fought last night!! We came out focused and determined. I was especially proud because I told the team before that I was little out of it with my head cold-which I was a bit. I told them it might be hard to keep focused and on them the entire game, so they would have to step up and take action on their own! And that is exactly what they did!! Feels great and I really think a lot of the girls on the team are gaining some confidence!! Just what we need to finish up our last two games!!
So now we must pick up one more win (and if Brahe loses today) to avoid the qualifications. We have Solna at Solna and Marbo at home. We have to get ot 4 wins and then we have the tiebreaker over both Brahe and Eskilstuna. We will have to see how everything pans out. I always hope for the best...i'll cross my fingers and hold my thumbs!!
Here is a picture the VF newspaper put in. It's of us three (notice how sick I look...not my best picture).

Let's keep this up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We won tonight!!!! 50-56 vs. Jämtland!!! SO EXCITING!! So now 2 out of our last 3 games we have won!! I hope we keep it up!! All write more later...
I'm feeling kind of sick. Been battling a sinus infection I think. My head hurts a lot. Going to go to bed now!! Talk more about the game tomorrow.
But it really really feels really nice right now to win!!!!!!! YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!
GAME TOMORROW!!!! vs. Jämtland kl. 19.00 at Gammliahallen!! Should be a good game!!! I hope for the best!!
Tjena Sverige!! -20 C

Snowmobiling on the sea.

Check out how blue the sky is!!

More on the sea...

So so so so so so so so so pretty!!!! Love it!!!

Hanging out in the cabin drinking some hot chocolate and grilling some sausage. Then some more driving on the snowmobile!! Lots and lots of fun!!
Nothing new really going on right now. We went down to Stockholm this weekend and played against Telge. Lost by 36 pts to the #1 in league. We played really well in the first two quarters, but couldn't keep it up. We were tired and it really showed. Our third game in a week. I'm not making excuses, but you definetly tell we were all a little tired. That's all I'm going to say about that game.
We play this week on Friday vs. a very beatable team for us, Jämtland. Only 3 more games left. I can't believe regular season is almost over. This is a very important game for us!! So I hope for the best!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!! Talk to ya soon!!!
FRIDAY the 13th!!!! How Spooky!!
SOOOOO...what's the best thing to do on Friday the 13th. DUH!! Go snowmobiling!!!
Julia took us today to her father's cottage just north of Umeå for some snowmobiling fun!! We took the snowmobiles out some way, and then had lunch in a mini-cabin type thing (can't remember the name of it). Julia's dad built a nice fire and we sat around it drinking coffee and hot chocolate. Ate some sandwiches and then grilled some sausage! It was so much fun!! Then afterwards, we call got a chance to drive the snowmobiles in the open land! It is such a rush...I LOVE IT!! Here are some pictures from our little adventure!!
I took a lot more pictures but I will put those up later. Here is a little sneak peek into our adventure!! It was so much fun and I really want to thank Julia and her dad for taking us out on this thrill ride!! It was so beautiful also. This last picture is of us on the sea right next to the cottage. We are driving on the sea!! HOW CRAZY!! It was also a perfect day and the weather was great!!
Tonight Julia and I went and watched the movie Friday the 13th. Mainly because today is Friday the 13th and also because we thought it would be a scary movie. But it wasnt really, in fact I think we laughed more! There was also a lot of nudity that I didnt think was necessary. Now I am sitting at my place alone because my roommates Anna and Shannon went down to Stockholm a day early. I will join them tomorrow with the rest of the team because we are playing in Södertälje vs. Telge. A team that is at the top of the league...but you never know. I mean we are coming off a one game winning streak!! :) Then we will spend the night at Anna's place in Stockholm and head back to Umeå on Sunday.
I really think time is flying by fast lately. I can't believe there are only 4 more games left of regular season. WOW! I hope we can win two more games and avoid the qualification games. We will just have to wait and see. POSITIVE THOUGHTS!! Well I better head to bed! Big day day and travel. I will be bringing along my swedish homework, because my teacher gave me a ton for the weekend. I will have some of the best tutors around me!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Segern Är Vår!!

We celebrated like we won a championship!!! And it felt like it!!

These are pictures taken from the local newspaper. Of course they took pictures of our celebration!! Too bad they didn't get any pictures when the entire team lifted Shannon in the air!!
So the game was a great win for us. Not to mention it was by 15 pts!! Shannon put on the suspense at the end when we needed her to make at least one freethrow in order to get the tie-breaker over Brahe. They beat us by 14 pts earlier in the year, so we needed to beat them by more than that. It feels great not only to win a game, but to win by 15 pts! SWEET!!! We held Brahe to only 44 pts and the papers wrote today how it was some of the best defense they have ever seen the Comets play in the Damligan. It was pretty solid defense! And it was so great to have Shannon back again playing!! She really did play a great game!! Scoring 14 pts and controling the ball the entire game!! It was great!! Other players stepped up also, in fact, the ENTIRE TEAM!! We played confident and tough last night. I think we did a great job of keeping our composure and controlling the game until the end!! I shot probably the most freethrows ever. I shot a total of 16 in the game and made 15!! 15 of my 23 pts came from freethrows....crazy!! I also had 14 rebounds and 3 blocks. Something I rarely get :)
Now we must win atleast 2 more games to hopefully avoid the qualification games. Like my friend Mattias said to me, maybe this is the season turnaround for us!! Lets hope so and I really hope we can pick up 2 more wins!! We have a good chance with 4 games remaining and 2 being at home vs. Jämtland and Marbo. Let's hope for the best!! I know this was a huge confidence booster for the team and hopefully more is to come!! Thanks everyone for your great support!! :)
Viva la Comets!!
So awesome!!! Here is the stats from the night Pretty freakn amazing!!
I am so happy for Shannon also!!
I will talk more about it later, too tired right now. All I have to say is this feels great right now!!! :)

