Another Week in Iowa
I'm still hanging out in Iowa!! My mom and I will head back to Colorado on Monday the 3rd. Not much has happening, besides spending time with the family and just relaxing. Kyle and I still go and workout every other day. Today we have an outing to Des Moines, we are taking our grandma to the hospital for a check-up on her hands she broke. It's been almost 4 weeks since she fell and broke her arms, so her recovery looks really good right now! 6 of us are going to the hospital today, Kyle, Alma, Grandpa, Grandma, Mom and myself.
Tomorrow Alma, Gary, Kyle and myself are leaving for Sioux City, IA. We are going to checkout Kyle's future college, Briar Cliff University. He will play basketball his next two years there. In fact, we are going down so he can play open gym with his future team on Sunday. Should be interesting!
BREAKING NEWS*****************
My ticket is booked and ready for my return to Sweden!! I leave Denver Aug. 19th and arrive in Umea Aug. 20th!! Hope everybody is ready for me!!! I'm excited to get back and check-out the new team!!
Well that's all I have for now, not much to report. Just thought I would write something to keep the few entertained that read my blog :)
Hope everybody has a great weekend!!
A Night in Ames
(I tried to upload photos but it took you have to wait a bit).
Friday night Kyle and I went down to Ames for an eventful night. Iowa State is in Ames so it was fun seeing all the college students and seeing the college night life of Iowa!! It was fun. Very laid back I thought, lots of pool playing, karaoke singing and sitting around. Fun times for sure. It was the first time I was able to go out with my cousin Kyle since he has turned 21.
This week has been pretty laid back. On Wednesday I went with Kyle up to the "Y" to workout and later that night my cousin Kelsey came over. We built a farm outside and sat around it making smores!! It was really nice. Then on Thursday I went to visit my grandma. She fell about 4 weeks ago and broke both of her arms. She is healing really well and she is doing a lot of good physical therapy right now. She is learning how to get up without her arms and also enhancing her walking, trying to prevent future falls. She is being taken care of at the Lutheran home right now, until she gets better! On Thursday night my mom and Grandpa came over for dinner at Alma and Gary's. All of us were there except for Grandma. It was a great meal that Alma prepared for us, and I helped a little as well. We grilled out brats, hamburgers and porkchops. That's one great thing about Iowa, the meat her is always so good and very plentiful. I made a fruit salad and then pumpkin bars, which I was really proud of. They turned out pretty good. Maybe I should work on cooking and baking more...then I could claim I'm pretty good at it!! But since I never do it, it's hard for me to say that!!
So I have spent a lot of time with the family here. It's been great! I have enjoyed my stay a lot so far. It looks like I will be leaving here in one week from today. Back to Colorado for the beginning of August!! Today we are traveling into Perry to visit my grandma again and then out to eat Mexican food!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
This pictures are taken on my Aunt and Uncles farm in Iowa. Pretty sweet!! The never-ending corn and bean fields. Nice day today, I'm going to go meet my Cousin at the YMCA to workout here in about an hour! Then we are having a BBQ tonight.

Taken from my aunt and uncle's kitchen window...check out the bean field!

This picture was taken on our drive yesterday through Iowa...miles of energy wind-mills.

I'm now on the 4th book!!! Just started yesterday the Breaking Dawn. I can't put this series down. Love it!!

Gonna go eat lunch...or dinner as they say here in Iowa! Later

The sun blasting in the dessert...115 degrees most days...

My cousin Michelle's swimming pool in their backyard...very nice!!

Lauren my buddy...Michelle's almost 11 month old daughter!!
Seeing my family was great. Monica picked me up from the airport, went over to Chad and Michelle's for dinner and my aunt Joy and uncle John were there as well. Then I spent the entire next day with Michelle and Lauren, that was fun. Then met up with Monica to check out her house later in the night. The next day I left for the party.

