Weekend Blitz
So it is almost 11.00 at night and I NOW finally have some time to blog. It was a busy weekend and today was busy as well. Quick recap of this weekend...
Saturday, Bri and I went to town and met Julia for some shopping. Then went to a hejdå lunch with my American friend Danny. He is leaving, going back to America for probably 6 months or so. So I won't get to see him for a really long time. We ate at the Taj Mahal and it was ABSOLUTELY amazing!! Loved it! Excellent choice with some great food!!
Danny and I at lunch.
After lunch...Bri, Aisling, Julia, Danny, Mila and myself went to the Umeå FC game to cheer our soccer buddies on! They ended up winning the game 4-3. They came out strong starting 3-0, and then the other team started to creep back...but luckily they finished it out. After the game we walked back and for some reason we had tons of energy and really enjoyed that walk back!!
At the game...
Jumping for joy after the game!!
After the game we watched The Proposal on Tony's sweet projector he let us borrow! Then being sacked potatoes, we decided to stay in for the night and watch another movie...but of course after we shopped some godis! We watched Jumper the second time...great film!
Sunday we had practice, lot's of running which was good for me...then Bri and I coached some 95-96 boys team, then to the Umeå City-Täby innebandy game, which City lost 8-6 I think. The evening was just spent relaxing, I called some family and went to bed early to prepare for today.
Today, went to Dragonskolan for a basketball class with the 93 guys at 8.30 in the morning. Unfortunately only one guy showed up due to miscommunication with their normal teacher. Tomorrow is the same class. Then I went to the hospital and got a MRI on my hand. Hopefully SOON we will find out happened with it! That took almost an hour and half. I was laying still in the machine for almost an hour....crazy! It's hard not moving, eventhough I think I did fall asleep at one point. Aisling came with me, which was really nice of her...and when I came out she asked me why it took so long. I looked at her weird and said it was only 30 min. Judging by her weird expression I knew something was off, I looked again at the clock and in fact...over an hour had passed. Anyway, that was a neat experience. I have now gotten an MRI twice...once for my shoulder, and now for my hand. Hopefully we get the results back in a week or so. Then we can answer this great mystery about my hand.
After the hospital, it was shopping over in Ersboda (Stadium, Intersport and Coop) and then basketschool at Teg, then lifting and running at Gammlia (on our off day) and finally the Dalen women's innebandy match, which they won 8-7! FINALLY home ready to go to bed for another fun-filled day tomorrow!! It's nice being busy, makes the time go by faster. Also keeps me pretty entertained.
Will be interesting to see how my team ends up for our first week of FANTASY FOOTBALL!! We will know after Monday Night Football. Wish I could stay up and watch, but I can't. Must sleep!!
Well I rambled on more than I expected to. Talk to you soon!!
Hope you are feeling better Coach!?!? We want our coach back!! Get well soon!

Tonight was a boring Saturday night. Spent it at home watching a movie, Jumper. Very good film!! Good snacks also!! Perfect calm evening and relaxing...just what I needed!! Tomorrow I'm 100% at practice!! The count down has begun...ONLY 7 MORE DAYS UNTIL OUR FIRST GAME.
Peace homies!!
Here Comes the Weekend!!
I've been talking to my family a lot lately. My sister is doing well, she is Virginia now with Russ's family. I've been talking to my dad pretty much everyday which has been nice. It's unfornuate that it takes something so tragic to realize and appreciate the family you have that will always be there for you. It is one of the hardest things right now that I can't be there for my sister while she is going through this rough time. I should be there to comfort her and be her support, but I am fortunate that she has others around her right now that are doing that for her. Her boyfriend, my dad, and tons of friends are all backing up Courtney which is great to see since I am so far away!! Thanks guys, I owe you one!
We still have another week until the season premier game to our season vs. Telge. This weekend means another weekend in Umeå. We are off from practice tomorrow and then a session Sunday night. Will watch the Umeå FC game tomorrow to cheer on our soccer friends! Tonight we will fika with Danny, my american friend who is leaving Sweden for awhile. Hopefully he returns after a couple of months, it would be really great to have him around. I think some of us are trying to get together to fika and say goodbye to the Dan Man. Then to the cinema with Bri and Aisling. I haven't been to the movies in such a long time. Today is also my GODIS day. I am picking one day a week for it. I just went 5 days with godis...I can't believe it!! It's my goal anyway for now ;)
Today it's cold and rainy out in Umeå. I have a good story about this morning. I woke up early to attend class at 8.30. I got there late and the door was locked to my classroom. I know they lock the door if you are late and you have to wait until a break to enter so you don't disturb class. So I am sitting outside the classroom and I'm noticing that school seems pretty empty. Finally a teacher passes by and asks me if she can help me with something. I say that I am waiting on my class...and she says that all classes were cancelled today because of a teacher's meeting. And I missed this information because it was annouced on Wednesday, and I was sick on Wednesday and didn't attend class. OPPS! That sucks!! HAHA!! So anyway, I went to the hospital instead to prepare for my X-Ray on Monday for my hand. They did some blood work, didn't take too long. So atleast I got something done productive today.

