Brännboll Weekend!!
Hanging out in the sunny weather!! It was perfect this weekend!!
I played on a brännboll team this weekend. We played on Friday, 3 games...and we lost all 3 games. We were not good at all. But the most important thing was that we had fun!! It was so much fun experiencing this event. SOOOOO many people were there, it was crazy. I have never seen Umeå like that before. It was fun to watch some team dress up in funny costumes. Some teams had themes like the circus, vikings, superhereos, rabbits, etc. Kind of reminded me a little of our Halloween or something,,,But it was SO MUCH fun. I also realized that I suck at brännboll, I couldn't hit the ball. That was so frustrating. Brännboll is like a mix between softball or baseball maybe...but the thing is you toss the ball to yourself to hit it. The ball is a tennis ball and use a small stick. Then you run around 4 cones and the object is that you try to not get burned whenyou are running. When the ball gets thrown to the burner, then you must be past the cones. It's really hard to explain...but if you interested...GOOGLE IT!! Swedish people know the game! ;) Here are some pictures that were taken this weekend!!
Our Fans!!! Hanging out on the sofas!!! And some of the team!
In action!! HAHA!! Maybe trying to catch the ball soon....
The burner in action! ....and some more of our fans!!
Nice button Anna!!! Supporting me with some USA spirit!!
Then she passed it off to me!! Sporting my team shirt!! Pink!!
My two biggest fans!!
After a long day out at the field, Anna and I walked all over town. HAHA!! But we did walk from Ålidhem back to the centrum. That was a long walk. We finally came across our bikes and rode home!! At 11pm btw. When we got home, we found out we were locked out of the apartment building main door. So we had to sit around and wait until somebody walked out! FINALLY like 20 min later, a lady came out!! SWEET!!
Friday was the day I played with my brännbol team and on Saturday we went and just watched games during the day! Anna, Sophia, Maria, Leo, Oscar and myself sat around and watched some games. There were SOOOOO many people out and about. And the weather was even more amazing on Saturday!! SO HOT!!! Everybody was out, I really think the entire city was there. So many people just taking in the sun!! It was great!!
Watching some brännbol and just sitting in the sun!
Tonight Sophia and I met up with Jonas (who is home for the weekend) and went out to his summer house north of Umeå. Really great spot right off the ocean, it was beautiful out there!! We grilled some sausage, ate some roast beef, and potatoe salad. It was actually a great evening spent staring out at the ocean and enjoying each others company!! Then of course Jonas took us on a tour his summer house and family estate. Very nice!!
SOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!!! :)
I hope everybody had a great weekend!! Mine was great!! Met some new friends, played a new sport, and experienced some great weather!!! Hope this is a good start to my week!!
Only in Umeå one more week before I met John, Joy, and Monica in Stockholm next Sunday! Have to pack this week...pack it all up now! Move out of the apartment that I have been staying at the last month!! I'll be back for midsommar weekend here in Umeå, but that is for only 3 days and then I officially come back to the States JUNE 22nd!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! It's also getting closer and closer to my birthday. TIME IS FLYING!!!
Stockholm Day #1

Can you tell the difference between these pictures?!?! Jamie and I standing with Jamie in front of the Old City Stockholm.

The smallest alley in Stockholm

At the castle!

Walking around in the rain.
After we walked through the Old City...we wondered over to main city to SHOP!! We walked SO MUCH and shopped until we dropped. Well actually I only bought one thing and that was a new pair of sandles (on this day). Jamie did a great job of buying things for her family to bring back. Anna ended up leaving us and going to basketball practice...while Jamie and I met up with my friend Jonas.

We met up with Jonas after he finished work and walked over to his house for dinner. We also ended up taking the T (metro) to get there as well. I know I am a loser for mentioning that, but I am a small town girl so something like this is kind of scary for me, haha. But I figured it out after a bried moment of freaking out. Anyway, we went over to Jonas's apartment for a very amazing dinner he made us. On the menu was MOOSE steak, with cheesy potatoes and salad. It tasted great! My favorite though was the dessert. We had Swedish strawberries and ice cream!! These strawberries were amazing!!!!