At the hotel on Friday with the bachelorette girls...notice how we are the only guesys crazy enough to be outside in this oven?!?! An entire day spent by the pool!!!

Me and Steph...Friday night about 10 girls showed up to play games and just hangout!! Just hanging out in our sweats!

Amie the bachelorette...nice crown!! And balloon hmmmmm....

Saturday night...the Colorado girls!!

So pretty...going out Saturday night!

Most of all the girls out for dinner at Toby Keith's Restaurant!

Our own personal table singer!!

The Fort Lewis basketball girls!! Holla!!!

At the Big Bang! Piano improv!! BRILLANTLY FUN!!!! SO SO SO FUNNY!!!
Here are some of the pictures...the edited ones anyway. Maybe I will try to post more when I have some more time. It was a great weekend!! Hopefully I get a hold of some more pictures because I actually didn't take as many because everybody around me was a taking a lot.
Well tomorrow I am waking up at 4.30 in the morning and trying to leave by 5.00am for our drive to Iowa. My mom and I will be making the trip together and I believe the drive will be around 10 hours or so...I believe that's how long it took me last year. We will stay for about 10 days. I am going to visit my grandparents, aunt Alma, uncle Gary and cousin Kyle and Kelsey! It's been over a year since the last time I say them!! I'm looking forward to it for sure!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Gotta get to bed!!
Sov gott, god natt.

Move out, duck, get out of the way....I'm golfing!! Haha!! Yesterday I discovered that I am probably the worst golfer ever!! I was horrible. Well maybe it's not as bad as I am describing, but I wasn't good anyway. I did have fun though and maybe if I took a lesson or something I would be a lot better!! I was pretty impressed with my dad. He actually knows how to golf unlike myself. We actually didn't play a course, we just went to the driving range to hit balls and see how I would do. Well it wasn't very successful so we decided it would be best NOT to play the 9-hole. Better luck next time I suppose. It was still fun for me. I laughed a myself. And maybe someday I can get better. I know it takes lots of practice.
Today I leave for Arizona!!! The weather has been hot here but nothing compared to what it will be like in AZ. The last few days it has been in the 90's here but I just asked my friend Kip what the weather was like in AZ, and he said 112. That's 44 degrees celsuis for you Swedish people reading. That is really really HOT! Not sure how I am going to sit outside. I guess I will be by the pool so maybe I won't notice as much. :-)
My blog may take a 5 day break since I am not sure if I will have computer access while I am down there, and a little break from the blogg for me may be good!. But I am sure I will come back with a ton of pictures from the trip and the bachelorette party!!


Check you all later!! Have a good rest of the week!!
Olympic Training Center

1. From the outside
2. Visitor center
3. Inside the complex, all the flags from around the world.

1. Where the men's gymnastic team practice
2. Wrestling team practice place
3. The swimming pool.
4-5. Where the shooting team practices.
6. One building is where basketball practices and the other is the swimming pool.

The weight room!! Where Olympians are made!!

Look an olympic basketball player....NOT!

My dad...Olympian hopeful????

I put this picture up for my dad! There was a fox that lived there and was just meters away from us. Not scarred or anything. Pretty neat I guess!! And then I put the other picture for my Swedish friends...I found the Swedish flag at the center!
It was fun and very interesting. I enjoyed it anyway!! Olympians train 4-6 hours a day. In order to train at this facility you must be the top 10% in the country in your sport. About 300-500 athletes live full time at the training center. You have to be at least 15 years old to train there, that is why women's gymnastics does not practice at the complex (they are simply too young).
Tomorrow I leave for Arizona and I will spend a ton of time in the sun, sun, sun!!! But it's going to be HOT! Monica, my cousin will pick me up at the airport. I will then spend the next two days with the family, then meet up with the bachelorette party on friday till saturday and then finally meet up with a couple of friends on sunday night (KIP!) and leave on Monday! Nice 5 days planned! Looking forward to it.
Now I am off to play some golf with my dad! I've never played golfed in my life! This is going to be interesting!!
Vi hörs!
Centennial Ceremony

At our table in the ballroom.