More pics of Umeå!
Home in Bed...
Not too much to report. I thought I would write a quick blog to let everyone know that I am alive, just not feeling the greatest.
This week I started at SFI and up until today I was going to class at 8.30 in the morning. I didn't attend today because I have been resting. Class has been good though. I met a couple english guys, they are quite funny. Seems like almost everyone in my class is here because they have a swedish girlfriend or boyfriend and the reason why they are living here. That was the first thing they asked me...."So do you have a swedish boyfriend". My response is pretty quick...NEJ! Jag spelar basket!! I go M-W from 8.30 to 12.00 and then Fridays 8.30 to 11.00. It has been good practice so far as I am gradually building my confidence to speak some swedish. Things so far have been quite a review for me, which is what I need at first. And they really force me to talk, which as much as I hate it at the time, I know it is good for me.
Anywho, that's all I got for now!! Talk to you soon!
Team Building Day!
On Saturday was our team building day!! It was good day spent with the entire team, and very eventful as well! I think I will explain as I go...
We all met up at KFUM for some team activities which involved us all getting to know each other better. My favorite thing was putting each person in the middle of the circle, and going around to each person and having them say what they like about that person. Haha, I bet you can only imagine what they said about me. Actually not too bad, just that I am a intense person on the court and that I leave it on the court when it's over. That was what they said for the most part. Mila the Russia was the most shocking in this group. She is really warming up to us and had some of the funniest comments about people. Since her english isn't the best, it was a lot of acting and expressions...haha!!
Sitting around in a circle...wearing our comet jerseys.
So the reason why we are wearing our jerseys in the pictures is because we did some PR stuff down in the centrum... for our next activity of the day. We put on our Comet jerseys and collected money for Världens Barn. (The World's Children). Giving back to the community...that's what we are all about. Carro, Julia and myself were one group and I can honestly say that we collected the least amount of money. I feel kind of bad about that, but we just didn't have the talent like Johanna, Hanna, and Emma's group! They did a great job! Anyway, some people were really nice and some not so much. But overall, it was a great team effort!! And we were right there in the middle of all the people in town! Good work!!
Har ni kronor för världens barn??
NEXT was lunch at Max!! My favorite fastfood here in Umeå...WAY better than McDonalds. Yep the American said that!! It's some good stuff!! It was a beautiful day out, so we ate outside and enjoyed the shinning sun!! Until the crazy lady came and started yelling Swedish profanity...but up until then it was quite pleasant!
Then we were off to Lake Nydalla to go paddling in canoes. The funniest thing was when Bri and Aisling fell in not once but TWICE!! Then afterwards, Aisling and Tony were just trying to dump people in the water...but I think they got the worse end of the stick. Although AK was dumped in, I think she seeked her revenge when she tossed Tony's shoes in the lake. Good fun for sure!
Aisling and Bri falling in...the lake...Tony and Aisling being evil...AK after being dumped in :(
Finally it was the team dinner at our assistant coach Chris's house. He lives outside of Umeå about 25 km or so, north. Not sure the name of the town. It is a house right by a lake that was absolutely beautiful. I think we took some really pretty photos there, and it was a lot of fun!! Good times for sure with the team at Chris's!!
In the movie theater!! Those that could...relaxing with a glass of wine!
Now model time!!!!....
Then it was time to BBQ and eat!!!
Putting the young girls to work!
HOW BEAUTIFUL!!! Perfect evening, perfect night, perfect time with the team!! GREAT DAY!!
Thanks team for an amazing day!! It was a lot of fun and I feel like I know everybody so much better. Which I guess was the whole idea of this thing! Mission accomplished!!
Now a little update on my sister Courtney. I got a hold of her last night and she seemed to be doing much better. She has her moments of sadness and also happiness. I think it is still setting in for her and it will continue to do so. I really wish I could be there for her now but I am in thought and prayers!! I will keep her and Russ's family in my prayers. I know this is a really difficult and hard time for them. Love ya sis!
Take care everyone...vi hörs!!
Love You More Than Anything!
Life is a valuable thing that sometimes passes by us way too fast. There are people in your life that mean a lot to you, and you love them more than anything in the world. My advice today is please go tell them that!! Appreciate what they mean to you and tell them you love them! Today I was reminded just how short our lives are when I found out that my sister's best friend has died. Russ meant a lot to my sister and touched her life deeply. Now my sister will have to embrace this and go through a very rough time. My heart aches thinking of all the pain she and his family are going through. This is really hard for me to write now, but I want to express some thoughts and concern. Courtney, I just want you to know that I love you so much and I will try to be with you every step of the way, if not physically but mentally...especially with my thoughts and prayers!
I love you very much Courtney...More than anything is this world!
Please everyone, go out and hug a loved one. Tell them how much they mean to you and that you love them!

