The Irish Are Here!
Sorry I haven't blogged in FOREVER! Things have been so ridiculously busy, it's been unreal. And mainly it's because the Irish are here. Tony's club team from Ireland, Queens, came Sunday night to Umeå for the week. So far it's been a busy, fun-filled week of BASKETBALL, including morning sessions, afternoon sessions, and evening games. Not to mention the Halloween party we had last night, shopping in the centrum and an adventure to the moose farm today (I however did not go on that trip). What has also been really cool is how we have mixed all the teams, Swedish and Irish. The young Comets team, (96 and 97 girls) with the Irish girls (13 yr. olds) to see the girls come together and play basketball from the two countries. It's been a great experience I think for all the teams, and even a great way to get the Damligan players involved with coaching the younger girls. Everybody working together, what a team concept! Here are some pictures taken from the basketball sessions this week.
Energy exercise! They are about to dive for those balls...
Run, play, coach!!
So in the afternoon sessions, the Damligan players were given a team mixed with Irish and Swedish players. Here is the team I coached this week!! We called ourselves the "Quee'mets" (queens + comets)!! We had a successful week finishing 5th out of 5 teams...haha, okay so maybe not that great.
Mila and Johanna showing some excitement coaching!! HAHA!! Candid moment!
Last night was the Halloween party!! All the girls dressed up and all the teams got together for some good Swedish-Irish fun!! I think the party was an absolute success!! So who do you think has the best costume???...
Vampires and trolls...Oh my! Comet girls...
That's a whole lot of witches! More Comets...
Nice Sofia and Erika (damligan players)!
Go-go girls??? Representing Queens...
The Damligan girls! Any guess on Johanna's costume??
Check out the sitting Swedes in the one picture and then in the next picture we have the crazy Irish dancers!! It was lots of dancing at the party and some games as well. Including musical chairs, musical statues, limbo and a crazy spin around the pole swedish game...haha!! It turned out to be a pretty fun night and the girls loved it!!
So PHEW! I finally posted a blog and it only took a week, haha. I am missing a lot of things, but I promise I will talk about them here soon. It's time to get to practice, so I will describe the past events this week in another post. here shortly. Including our innebandy (floorball) practice with Dalen's coach Tony and our game last Saturday to Solna that we lost 51-82 I think. It was however I much better game then the score reflects. More on that later!! I hope everyone is having a great week!! OH also Happy Birthday to my friend Mattias!! Hope you have a great day!!
That's all for now folks!!
Game Day!
This week has been busy. Toby's brother Charlie is visiting from England and the last couple of nights the group of us have been hanging out having a great time!! Last night we played laser tag!! That turned out to be a pretty fun time!! It's been nice hanging out and enjoying each other's company!!
Pictures taken Wednesday night:

Toby and Julia

Vlado, Charlie and Jesper

Bri and Toby
Last night before laser tag, the team got together for a taco dinner. It was Hanna's last night in town before her knee surgery, so we thought it would be a good idea to get everyone together one last time!! We went to Balmers (???is that what it's called??) The food was pretty good and I ate WAY too much!!

The team!
So today is finally FRIDAY and also my day-off. NO SCHOOL, NO BASKETBALL PRACTICE...but I do have a basketball class here soon. But other than that, a pretty free day. Tony, Bri, Mila and I went shopping today for Halloween costumes. We hit up some second hand stores and found some pretty good stuff. Then we also looked at some decorations for the party this week for the Irish girls!! I haven't decided yet what I am going to be...but trust will be something good!! It was so much fun testing all the stuff today, HILARIOUS!! Bri found some pretty good stuff!! Anyway, we got some good ideas. We are also going to have a Halloween party on Saturday next weekend, because we have the weekend off from basketball!
OH today we went Droskan for lunch and Tony didn't like what he got. So I had to take a picture because that NEVER happens. This was the first time I have ever seen that so I thought I would document it!!

Tonight is IDOL over at Julia's house with the guys! It's going to be a great night!! Tomorrow morning is practice and then I am going to a couple innebandy games, the IKSU match and then maybe City. Vi får se!! My dearest Maria will accompany me!!
New Day!!
This week is my last week of school before the höstlov...fall break! Meaning NO SCHOOL for a week!! Härligt! First thing I thought was that I had the chance to sleep in. But then yesterday I got reminded that Tony's club from Ireland is bringing over their U96-97 team for the week. And we will be hosting a bunch of basketball sessions and activities through out the week for the youngsters. Sessions starting at 8AM!! But I do think this will be a great opportunity for us to build international connections and great public relations...should be a busy, but yet fun event.
School today was interesting. We went to the brändstation (firestation) and learned about fire safety...på svenska. Everything was explained in swedish. Quite interesting. Part of the session we got to practice for ourselves how to distinguish a fire with a fire extinguisher and saving a person caught on fire. Do you have any idea how to do that?? Well you cover the person with a jacket or a blanket and tuck it underneath them and pat them down to kill the fire. I attempted this and failed because when I lifted up the blanket, the little dummie was still on fire, blew up in flames almost :S. So basically I discovered today that I would NOT be the person to help somebody when caught on fire...but atleast I know what process you should take. Try to take away AIR from the fire...that's the goal!
Well there is the update for now. I'm now going to take a walk over to Gammlia for some lifting before practice, then practice time!! Happy Tuesday everybody!!
PS. I'm currently 1st place in my fantasy football league!! OH how I miss american football...HOW ABOUT THEM BRONCOS BTW!! UNDEFEATED!! My dad most be loving that!!
I'll talk more later. Not in the mood. Must of been the loss.
Hope the weekend was good!
Game Time!!