RMAC program with all the All-Century teams listed.

Over 500 people in attendance!

My grandparents, my dad and myself.

Our table at the banquet, 4 of us at this table made the team...I was the youngest.

Going up to receive my award.

Being presented the award from the RMAC commissioner, JR Smith.

There is the team, everyone that was there...8 of us total.

Coming back from the stage.
It was great evening with a lot of great athletes in my presence. I felt extremely honored!! Lot's of pictures taken, even an interview on camera and tons of people to talk to. I am very humble and greatful that I was selected and honored on this team. Special thanks to my dad and grandparents for attending this Centennial Ceremony with me!!
Peace out!

Last night I met up with Ben and Kate for a mini-reunion! It was great to see them!! I hadn't seen Kate in almost 2 years and Ben for over a year. That's a LONNNNGGGG time. Kate now lives in Colorado Springs and Ben was in town for the RMAC meeting, and it just worked out for us to hangout! We met up at Gasoline Alley in downtown Colo. Springs. I even met someone that graduated from Rocky Mountain HS, that was crazy. It was a great night!!
Before hanging out with Kate and Ben, my dad and I went to see Public Enemies with Johnny Depp. I thought he did a great acting job! The movie was alright, pretty interesting being a true story. Then we headed downtown for some dinner. We ate a BBQ restaurant called Slaytons and it tasted great! Even some live music to accompany our meal.

Then we waited until Kate and Ben met up with us downtown. Once they came all the catching up began. The place was nice with live music and we spent all our time out on the balcony next to a fire. I thought it was pretty sweet!! There was even a magician that came and entertained us for awhile!! We were really impressed with that!

The magician fascinating us...including bending a quarter.
Today is the All-Centennial RMAC Ceremony to honor the All-century teams in everysport in the RMAC. I guess it is a sold-out event with over 500 people attending. It was going to last 6pm until 10pm. My grandparents are coming down today to accompany my dad and myself. Should be a nice event!! I'm looking forward to it!!
The All-Century Team
Now Dad and I are gong to workout now!!
Talk to ya later!!
Now I am in Colorado Springs spending some time with my dad! I will be here for 5 days and then I fly to Arizona on Wednesday to spend some time with the family and then the bachelorette party that weekend. Busy week coming up yet again. This Saturday is the RMAC banquet were i will be honored as a ALL-CENTURY team selection. My grandparents are driving down to Colorado Springs for the event and my dad of course will also come!! It should be a good night with tons of people!
I can't really think anymore and sorry for the typo's but it's time for sleep now! Maybe I will elaborate more on the camp tomorrow. I meant to take more pictures of the camp, but I only managed to take a couple!

I wish I would of taken a picture of my team...that's too bad.
Hope everybody is having a great week so far!! Talk soon!!
4th of July Pictures!!

Da boyz...Dean, Kohen, Jamin, and Blaiser

Jay's sympathy weight!

Red, White and Blue!!


Janey and miss Norah!

Me and my little bud Blaiser!!

Dean and Blais...cute little Kohen....Jamin showing off!!

Haning out on the patio!

Me and Jay

The SUPERHEROS!!!! So cute!!!
Tomorrow I start basketball camp at Colorado School of Mines. Will be in Denver for the next 4 days.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Take care!!
Happy 4th of July!!
Our seats were right on the right field line about 18 rows up! I thought they were great seats and I had a good view of Brad Hawpe the entire time. Not too bad!! And they were really great seats for the firework show after the game. The show last maybe 20 minutes with a variety of fireworks. Great music, tons of people and a spectacular show. A perfect start to the 4th of July weekend!!
Eating at The Tavern

My a classic American dish!!

The weather not looking the greatest over the stadium...before the storm and our view from where we ate.