This time of year is beautiful here!! I love the colors and the changing of the season. Soon the colors will be replaced with just white...and coldness.
Today was a productive day! Went to SFI and met with the teachers. I actually will take a test tomorrow at 1.00 to see what level I should be placed in to. Then I start class on Monday at 8.30 in the morning. OH MAN! I am going back to school, and this is going to demand more hours. But the good news, I should get better with my Swedish and hopefully take that extra step that I really need to take. I have to FORCE myself ;)
I picked up another school I will teach basketball, Dragonskolan. That makes 3 schools now!! Hopefully there will be a 4th by the end of this week.
Tonight was another tough practice!! My legs were a bit heavy from the defensive workout the night before. We continued with some more defense tonight, and then 3 on 3 playing. Friday we will play a game against some guys so that will be nice to get some 5 on 5 action and of course to beat up on some boys!
Saturday is our teambonding-building day!! That is going to be fun and I can't wait. I will have to give a description later!!
Well time for bed!! SOV GOTT!!
Shot...Ball, Ball, Ball
Today was a busy day for me. It started with morning practice...lots of shooting and some 2 on 2 playing. After lunch, Tony and I met up with Danny for a fika! It was good to see him and chat, and crazy that he is leaving in 2 weeks to go back to the States. I am really going to miss him, it's always nice to have another American around! I stayed and talked with Danny for almost 2 hours! After that, I hit the weights before our evening practice and then it was practice time. Now I am laying in my bed and just thinking about how heavy my legs feel right now. I hope I can move them tomorrow...hehe!!
This week marks me being here for ONE MONTH already. I can't believe it...time is going SO FAST these days. What is up with that?!?! My body is starting to experience the battle wounds.

My knee got pretty beat up this weekend. Covered in bruises of course!! But the worse thing right now is my hand. I can't understand what is wrong with it right now, but it is swollen and bruised, with not much explanation as to why? It is a weird thing for sure. Can you see the swelling??

Check out my right hand compared to my left. SO WEIRD! I don't think it is anything serious and it doesnt hurt that bad, it just gets swollen and kind of annoying at times. I hope we can figure out this mystery soon!!
Today was an absolutely beautiful day!! The weather was amazingly warm and the sun shinning bright!! I love it when Umeå is like this!! It is so nice and everything just feels better. I don't want it to end...I mean I was walking into practice in shorts outside! I LOVE IT! Unfortunately I don't think this weather is going to last too much longer, but for now I will continue to enjoy it!

