Crunch Time!!

Let the hard times begin!! It's time to work hard and get in shape for the upcoming season!! All sweat and glory left out on the hardwood floor! The hair on my arm starts to rise as I get excited about the games to come and the competition that awaits us!! But now it's preparation time. NO PAIN NO GAIN! It's always hard to push yourself during this time, but the important thing is to remember the rewards when you are out on the floor pushing yourself to the max for that victory!! I can't wait!!
Today my workout consisted of a 1 mile run to a park, a sprint workout, and a 1 mile run cool down. Tomorrow I will focus on my strength training and a shooting workout hopefully with Mike! As my team prepares across the giant ocean, now I must push myself to be at their level when I get there in 3 weeks. I must remind myself this everyday and push even harder!! We are all working hard for the goal of success! And this year I hope we can get a bit more W's than the past years. I got a feeling this year might be the year!
Can't wait to practice with my new and old teammates!! Keep pushing hard and see you soon!!

Work hard and good luck girls. See ya in soon!
Swimmer Jaxon

This past week I continued to watch Jaxon and I will do it for one more week again coming up. Yesterday Jaxon and I met up with Kellie and Charlie and the rest of her family to go swimming. Jaxon was absolutely adorable in the water, kicking and splashing his arms all over the place. He absolutely loved it!! It was a fun adventure!!
My weeks have been pretty calm and boring for the most part. Nothing new and exciting going on, so it's been hard to blog about nothing. This weekend seems to be pretty uneventful. Mike has started class today, so it's hard to plan and actually do something during the day. For me I am going to go workout and watch some WNBA play-offs on TV.
Today I have a very strong craving for some GODIS!! Some swedish candy!! It's just not the same here as in Sweden. I have to go to the gas station or store and just buy a candy bar. Where is my bag of candy and the variety of selections?? I guess I will have to wait until the end of September.
For those of you who don't know...the date is set and I will return to Umea on September 22nd. I leave Denver the 21st, and 24 hours later I'm in Sweden.
Well that's all I got for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Wedding Bliss

The bride and groom!

Check out that stud!! Mike looking nice as a groomsman!

So since Mike was in the wedding, I had to find a friend to sit with during everything. I met Krista, whose husband was a groomsman as well. Krista and I then became each others dates until our men came and joined us for the reception!!

Rich, Justin and Mike...Groomsmen!

My love!!

Out of the dance floor!! Fist pump anyone??
Last night was a lot of fun!! Tonight I am staying in watching some TV and blogging. Tomorrow I will play two basketball games in our Sunday league. Its going to be tough playing back to back games, but I'm looking forward to it! Now it is really time to get in shape!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Nanny Amy!

Charlie and Jaxon


The Charlie man!
Things are started to slow down here. Mike and I will be attending his friend Eric's wedding tonight. Mike is a groomsmen so I will be watching him walk down the aisle from the side. Should be a great time though! I am really looking forward to it!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Enjoy the last days of summer while they are still here.
Quick Summer Re-Cap

Janey and me the weekend after my birthday. Janey's in-laws...Nancy and Jim, took us all out to the park for hamburgers and cupcakes!! It was a great day in the park!!

Mike and I go to San Diego for the 4th of July weekend!! We went to a Padre's game at Petco Stadium. Afterwards we meet up with Karen Thies and her boyfriend Stan at the Tilted Kilt! It was a good time all together sharing past memories and creating new ones!!

Karen and me!

Lindsay and me go and see Tim McGraw in concert on her birthday!! It was a full night of singning to Tim and dreaming about him taking off his shirt (that never happened). Also a great show by Lady Antebellum, who opened for Tim.
Washington Trip

On my trip to Washington to visit Courtney, we stopped to see our former step-dad Poflee in Spokane, WA. For the first time I get to meet his almost 2-year old Ashika, who was absolutely so adorable!! She had the prettiest features on a baby I have ever seen. It was a great day spent with Ashika and Poflee (who I hadnt seen in almost 10 years). It was almost like that much time never passed by us.

Kelsey joined us in Washington, it was a lot of rafting and beautiful scenary watching. Quality time spent with the sister and some crazy rafting adventures as well, including Kelsey falling in the river and then getting rescued by Courtney!!

FIST PUMPING FRIDAY with Amie, Jason and Mike one night in Denver! Just more great times with my friends and boyfriend!!
So I cant summer has been great so far. I'm looking forward to my final 4 weeks here and then it is back to buisness in Sweden!!
Tonight Mike and I will be attending a rehearsal dinner for his friend's wedding on Friday. We have been busy moving him into his new place also.
OH MORE EXCITING NEWS!!! My dad starts his NEW job on Thursday in Longmont!!! I am so happy for him and see you this weekend Dad!!
Cheers for now!!
A Hard Decision...but Finally Made!
So I am back in the blogging world after about 2 months off. Sorry about that, but this summer has been a crazy whirl-wind for me!! And it all started with basketball camp at Colorado School of Mines in early June. For those of you who don't know...I met my boyfriend Mike at camp!! And ever since then, I have spent almost everyday with him (except for a 2-week vacation in July) falling more and more in love each day. SO how did it all start...well early in our romance, Mike asked me to go to San Diego with him for the weekend. And that is when I began to fall in love with this great guy! We just got along so great and things just felt RIGHT! It's just a feeling I have that is hard to describe. And it's even more crazy that I am sitting here writing about this because I never thought I would be the type to do that. But now I can honestly make the statement: it really does happen when you least expect it!
Mike and me at Coronado Beach in San Diego!!
Things continue to be great between Mike and I, and as we have gotten more has the discussion about our future together. And the biggest issue is me shipping off to Sweden to play basketball for my fourth year. At first I thought there was no possible way I could be appart from Mike for so long. I was scheduled to be gone for 8 months with no return. My thoughts were to stay and be together with Mike here in Denver. Mike is unable to come to Sweden with me because of his job as an assistant basketball coach at Metro State College, so that possibility was out of the picture. So I was leaning towards staying...but thankfully my club the Comets, compromised and were very understanding in allowing me to come over later and return for Christmas time in order to make things workout between us! And I get to return and play basketball, which is one of my greatest passions in life!! So now I feel content with my decision. I know I am going into my fourth and final year of playing basketball in Sweden, and I get to finish it the right way! And I am super excited about our potential this season at being a great team, and competing in the league this year!! I'm looking forward to it!!
So I know a lot of you have been wondering what I have been up to and what I would be doing...but here is a little update!! I promise now to keep a better blog and will probably continue to keep it updated my final month in America! And then of course, my adventures in Sweden.
I hope everyone has had a great summer!!
Talk soon...KRAM
Coming Soon...
It's coming soon...