Forced inside due to the weather...momentarily.

Row 1: At our close to the field....armed forces bringing out the flag for the national anthem.
Row 2: The diamond....sooooo many people (sold-out).....THE SUN and clear sky!!

My dad showing some American pride!!!! Nice shirt!

Sold out stadium...40,000 people

Brad Hawpe!!

Then it turned into a night game!

It was a great firework show!!
Today I am headed over to the Becker house to see Kellie, Jay and her sister Bes and husband Blais with the boys Jamin, Blais and Kohen!! Janey is coming with me and of course with Dean and Norah. It's going to be a great day of BBQ, playing with the kids and then more fireworks later!! I'm sure I will take plenty of pictures.
Nice Week!
The highlight of my week is that I have almost completed the 2nd book in the Twilight Saga, New Moon. Less than hundred pages now. It's been fun just sitting in the sun here and reading. NIce life I have here. The following pictures are from this week of house/dog-sitting and also when Janey, Matt, Dean, and Norah came over for dinner here. We were outside playing on the swings!!
The 3 Amigos...

Just relaxing and reading in the sun!!

The pond and yard of the house....where I like to hangout with the doggies!!

The Dean'minster

A confused Norah...

A happy Norah!!!

Swinging along...Oh the joys of being a kid!

Paparazzi...I'm just like her (maybe even worse)!

Going to the Rockies game tonight with my Dad!!!! Looking forward to a good, old baseball game. It has been awhile!! Hopefully we don't get rained on too hard. Of course not the best weather today, but we will survive!!
Here comes the 4th of July weekend!!!
Simple Life
So now I have been back longer than a week and not much to report. My blogg becomes less and less each week. Sorry...I will try to liven it up a bit!! My month of July is going to jammed packed. Lot's and lot's of things to do. This weekend is the 4th of July weekend. My dad and I are going to the Rockies (baskeball) game on Friday night and we will get to see fireworks after!!! Not sure exactly what I will do on the 4th of July but I have a lot of options. I just need to pick a friend or maybe my dad will come and hangout with me!!
Monday the 6th I start my first and ONLY basketball camp of the summer. I will work the Colorado School of Mines Camp for my second year in a row. These will be 5th and 6th grade boys, which I don't mind coaching at all. It's kind of nice to coach to boys...a little less work than girls. Yep I just admitted that...haha!! But it's true unfortunately. The camp will last 4 days.
Then I will travel to Colorado Springs after the basketball camp to spend some time with my dad. I also have my All-Century Team RMAC Banquet on July 11th. My grandparents and my dad will attend the event with me. I will stay in Colorado Springs until Wednesday the 15th.
On the 15th I fly out to Phoenix to meet some of my family and then Amie's BACHELORETTE PARTY for the weekend!!! Should be an exciting weekend. I fly back Monday morning to Denver.
After my Phoenizx trip I'm headed to Iowa for 10 days to spend some time with my family out there. My grandparents, aunt and uncle and two cousins. I haven't seen them for over a year now so it will be great to see them. Plus my aunt is trying to set me up while I am there with her physical therapist so I can stay in America. HAHA!! We will see how that goes.
Now I am still house sitting this week, the 3 dogs are a handful at times. Last night there was a thunderstorm and they freaked out. They had to be by me every second. It's not bad having a whole house to myself though. Tuesday night Janey, Matt, Dean and Norah came over to eat dinner with me. We had a house full!! This morning I went and had breakfast with an old highschool friend...Ashley. Her and her husband live in Fort Collins still and it was great to see her. Tonight I am going over to my grandparents house for dinner.
I've been working out hard this week! Hitting the gym ever since I have been back. I'm soon going there and then I have a SKYPE DATE with my bestest Sophia!!!
My grandma checking out the scrapbook Sophia made me. Everybody loves your handwritting here Sophia!!
Gooooooood Byeeeeeee!!
Kram kram!!