Beautiful Umeå!! I want to leave you with a much nicer picture than the last two ;)
So now I am going to watch some ONE TREE HILL and GOSSIP GIRL!! I can't even explain to you how excited I am to watch them!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I Love it!! So happy they have started up again!
Tomorrow morning I am going to SFI to talk with Jari about going to school there and to continue studying Swedish. I need to keep up with it, so this could be a good thing for me to do! I have to get up early, at 9 (YES that is early for me!) I want to wish my friend Maria GOOD LUCK in her serie permier innebandy match! Go get'em girl!! YOU CAN DO IT!
Hope everyone is having a great week so far...half-way through almost!! :)
Team Fika!
I know I know, I've done a bad job of updating my blog lately. I just haven't had the energy after a weekend like this. Three games this weekend, 2 vs. Luleå and one vs. Sundsvall. All three resulted in loses, so really I haven't been wanting to say much about that. Saturday we played Sundsvall and lost in OT. We should of won, being up 15 points plus in the 3rd quarter, but we just couldn't pull it off and WAY too many mistakes. Like Tony said, it was a little bit of lack of contcentration and confidence that killed us in the end. That's all I really want to say about this weekend. Let's just say against Luleå it wasn't the prettiest. I would rather forget about that and move on!! I am just glad this is preseason and there is still room for improvement!! That's all that matters right now!!
Saturday night we had a team fika in our apartment. It was my first major fika since being back in Sweden. I know, crazy how it's almost been three weeks and no fika gathering until then. Well we finally made it happen and it was great!! And I got to have Julia's apple pie!!! That's all I really wanted anyway. I baked my american chocolate chip cookies, of course...and others brought a load of good stuff! It was great and fun to hangout with the team in a non-basketball setting for once. Bri got to experience the Swedish fika for the first time and she did it right, stuffing herself silly!! In fact, we all did! The worse dessert by far had to go to our Irish mad woman, Aisling. I actually have no idea what she made but it was very interesting, just cornflakes and melted chocolate mixed together. Yeah I think she just made it up...but of course we still ate it.
So I actually forgot my camera for once, so I stole these pictures from Bri. Here are some pics from the fika:
The Americans!
That's a whole lot of fika. Check out the stuff on the plates, that would be Aisling's crazy creation.
The team and some others...
So the fika was Saturday night and on Sunday night, Bri, Aisling, Julia, Toby and myself attended the Umeå City-Dalen DM innebandy match at Gammlia. This was a crazy game with tons of goals. I have never seen so many before, but I think that's what it made it so exciting to watch! The final score was 12-11 and City won in sudden OT. Dalen really fought hard to come back in that game, down three goals with about 5 minutes to go in the game. I think they scored like 2 goals in the final 2 minutes. Anyway, it was a great game...and even better that Bri and Aisling got to watch a close, intense game for their first time watching an innebandy match. Lot's of little fights here and there and harder hits for sure!! Nice!!
At the innebandy match!
Umeå City-Dalen innebandy match!
After the game, I just relaxed some and watched a movie. Today I slept in and am just resting on our REST DAY! I did have basket school at Teg and met Danny for a quick fika, but other than that...I plan to sit around and just do nothing!! Sounds perfect to me right now. Well gotta go...have to get back to do nothing.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Game Day!
Preseason Game Day...anyway!! Tonight we open with the Uman Comet Cup against Luleå at Gammlia kl. 19.30. This Cup will be the debut of our new American player, Bri and also the return of Johanna and Julia who have been sick. Unfortunately, Mila may not play due to a sprained ankle and Carro may also miss some games due to being sick (we gain two and drop two). Saturday marks the return of Shannon Daly to Gammlia, but now she will be playing for the Sundsvall Saints. Here is the rest of the schedule for the weekend :
Fr 11/9 19.30 Umeå Comets - Luleå Basket
Lö 12/9 11.00 Luleå Basket - Sundsvall Saints
Lö 12/9 16.00 Sundsvall Saints - Umeå Comets
I love this game!!
Bri Has Landed!!
Check out the article of Bri!
I had some time to visit Maria at the hospital today!! She even treated me to some chocolate cake...mums!! Tack Maria...du är AWESOME!! I went to hangout with Aisling also for a bit before she went to study at the University. I just want to share a quick txt message I received from Aisling when I told her I was going to the hospital. This is just classic I think:
"Ragin!! i have the bike wit me and meetn carro in the lib-boring!ha! but i have wrk2b done4 2mo! but il cya at d hos, just munchin." -Aisling
I don't know if it's just an irish thing or what?? But I guess this is the language these days. Haha!!
Nothing else new to report...sorry. Life is just training, eat, sleep and then some more training right now. What could be better??!!
Take it Easy!