We are all geared up and ready to go again!! Hope we get a good crowd again!!!
I love this game!!
Heja Comets!!
Through the Years!!



Brief recap of the last three years... TO BE CONTINUED...
And now it is already Thursday. Time sure does move fast these days. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older or just more going on?? Let's just agree with the second part.
So I have noticed the last two weeks I have had a lot more blog readers. Kind of cool to see that people are actually reading this thing, but sometimes I wonder if it's any exciting for them...haha!! I guess I don't have to do or say anything special, but I'm feeling a little more pressure.
Well let me give a brief re-cap of my week. I must say that there is not as much going on these days now that I live by myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it...just not much to report. On Monday night Julia came over to my place for fika! I made some american cookies that turned out horrible. I put too much butter and not enough flour and they baked like a cake...FLAT. Haha, so we still managed to eat the cookies by just bring forks to the baking sheet and eating it like a cake sort of. We went through some old pictures of the last 2 years and were comparing the years. Crazy to see how different each year is and to see how much has happened. I will have to try and post the pictures later...because I just tried and it didnt work.
Monday and Tuesday were days of rest for me! Didn't do that much, I'm just trying to get my body to recover and be ready to go for this weekend! Wednesday I went to school in the morning. Yesterday was also my dad's birthday, so I called him and wish him a happy birthday. Too bad I couldn't be there to spend it with him. It would of been nice! Hope you did something exciting Dad!
Today it will be morning practice and then lunch with Maria!! Evening practice tonight and then a calm and relaxing night at home! Hope everyone is having a great week!!
We are loading up for our next game vs. Brahe at Gammlia on Saturday kl. 15.00. Can't wait!! 1-1 is not a bad a start so far!! Haha!! Talk soon!
Happy Birthday Dad!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! Grattis!! Hope you have a great day. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and I wish I could be there to celebrate with you!! Hope you have a wonderful day and love you tons!! Miss you too!!

Hope to chat with you later!! I'm sure it's a busy day for ya!!
Happy Birthday again Dad!!
Love ya!
Charlie is Here!!

I'm so happy for Kellie and Jay and their new bundle of joy Charlie. LOVE YOU guys tons!!
A Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sjukt bra!! Härligt!!! Freakn' amazing!! Hell yeah!!
We got a win yesterday in our home premier vs. Mark and it feels sooooooo great right now!! I am so proud of us and everybody's effort last night. It was a great game for us and I couldn't be happier with the win!! It means so much and I hope this is just the beginning for us! We need to keep this up.
Everything was spectacular last night, the public was the most impressive!! Just over 400 people!! So amazing and so much fun to play in front of! The energy was great and the atmosphere really feed that! I really want to say thanks to all the fans that attended our game last night!! You guys were great and really fueled us for the win. We had the drums going, the defense chanting, the whistling, and the yelling!! It was fantastic. Last night was a great example of why I play this game. The excitement and thrill of competition! Whoop whoop!!
Our 11-point victory 57-68 was contributed to a great team effort. I also played probably one of my best games in the league. I had 33 points and 17 rebounds. But of course many of those points came from the help of my teammates and their distribution of the ball. Everybody really showed some strong sides last night. Julia was all over the place on defense and fast in transition. Mila pulled downsome really good rebounds, especially some key ones when we really needed some defensive stops. And not to mention a few crucial offensive rebounds that gave us some second chance opportunities to score. Caro was solid for us as always, carrying the team and getting us into our offensive plays. Also hit a few key jumpers when we really needed some points. Johanna made a huge 3-pointer in the final 2 minutes that we needed to lift us and put the dagger in a little. Bri was solid and had some great plays on offense. Including a nice 3-pointer when we REALLY needed one! She definetly stepped it up in the 2 half!! And Aisling was a freaking defensive machine out there! Nobody was getting by her, and she forced a ton of turnovers that produced much needed points for us! A complete team effort!! What could you ask for more?!
I also want to give a lot of credit to our coaching staff that really provided us with energy and direction. Coach Tony lead us the entire way, and never once gave-up anything (even during our third quarter drought). Soo much energy and determination in our coach, really gets us going I think! Good job coach!!