Game Tomorrow

Game tomorrow vs. Brahe at Gammliahallen kl. 19.00!!! Shannon's back!!!!!
Go Comets!!
Here are some pictures from Saturday night!! The night was pretty crazy and it involved a lot of fun and exciting things!! HAHA!! Including some karaoke singing by Shannon and myself, dancing, playing some blackjack (winning 220!) and a late night walking adventure.
The night started off with our Dalen friends...Hjort and Fridas apartment!! Me and my roomies had a fantastic night together!!
SCHLAGER!!! Dancing and singing to songs we had NO CLUE ABOUT!!!! Pretty funny!!
I make some of the greatest faces!!
It was a really fun night!!
So I was reading Sophia's blogg today and she challenged me to a picture challenge. To take the sixth picture from my pictures on my computer in my sixth folder and describe the picture. It was so funny when I saw what picture it was!! I was sitting on my bed with Shannon finding the picture and talking about how this sounded really fun...and the picture was of her!! HAHA!! So funny I thought!! She freaked a little!!
This picture is of Shannon and her boyfriend Kyle on Christmas Eve. We all went over to Julia's house for a dinner and opened presents. Kyle's luggage didn't arrive to Umeå on time, so he wore the same outfit for 4 days straight. And his would be the outfit!! Pretty fun story to go with the picture! Despite that, we had a really nice evening and the food was great!! Christmas in Sweden....sweet!!

Great idea Sophia and I accepted the challenge!! But now I know I have to send the challenge out to six more people but I don't have that many friends that blogg (and Sophia already did it) I challenge Shannon and Mattias!! Have fun!!
Holy Snow!!
There is so much snow here in Umeå it's crazy!!! It has been 4 straight days of snow constantly falling. I can't believe all the snow right now. The snow piles are getting so tall now....I took some pictures of some around our apartment. Check out the bikes in the snow...should give you a good idea of how much snow has fallen.
Last night we lost our game by 1 point...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT SUCKS SO BAD.
I don't really have that much more to comment on right now about it. A little bitter still... We play this week on Wednesday vs. Brahe. They were our first game this season, so a lot of things have happened since then.
School tomorrow and basketball school later...then of course practice...gonna be a busy day!!
Hope everybody had a great weekend!!!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!! I haven't even had a chance to call and tell you, but I wanted to write this blogg and let you know that I remembered and sending you happy birthday wishes all the way from Sweden! Hope you had a great day!!
Love ya!!
My New Hairdo!!

Shannon and I went and got our hair did!!! I'm pretty blonde now and I have bangs!!! Shannon did an ok job with my hair...but then my hair kind of turned yellow...haha! So I went to go get it done at the hair saloon instead!! Shannon also got her hair cut!

That's all for now!
My Hair
11.45 - Lunch
12.30 - Class
14.30 - Class ends
16.00 - Help coach Blom's U16 team
18.00 - Basketball School
19.30 - Practice
20.45 - Dinner
Last night Shannon, Julia (half the time) and myself stayed up to watch the Superbowl! Here it started at 12.30AM and I stayed up and watched it until 3.30am...and it was only in the 3rd quarter. The Steelers were up 17-7 but I just couldn't stay up any longer so I went to bed. Yeah I can't believe I went to sleep during the Superbowl....I don't think my dad will be proud of that. Sorry Dad! I saw the Steelers ended up winning which they wrote was a thriller to the end. They were down 23-20 and came back to win with less than a minute to play. So of course I missed a good game...that kind of sucks.
But I am pretty tired from the trip this weekend. Yesterday, after we played our game on Saturday, we spent the entire day driving and watching basketball. We went and watched the top Division I team play a game and then drove to Eskilstuna to watch them play against Visby. We play Eskilstuna this Saturday in a match up of the #11 team vs. #12 team. That's all I really have to say about that. It was probably about 4 hours of driving which was not the most fun. And the hard part was, that we ate breakfast around 9am and the next time we got to eat wasn't until 17.30 or so. I was dying of hunger! But thankfully we finally discovered a Max and everything was better after that.
Today our new player is moving into our apartment. Her name is Maurita Reid and she is from Queens, New York. She played at the University of Miami. She has come in to hopefully help us win some games so we can avoid the qualification games to stay in the league. Brahe upset Marbo last night, so that is NOT good for us. Now we have to do our job and win some games. We have 4 home matches left and 2 away games. Anything is possible! I am hoping for the best! :)
Well I hope everybody had a great weekend!! It is time for me to get out of bed and get ready for my exciting, busy day!! :) Talk to ya'll later!!