The dinner...

Just hanging out after dinner, munching on some dessert!
After dinner, Jamie and I met up with an old friend from college who was in Stockholm for the weekend, Mikael Björk. He played football for Ft. Lewis and I guess I always knew he was Swedish, but it never registered until he got in contact with last year after finding out I moved here. It just so happened that he is back for the summer and he just happened to be in Stockholm for the weekend as well. It was great to see him! It had been years, and it was even more crazy seeing him here in Sweden and speaking Swedish. Anyway, we had a nice evening out with him...but we ended up leaving early for Anna's house because we were getting up early to go sailing....and that will begin Day #2. TO BE CONTINUED...
Höga Kusten och Sophias Sommar Stuga
On Wednesday morning, Jamie and I went to Sophia's spinning class at 7.10 am!! Yep that's right, in the morning. It was a great workout and afterwards we lifted some. After our workout, we went and got ready for our 2-day trip to Sophias...aka...the Molins sommar stuga (summer house). The summer house is just outside of Övik, which is just over an hour drive from Umeå. It was absolutely beautiful there when we arrived, warm and the sun shinning. We dropped our stuff off and left to the high coast on the other side of Övik. Here we went on a hike to check out a spectacular view from the top of a cliff of the coast. The "cliff" we hiked up was only .6 km, but we are talking about hiking trail straight-up .6km. Jamie and I had no idea what to expect, unlike the Molin siblings who have done the hike a couple of times, and they knew what we were about to face. So I started off going pretty fast because I didn't think it was going to be too dificult. But as the climb continued, the slower and slower I became and the more quite I became. HAHA!! I even got made fun of that, "Amy, you're not talking as much anymore..." But by far my favorite part of the hike was when we reached the stairs...the flight or never-ending stairs. But the good news is, it was ALL worth it in the end. Because the view was absolutely SPECTACULAR!! SO BEAUTIFUL!! I really enjoyed the hike up the high coast!! It was perfect and a neat experience for me to encounter...and with Jamie as well! She loved it as well and it was perfect!! Great idea Sophia, we really enjoyed it!! Here are some pictures from the hike!

1. Only .6 km to the Top...Jamie and sign proving it
2. At the beginning
3. Trying to lift a tree in our path...NOT!

1. At the top!
2. On the way down
3. All the stairs we took up!
4. We followed the blue dots and trusted our life with those dots!

What a view and what great friends!!!
From the hike we went into the town of Övik and ate some amazing ice cream right on the deck by the ocean!!

After the ice cream we went back the summer house. Jamie and I thought it would be a great idea to make the Swedish family a classic American meal!! So Jamie made the dinner which was chicken divann! SO delicious with chicken, broccoli and cheese!! Served with sallad and bread!! And I made my specialty, home-made american chocolate chip cookies for dessert!

Jamie preparing dinner, Sophia and I hanging out, the dinner table set and ready to go!

The entire night was spent talking and enjoying each other's company. A lot of neat discussions and talk about different cultures. Oh and then the jokes!! Pretty funny ones shared with eached other. Finally we made it to our beds for a cozy evening in our guest house.
The next day we took our time doing pretty much nothing. Sophia's dad and her brother Oscar built their brigg out in the ocean. Sophia also assisted them in the building. Jamie and I were not so productive, but engaged in some soccer juggling! We were all enjoying the sun shining in our faces!! After awhile, we took a walk and checked out some of the other summer houses in the neighborhood. But by far the coolest house we visited was Peter Forsberg house!! Yep, Sophia is neighbors with him!! He had an amazing house which sets right off the coast and blocked in with many great trees. We found a spot to sit (Sophia's favorite place) and took in the moment for awhile.

Building the brigg!!

Peter's summer house....The view from Sophia's favorite spot (just by Peter's house) :)
After the walk we lunched on some hotdogs off the grill. I thought these hotdogs were SO delicious!! The best ever!! Here are some pictures of Sophia's summer house and the view from her house. It sits right on the coast and is absolutely beautiful!!