Next weekend we have another home match vs. Brahe. Another important game for us!! I hope the best for always!! ;)
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Miss ya Sophia and keep your head up!! The trip is getting closer and closer!! Thanks Maria for helping me out this weekend on my apartment. It's starting to look pretty good!!
First Home Game!!

Gotta remember that feeling!!

I think it's going to be a good game!! Lots of running and energy...that is for sure. Both teams bring a lot of youth, but with the young players comes determination and eagerness!! I hope for the best, and of course that we come out on top!! Let's GO COMETS!! Let's show them what we got!! It will be nice to play on our home court for the first time this season!'
Heja Comets!!
Back on Track!
Sunday was also a good day to scout and watch some more basketball. All the teams in the Damligan played, and there were some interesting matches that proceeded after ours. Sundsvall beat Eos, Solna beat Luleå, Visby defeated Brahe, 08 won over Sallen and Norrköping beat Mark. We played the 1st game so it was great that we could watch all the other games!! This year is going to be very interesting I think. Solna looks really strong, and I wonder what team will even compete with them?? Vi får se!!

Pictures from VF newspapper.

This weekend we play Sunday against Mark at home!! Our first home game!! We have had a solid week of practice and some great workouts!! Everybody seems focused and ready to go this weekend. I am really looking forward to playing at home and seeing what we can do. Mark is a good team with a lot of young players that never stop. They are like the enegizer bunnies that keep going and going and going. And they have a really good american post player that we will have to try and contain. I really think it could be anybody's game, so I hope the best for us!! We play Sunday kl. 16.00 at Gammlia!
So what an eventful week I have had. Monday marked the first day I moved into my new appartment over in Haga. I have an one bedroom apartment and now living by myself. It's in a great location and it's been nice so far!! On my own is great! The only thing is that I don't have much furniture right now. All there is, is a bed right now and a bookshelf I brought over today. Tomorrow I get a TV and soffa!! Really looking forward to that, because it is not the most comfortable thing right now sitting on the floor. The last couple of days I have been so busy moving things in and out, but finally I have almost everything situated. Oh why is moving such a process?!?! I am not the biggest fan of it. But it always feels nice after it's all done!
Last night I went to watch my friend Maria play innebandy, Sävar vs. Umeå City. Unfortunately they lost in the final 45 seconds of the game. They had the lead with about 2 minutes to go, and City scored 2 goals before the game finished. It was fun to watch Maria though, she is really great!! And I brought a cheering section for her, Mila, Tony and Aisling accompained me as well.
Tonight I watched Dalen vs Storveta. I guess it wasnt Dalen's night and they ended up losing. Before the game, Julia, Bri and myself went to watch the U93 play vs. the U95. So I have been busy watching a ton of sports right now. I like it though, it's what I love most!
Tomorrow is Friday...WOW what a fast week. Time really does fly by fast when you are busy. I will put the finishing touches on my apartment and then it's a calm and relaxing evening after practice. Saturday, hopefully I spend some fika time with Maria and then another innebandy match. It's crazy how much innebandy I watch these days...haha!! Well time for bed. Early class tomorrow morning. School has been going great, and my confidence is growing with my swedish!! GOD NATT!!
Coming Soon!
I AM SORRY!! I haven't had anytime to blogg lately. Things have been crazy. Got back late Sunday night from our game, which we lost by 30 pts...went to school early the next morning and then moved out of my old apartment into my new apartment. So things have been crazy busy. I promise tomorrow I will sit down and write a good blogg! I know you people are dying for a good update from my life!! Haha!!
Once I get this moving thing settled and figured out...then I will have time to myself!! Then BLOG TIME!!
Hope everybody is having a great week!!
Season Premier This Weekend!!

Season premier this weekend vs. Telge in Norköping kl. 12.30!! GAME TIME!!
Tomorrow we leave at 9.40 for Stockholm. Then we drive down to Norköping for a press conference at 13.00. Game on Sunday in a very nice in Sweden!!
I can't believe the day is finally here!! Can't wait, it's game time baby!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I will also be fun to see all the games after ours!! Basketball season is here!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Just another day in paradise today!! No school today, went to shoot-around, lunch, then to the bank and finally some cleaning!! Nice to have a clean place now!! Looking good. Soon I am leaving for another school to work a basketball class, over in Merihem. Hope to get some kids to show up!
The season premier is vast approaching. Saturday we leave early morning for Norrköping and play our game on Sunday vs. Telge. FIRST GAME OF THE YEAR...HORAAY!! Looking forward to it! Telge is a young team but will still be good. We are also a young team, but have nothing to lose. Vi får se!
Tonight we have practice and then probably watch some Idol! I will now leave you with some pictures that I took the other night...very random.
Gangster Bri and the Ranging Irishwoman!
Pretty boring week, I wish I had something fun to report. Talk to you later!!