Tonight I am just trying to relax and take it easy! The sick bug hit our team hard over the weekend. We now have 5 girls on the team that are sick. That makes practices not so much fun. I think we had a hard weekend with little rest and it finally caught up to us a bit. I myself don't feel sick, just really tired. We had the day-off yesterday, but I think it hit me harder on the second day. Today I was useless, because all I wanted to do was sleep!
Some news real fast...Yesterday I got a new car!! A 2008 Audi Sportback, color red! It's pretty sweet, looks brand new and it even smells like a new car. Kind of nice not walking and biking everywhere now, but then again, not having a car kind of forces you to walk more and get that extra exercise. I guess I don't really need that these days with basketball in full force. I also received my Swedish personal number...I'm official!! That goes along with my full-time employment this year. I need to get some done with that...including a trip to the bank, an identification card and maybe some schooling. Vi får se!!
And lastly, tomorrow our new American player will be arriving which will complete our team. Mila, the russian, has been great for us so far. She has really added some height for us and produced some offense! Now with Bri (the American) coming, it will only make us stronger. Hopefully give us the threat from outside with her shooting and athletic ability!! Now if we could get the full squad healthy, then I think we have a pretty solid team! We play this weekend in the Comet Cup here in Umeå, so it should be another great test for us. We will play Sundsvall and Luleå Friday and Saturday night. Looking forward to some more matches!! I can't wait to get us all playing together!! It's been long expected!
Well I need to get to bed and REST UP! We can't afford for another player to go down with the sick bug. It's crazy how it has hit us!! I guess it is better now than later!! Hope everybody is having a great start to the week!!
Vi hörs!
3rd is Better Than 4th!
So there were 4 teams in our tournament: Sallen, Sundsvall and Marbo. Friday night we played at 9pm vs. Sallen in a pretty surprising game for us. We lost by 10 pts, but it was a much closer game than the score reflects. We fought hard and it was good to see that type of spirit from such a young team. We are a completely different team this year, but I think it's best for us. Aisling met us Friday night, she flew into Östersund from Ireland just in time to play for the game. It was great that she came because we played without Julia and Johanna this weekend due to sickness. Two of our strong guards didn't even play this weekend, so I am looking forward to see how much stronger we are when they return. Mila had a good game Friday night, I think she scored around 15 pts. She is getting in the groove of everything and it's really nice for me to play with another tall post player!! Anyway, Sallen is a pretty packed Swedish team with some great players...so I was happy with our effort.
Saturday was a bit different story. We played Sundsvall early that morning and just played horrible. No way of "sugar coating" that one. We just didn't play good and they beat us pretty good, around 20 pts or so. But the evening game was much better against Marbo. We were ahead the entire game, up until the final 5 min of the 4th. We were only playing with 7 players however and we straight up just got exhausted! Plus we didn't have Aisling because she hurt herself earlier in the Sundsvall game. We ended up losing again by 10 pts to Marbo.
So that put us in the tournament game for 3rd or 4th place this morning at 8 AM! That's right, we played or game at 8 in the morning. We played against Sundsvall for a well deserved re-match! I know we were 0-3 going into it, but that didn't seem to matter for us. We came out strong but the game remained close throughout. In the second quarter I got elbowed pretty good in the nose (actually by my own player on her shot). And my nose just started gushing blood all over the place. I have never had my nose bleed like that before. It was so bad I had to leave the court to the lockerroom and blood was just streaming down my face. Julia came to help me out, but had to sit in the corner of the lockerroom because she was getting nauseas watching. I started to spit blood and then Julia ended up throwing up because it was just too much blood (sorry I had to tell this story Julia). Blood was everywhere, but finally I was able to clean it up...but unfortunately unable to stop the nose bleed. It just kept bleeding. So I went back up to the game and the score was tied. I ended up sitting out almost the entire 2nd quarter. At halftime I just stuck toliet paper up my nose so I could play. Looked pretty funny, but I didnt care...I WANTED TO PLAY and win this game. So I ended up playing the rest of the game with toliet paper shoved up my nose and I guess it worked! We ended up winning the game by 7 pts!!
GREAT!! WE GOT OUR FIRST WIN!! And that also meant we got 3rd place in the tournament!! I ended up scoring 30 pts in the final game. Chris, our assistant, told me that I scored our team's first 15 pts in the first 4 minutes of the game. I am just so surprised because no way I thought my body was capable of that this morning...haha!! But really the team stepped it up and everyone contributed to this win. Carro was quite impressive this weekend, not once coming out for a substitution. SHE WAS SOLID LIKE A ROCK! And I am excited to see what we are like with a full squad. Hopefully we will have that this coming weekend, when we play again in the Uman Cup here in Umeå! Vi får se!! Now I will leave you with some pictures of the weekend!

Friday night banquet with all the teams...they were all different ages in both mens and womens. Which by the way, it was great seeing some men's basketball this weekend. We don't get to see that much here in Umeå since we don't have a men's team in the highest league.

Tony wishing those potatoes were lucky charms!