Our guest house!! Where Jamie and I stayed!!
Then it was back to Umeå because we were off to Stockholm EARLY Friday morning. Next blog will be on our fantastic weekend in Stockholm!! More to come....TO BE CONTINUED...
Hanging out in Stockholm!
One more day here and then I'm back to Umeå on Thursday!!
I went and watched Anna play for the U20 National team today. They played the University of San Francisco in a game they won easily by 30 pts. They play them again also tomorrow night.
This weekend I am going to play brännbol in the world championships in Umeå!! Heard it's one of the funniest things in Umeå of the year!! Can't wait!! Sorry I'm tired and ready for bed. Promise to post more pictures and details about this weekend soon!!
Vi hörs!!
Jamie's Last Day in Sweden

Jamie and I out on our last dinner together in the city of Stockholm!!
We had a fantantastic time in Stockholm!! I can't believe Jamie's stay is already over. Where did the time go?? Today Jamie leaves around 14.00, back to the good old USA! Those 10 days went quick! She experienced so much and I hope she had a great time. Here are some more pictures from this weekend!
Sailing with Anna's family!

Me driving the sailboat...haha!! Dangerous!!
Dinner after a day of sailing!! Grilling outside!!

In the city!! It was such a beautiful day!!


The trip to the city included a half-day spent at Skansen...we got to see old style farm houses and my favorite...scandic animals. All the animals were having babies, so we got to see bear cubs, baby moose, little goats, bunnies...precious!!
Pictures that Capture the Moments!!

Höga Kusten...High Coast hike...on the top!!


Sophia's summer house!! sommar stuga!!
Check out the view!!

Jamie exhausted from a long day of doing nothing...
OKAY...I have a lot more to add. Included sailing from today!! It was sweet!!! I am so tired right now. Time of bed. Promise I will have more time soon!!
Godnatt...sov gott!!
Our plane takes off tomorrow morning at 7.00am :S We had a fantastic time at Sophia's summer house!! I have a ton of pictures and will post them soon! As soon as I have time to get all caught up. Things are kind of busy right now. Hopefully I have some time while staying in Stockholm until Thursday. FUN TIMES ahead of us!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Fika, Chomsky, and Lottas!!
The day started off with a run outside by Gammlia. Then a bike ride to town to eat at Rhodes Restaurant!! Really, really good food!! Then we went to the centrum and did some window shopping. Then...of course...FIKA!!

FIKA!!! What a great experience!! Jamie loving it!!

Then Jamie and I got ready for a video conference with Noam Chomsky that Kerstin (Julia's mom) helped organized at Umeå University. It was a live video conference from M.I.T in Boston to here in Umeå...pretty neat. Chomsky is a professor at MIT that is know world-wide as an expert in linguistics and foreign policy. It was an interesting discussion on world-wide politics and issue concerning the US. There were about 250 people at the conference and Kerstin was the main organizer of it all. Jamie and I agreed that we would help her collect money for the Oxfam Foundation, an organization that helps support limiting hunger and poverty issues throughout the world. So we went around asking for donations, it was a really neat experience I thought. Very educational conference as well and interesting issues I had never really thought about. I felt wiser after it!! Haha!! :)

Kerstin and me!!

Jamie and me...lets collect some money!!!

The man of the hour!

Kerstin speaking in front of everybody...she did a GREATTTT job!!

Up on screen!!
After the video conference we thought it would be a good idea to go out and celebrate how successful everything went!! So we went and ate dinner at Lottas!! It tasted amazing!! The cheeseburgers were to die for!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!! We were in heaven for a little bit!! And they are the best with a beer!!! We even made some friend while we were there. It was a really nice evening!!

So a great day!!! Jammed packed with tons of fun!! Busy, busy, busy also!! It doesnt stop either. Tomorrow morning Jamie and I will go to spinning class at 7am. Yep I said that right...7AM!! I can't believe it, it's going to be good though with our great instructor Sophia! We need a good workout after a meal like that! After the class we travel to Övik to visit Sophia's summer house!! It is going to be so fantastic!! I can't wait for a little bit of relaxation and exploration around the coast!! Her house lays right next to the beautiful!! Can't wait!! We will come back Thursday night and spend about 2 days up at the house. Then friday it is off to Stockholm!! Just trying to show Jamie as much as possible.
Well I got to get some sleep...early start tomorrow!! Sov gott!!
Jamie Hemlagade Svensk Köttbullar!!

Nothing like having a friend come visit me and having her cook me some dinner!! Hehe!! Jamie likes to cook and really wanted to cook something Swedish. And she had the inspiration to cook Swedish meatballs!! I felt kind of bad that Jamie would be cooking them for me, since I am the one living here and should be showing her how to make them. But she wanted the experience!! So I let her do it and she did a GREATTTTTTTTTT job!! They tasted amazing. While I went and coached today, Jamie stayed and made the meatballs!! So now she can go back home and tell everyone how she made Swedish meatballs in Sweden!! I think the best part was that she got to experience how we eat them here...with boiled potatoes, gravy and lingon silt. The berries and meat is different for her but she really, really liked it!! And wants to bring some home with her!! She is loving the swedish food I must say!!

LOOKS RIGHT!! Eller hur svensk man??
We had a nice day today touring Umeå!! It started with a workout in the morning...running and lifting at Gammlia. Lunch at Droskan...and then a bike tour up to the University, IKSU and then to the Centrum! We sat in the sun while eating soft-served blueberry ice cream!! It was perfect!! Now we are anxiously getting ready for our trip to Övik, where we will spend 2 days at Sophia's summer house!!! There we get to see some of Sweden's high coast right off the ocean!! I hope the weather is good!! Tomorrow I think we will spend a day in the centrum and a little more bike riding around town! Jamie loves it here btw!! I'm just glad the weather has been beautiful!! :)
OH...tonight was the last night I coached the U95 girls Comets team. They are so sweet!! They got me a gift and a really sweet card!! The gift was a nice home-made bracelet and a creative card with all the players and their nicknames with a sweet message!! They are so much fun sometimes and it's great to see I have made some type of impact on them!! I'm going to miss them but I'll see them again!!

See ya when I come back in the fall!! :)
Godnatt!! Sov gott!!
Jamie in Sweden!!
Last night we had a FANTASTIC night!! Jamie and I headed over to Sophia's house for a nice dinner party. Sophia did a great job of creating a fabulous meal to represent some Swedish cuisine!! We shall call it....Jamie's welcome to Sweden dinner!! We (more like Sophia) treated her to a 3-course meal. First it started with toast topped with a seafood sallad and lemon. The main course was a Västerbotten öst paj (cheese quiche) with a salad and bread. Västerbotten cheese is the cheese that comes from the county we live in! So she was able to experience something from the part of Sweden we live. Then it ended with a homemade ice cream cake with digestive crust. OH MY GOSH!!! This food tasted AMAZING!!! Sophia you did amazing and I appreciate it so much!! It was sooooooooooooooooo good!! Thanks a million....Love you soooo much!! I couldn't of asked for anything more. Joining us for the dinner was Caro, Frida, and Maria. 5 of us girls just hanging out having a great night!!
After dinner we watched the Eurovision contest! Jamie turned out to really like the music. She now has a new love for Schlager music!! She actually really really likes it...surprising I think :) Then it was off to Rex for a night of dancing!!

USA goes Sweden!!

It was soooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!!!


The best cook!! The best host!! SOPHIA!!!!
Now on to Sunday...The most beautiful day I have ever experienced in Umeå!
Today was absolutely the best weather so far! The sun was shinning and temperature perfect! Jamie slept in until about 2.00...yep I said that right. Let's just say she was a little bit jet-leg! And a night staying out late probably didn't help that. When we finally got up, we rode our bikes to the centrum and met up with Hjort, Frida and Patte in the park outside of the movie cinema. It was so nice and so many people out. It was perfect and such a great summer vibe!