Da bus!........Mila!..............Emma and Mila sitting and chatting....Julia on the da bus!

The team hanging out, watching some basketball!!

THE COMETS!!! OH yeah we got 3rd place!! Check out the medals!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Whoop Whoop!!

More exciting news...today we leave for Östersund for a preseason basketball tournament. We leave Umeå at 13.00 today and play our first game tonight vs. Sallen at 21.00. It is going to be really hard to play a game at that time I think, but hopefully we can manage. Still exciting to play an actual game! We will actually have 4 games total in this tournament. Saturday we play Sundsvall and Marbo, and then there is the finals on Sunday. I'm really hoping we make it to the finals Sunday, or else we have to play at 8.00 in the morning on Sunday. We will arrive back to Umeå Sunday evening. Should be interesting to see where we are as a team, and of course I hope for the best. Vi får se!!
Boring weather today...a very, very rainy day! Now I will get up, have a relaxing breakfast, pack for this weekend and watch an episode of True Blood. I am hooked on this show for sure! Love it!!

Rain, rain go away...come again another day!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
What A Day at Work!
First day really of work and it went great!! It was absolutely amazing and so much fun also!! PR'ing for the Umeå Comets, what could be better. So what did our job entail today...well let me tell you. Today at the University, there was a "Welcome Event" for all students. Tons of clubs and organizations in Umeå each had a table-booth full of information for any interested students, and we had our own section as well. Our mission however, was to get people excited for basketball and to get them to attend our games. So we had a shooting contest for students that passed by and if they made the shot, they got 2 free tickets to our first home game Oct. 11th. So many people were fascinated by what we were doing, and it caught a lot of interest among many students. It was so much fun interacting with everybody, letting them get excited and building (for what we hope) a strong fan base!! Just basically getting our name out there in a fun and entertaining way!! Tony brought tons of energy of course, and he is great with interacting with people. Gets them excited!! Johanna and Hanna and also Carro came and did a great job as well!! It was fun to see them come out of their shell a bit and interact with people. The good news is that a lot of people seemed interested and hopefully they are excited enough to come and watch us play!! We just want to provide a great atmosphere and positive surge of energy!! We are on the right path I think, especially working like this. I hope it turns out to be a great success!! OH and is this really my job right now?!?! I LOVE IT!!
The start of the day. Jumping in the KFUM mini-bus.
Getting our station all set-up!! Umeå Comets in the house (Hanna, Tony, and Johanna)!! Who wants to take a shot!! Win free tickets!!
Nice shot!!
Getting out there and interacting with the people!! Gotta love this job!
Check out all the students and us...right in the middle of all the action!
Need I say more here?!?!
We are such great advertisers!!
Promoting basketball and getting it going in Umeå is one of our biggest goals this year. We will continue to educate and build the popularity of basketball here in Umeå as much as we can!! That is our objection and mission being a part of KFUM this year! Let's make it work!!
Grettings from Sweden!!
Not too much to report since Sunday night. I will make this a brief one.
Monday we did some tests with Stefan our physical coach. We did some jump tests and sprint tests. I realized that I have a special gift of jumping like an idiot. I probably got the laughed at the most...at least by Julia anyway. I think I had a personal record for standig long jump...25 cm. Is that far?? I don't even know??
Today we continued with more testing....this time in the weightroom! I maxed out on power cleans, squat and bench press. After those tests I realized I was superwoman!! Crazy...but true. Believe what you want.
Mila the Russian also came today. She is tall and skinny. Not too bad but time will only tell for now. This weekend will be a good test as we travel to Östersund. Hanna also came to Umeå today! Another teammate of ours, actually from Östersund. Aisling comes back from Ireland on Friday (she gets to play with us) and Bri, the other american, comes on Wednesday. The whole team is almost here!! Can't wait.
I started watching True Blood series. I highly recommend this one for anyone looking for a series to watch!! I love it so far...I AM HOOKED! I can't stop watching!!
Tomorrow we run the BEEP TEST! OHHHHH I LOVE IT!! NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! I really really hope I don't die. But if I do, thanks everybody for being a part of my life. It meant a lot to me! HAHA...I am so dramatic. I just know this thing won't be pretty. But BRING IT!
OH AND FYI!! On Friday, after Jonas and I went to fika at Waynes, he came over to check out my new apartment. And he fixed my TV! And it works great now!! So thanks Jonas!!! :)
OK I need sleep!! Godnatt!
Sov gott!!