Jamie on the bike!! She LOVES biking!!

Jamie being a tourist in Umeå.
After spending some time at the park and along the river, we went the Umeå IK women's soccer match. It was sunny and perfect for watching a soccer match. And they ended up winning 4-2.

Just hanging out at the game!!
Tonight we are having a calm, relaxing evening. Just watching a movie and going to bed early. Jamie and I went and bought some godis, so now we are sitting on the sofa snacking on our godis and watching tv. Tomorrow morning we are going to get up early and workout! Then I will take her on around the city to show her Umeå!! It will include things like the University, IKSU, Gammlia, the river trail, and whatever else I can think of...
Well I hope everyone is had an awesome weekend like we did!! It's been great!!
Oh Yessssssssss!!!!
This weekend is going to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is what on tap! Tomorrow morning spinning with Sophia then some lifting. Then Jamie arrives...SO EXCITING!! Another friend from the States...I love it!! Then we travel over to Sophia's for some fine Swedish dinning! A group of some of my friends are getting together for dinner and then we will watch the finals of Eurovision. now I have to explain this to my friends and family back home who will not know what Eurovision is. This is something I really cannot compare to anything we have back home. Basically each country picks a song that a goup or solo singer performs to represent their country. Then all the countries in Europe compete with their song vs. one another. Here is Sweden's winner who is currently competing in the Eurovision finals tomorrow night Anyway, you then vote for which country you believe has the best song...but you can not vote for your own country. It's pretty fun I think! I find myself kind of laughing at a lot, but they are something different and unique to watch. And now it's fun to watch the finals and cheer on Sweden!
SOOOO, now that I have explained that....back to the agenda. After watching the Eurovision, we will probably go out somewhere...hit the town! Just not sure where yet!! I am really excited for the dinner! Sophia has put in a lot of hard work cooking for the event, so I am excited to see what Jamie thinks of the food!! I think she will like it a lot!! It's going to be a great evening!! Vi får se!
Tonight I am not doing much. Probably just prepare a little for Jamie's arrival!! Maybe watch a movie!! I just so excited for the weekend!! Hope everybody has a HAPPY WEEKEND!!
Vi hörs!! :)

Oj, Oj, Oj...Pluggtid!!

Jag måste plugga mycket!!
Efter mitt prov, på lördag, kommer min kompis från USA!! Vad spännande!! Jag kan inte vänta!!

Man I was white then...haha!!
Picture of the Day!!

Leo and I hanging out playing some basketball!! This was when Maria and Leo came to watch us play basketball with the innebandy folk. ;)
How cute is he?!?!
Happy Mother's Day
I also want to wish my grandmothers a very Happy Mother's Day as well!! We learn from the best!! You mean so much to me!! Hope someday I can be as great as you guys!!
Love you guys!!!

Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!
Farewell to the Swiss!!
It all started when innebandy met basketball on Friday afternoon. Sophia, Hjort, Patte, Dysli, Christoph and Mathias all showed up to play some basketball with me!! I am not going to lie but it was really funny to watch at first. I couldn't even concentrate and had no focus what-so-ever for probably the first 20 minutes. It was great to see how competitive these guys got. We ended up playing a 3 game series of 3 on 3. Patte, Hjort, and Dysli were one team and the other team was me, Christoph, and Mathias. The first game we lost...I know, I can't believe I am admitting that. But like I said, it was really hard for me to focus. Then we re-grouped after the first game, had a little team meeting, and won the next two games!! It was fun watching the guys get really competive with it, nobody wanted to lose. I didn't really think I would get a workout from it, but by the time it was over I had gotten a sincere workout in. Sophia took some pictures and I will have to post some of those later.
So then Friday night I went to the go-away party for the Dalen Swiss guys who are moving back to Switzerland next year. It was a lot of fun and a really good group of people that all got along very well. I was pretty much the only person there that didnt have any connection with innebandy. But I quickly made some new friends and it was great dancing the night away!! Here are some pictures from the night!!
I think it's really sad that Christoph, Mathias, and Marc are leaving and not going to be here next year. Really sad...they will be missed. But I wish them the best of luck and I hope someday I may see them again. Good luck guys and thanks for the good times here in Umeå!!
Today I went and watched my friend Danny play american football, in their first game of the year. They had a game vs. Sundsvall and won 16-0!!! It was really interesting watching football all the way over here in Sweden. It was really different actually! Different...I think that's the best word! Most the game though I was explaining all the rules to the people watching. Nobody really understands football here, so I spent a lot of time trying to describe all the rules...which there are a lot so it was difficult at times. Hopefully I did an okay job of explaining, but I do have a feeling my friend Sophia was a little bored with it. I mean the game did last 3 hours. I'm so glad they got the win though!! Grattis Danny!!
Some good old footbal!!
Tonight I am having a relaxing evening, watching the Da Vinci Code on tv and eatling some godis (candy)!! Nice to have a calm night!!
Well later everyone!! Keep it real!!
Muntligt Prov
**Yesterday I took an oral exam in my Swedish course and did really well. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I had to give a five minute presentation on anything. So I, of course, picked the topic of basketball!! I compared basketball in USA compared to basketball in Sweden and why us Americans travel great distances to play basketball. But I explained ALL OF THIS in Swedish. Yeah I know, can you believe it?? I am actually still in shock that I actually did that. HAHA!! And my teacher even asked me questions and I was able to answer (in Swedish). Sorry I am rambling on about this...but I am just proud of myself. Swedish has been so difficult for's a tough language. I did have some little help! Her name is Sophia and she helped me out a lot which was really nice and there was no way I could of done it without her! THANK YOU SOPHIA!! You are DA' WOMAN!
Last night I watched the USA-Finland hockey world championships with the soccer guys. Kind of fun watching the game with a guy from Finland. Even more fun when USA won!! Tonight I went over to Sophia's to watch Sweden-Czech play. Sweden won and Sophia was right on with the score! Du är så duktig Sophia!! I find myself watching a lot of different sports now that I typically would not watch back home, if I was there. The world hockey championships and also the Championship League. (Friends back home...that's the finals for soccer). Haha, now I am going to get made fun of here for having to explain that to my friends. But those are the two sports I seem to be watching a lot of and soccer, or I should I say fotbol. I don't mind though!!
Busy weekend ahead of me, starting with tomorrow!! Going to have a little basketball fun with some of the Dalen guys. Innebandy faces basketball tomorrow!! It's going to be great and a lot of fun I think. I told the Swiss guys since they are leaving, that they have to come and play before they are gone. And others from the team are also going to join so it should be good laugh! Because I know some of these guys have never shot a basketball in their life. Hopefully we can play some sort of games or maybe even a match!! That would be great. Afterwards I might practice some brännbol. I got recruited on a team and need to prove that I can be good! The thing is, I have never played brännbol in my life. But I think it's pretty similar to softball and I have played that plenty of times, so I should be alright. I'm going to try it out anyway tomorrow! Patte is going to make sure I can play on his team, so we will hit tomorrow! Later I am going to the Swiss guys Go-Away party starting at 19.00. Christoph, Mathias, and Marc are moving back to everybody is getting together tomorrow to say goodbye and party one last time all together. Will be fun!
Saturday I will go and watch Danny play american football...GO Huskies!! Sunday I will go and watch Toby, Jesper, and Vlado play their soccer match...GO Umeå FC!!! I hope the weather is fantastic!!!
Well I'll fill you more in after the weekend!! EVERYBODY HAVE A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!
Amie's Bachelorette Party!!

The bride to be getting a little crazy I think!!
I think I am going to make a nice little trip out of this also and visit my family in Arizona!! And especially to see Lauren, our newest addition to the family (my cousin Michelle's daughter)!! I can't wait!!
Vi hörs!!
Spring Time Fun in Umeå!!

Sitting in the sun on a beautiful day in Umeå Centrum!
On Saturday, Sophia and I went to town to shop a little and while doing so, we also sat and ate some amazing soft served ice cream!! It's the best here!! My favorite is the blueberry flavor with sprinkles. I know it kind of sounds weird if you are reading this from back home, but it tastes REALLY great!! Hopefully I don't eat too much this summer..oh, I hope I eat a lot actually...THIS STUFF IS AMAZING...I LOVE IT!!

Afterwards we traveled to Patte's place for some grilling and of course more fun in the sun!! It was actually just us sitting in the sun and eating, but it was great just enjoying the weather!! And a beer tasted great in his weather ;)

After our mini-BBQ we went to the Battle of Botnia to watch some professional Thai Boxing-Fighting at Gammlia. At first I was really not sure about going...I mean watching grown men punch, kick, and hit each other repeatedly, didn't sounds like that much fun. But then I really started to get into it, and to make it even more exciting...I started gambling with Patte about which fighter would win. In fact, I won the bet! So that made it even better!! It was a lot of fun!! And it was crazy to see Gammlia all packed and full of people!! Good times for sure!! AND THANKS SOPHIA!!! I REALLY DO LOVE YOU FOR BRINGING ME TO IT!! I had a blast!!
Here are some really great pictures that Sophia took....SWEETNESS!!

SOOOOOOOOO...there it is. This weekend in a nutshell!! Lot's of fun!!
JUlia is coming to visit Umeå May 28th for the weekend!! YES JULIA I AM SO EXCITED!! I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH!! It's going to be great that you come visit, I absolutely can't wait!! Miss ya my friend!!
Well I'm going to go rest some and get off the computer! Talk soon!!
Trevilgt Valborg
Here are some pictures from the day!!

The sun has been shinning in Umeå!! But there still is some snow on the ground...only in piles though!! It's starting to get green here!!! Perfect weather on Valbory Day!!

Lot's of great food!!

And lot's of great company!!

We played a little competition which was a quiz about "useless" knowledge!! There were some pretty funny things I learned including the 1st year the WNBA played....1997. Just so you know now!!
We also watched Sweden lose to Russia in OT of the World Championships in hockey. Then we watched Switzerland lose to Latvia in a shoot-out! Pretty exciting stuff, but nobody was happy at the party about it considering I was in room filled with 5 Swedes, 3 Swiss guys, and 1 Norwegian. Pretty crazy to think that at our little get-together there were people from 4 different countries there...pretty neat I think.
So now the boys from Switzerland leave for home next weekend. So I thought it would be a good idea to get all these innebandy folk together before they leave, to play a game of basketball. None of them have really played, so I think it's really going to be a good time!! HEHE!! I'll keep you posted...we are set to play around 1.00pm at Gammlia!! Looking forward to it!! Don't back out boys!!
So I still need to comment more on this weekend...but I will do that in another log soon!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Vi hörs!
FINAL DECISION = Umeå Comets!!

SO I have made the final decision that I will be returning next year as an Umeå Comet!! SOOOOOOOOOO I'm coming back! I explored a few other options but this was the one that felt the most right! So I feel good about this and confident in it. I am excited to see what Tony will bring to the team as a coach, I hope more players will return from our team this year, and that we can hopefully get a couple of other players that can really make a difference!!
I have already lived here for 2 years so I really do feel like this is my second home! Of course I have my ups and downs living so far away from home, but I really do feel like Umeå is a great place for me! I have some great friends here and have developed some great relationships! Plus I really feel like they wanted me here. Not just the team, but the community around me as well!! They are great!! And I am also looking forward to taking on the challenge of promoting youth basketball here. And that starts with getting into the schools more and putting on basketball schools! Kids need to experience basketball more and the best way for them to do this is to make it available to them! Sounds fun to me and I hope it works out for the best!!
So now I hope we continue to build our team for next year! I feel like their is so much potential for the better and the only thing we can do is go up!! HERE WE GO COMETS!! HERE WE GO!!