Baby Mine...
Soooooooo I know that my camera is broken...but I thought I would use my phone to capture my friend Janey's lovely kids in action...I can't believe they like Justin Bieber...what is Janey doing to them?? But they are still adorable anyway. I also took some pictures when we went to the game the other day. It was hot!! 90 degree outside.

Dean on the way down to the Rockies game sporting his cool sunglasses!!

Me and Dean in the back of the car!

Matt, Dean and Janey cooling off with a slushy!

Great seats...11 rows up from the field!!
Tonight my dad came down to Windsor and we had a grill-out with my aunt and uncle and grandparents. Nice to have the family together!! Afterwards I drove up to Colorado Springs and I am staying with my dad for a couple of days over Memorial Day. Tomorrow we are going to Territory Days...I guess a festival with a bunch of different events and concerts. Should be good time anway. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Rockies Game!
Home Sweeeeeeeeet Home!!
She then drove me to Widsor to my aunt and uncle's house to meet up with my grandparents. My grandparents now live in Arizonia, but are back for a week because of a wedding my grandpa is doing the ceremony for. I decided to stay the night with them and will probably be here the next couple of nights. We had a calm evening, watching the Suns and Lakers game...and then I went to sleep. It was around 6 in the morning swedish time before I went to bed. I was exhausted. The jet leg is crazy with this trip.
My grandpa woke me up today around 10.00 to tell me that my car wasn't starting and that we should go into town and get it looked at. I stored my car this year over at my aunt and uncles and really it hasnt been driven much, so I guess it's no surprise that the battery was completely dead. Just to make sure it wasn't anything else, we took the car to the Chevy Dealership....where they couldn't find anything wrong. They just said my car needs to be driven more and the battery will get better now. So hopefully now, it will continue to start!!
Today I had lunch with Janey and the kiddos!! My how much they have grown!! I guess that happens when you haven't seen them for over 9 months. I can't wait to get my new camera so I can start taking some pictures of them!! Norah is absolutely adorable and looks sooooo much like Janey!
Tonight will be a very unactive night. I plan to sit my butt right on the couch and just watch TV!! And then a early night to bed!! Tomorrow I plan to hopefully meet up with Kellie and Charlie...and then I would love to workout later in the day. My dad will come down Saturday to Widsor, my aunt and uncle will also be here, along with my grandparents for a family get together for Memorial Weekend! Then I will go back with my dad to Colorado Springs for some time. THINGS ARE ALWAYS SO BUSY WHEN YOU COME BACK HOME.
Well take care everyone!!
Cousins Visit

SOOOOOOOOOOO this past week I had some wonderful visitors here in Umeå with me. My loving cousins, Kyle and Kelsey, straight off the farm in Iowa...and my sister Courtney and her boyfriend Dan were also here during the week, so it made for a nice, small family gathering. Things were pretty crazy, busy showing them around but it was a lot of fun and I am so happy and thankful they were able to make it out here to Sweden. I hope they enjoyed the experience as well!!
The weather here was absolutely amazing when they were here. It's kind of funny because I sent them both a message earlier before the trip to pack their jackets and pants because it's not that warm here. But then it was total opposite. I have never experienced Umeå so warm in my life while here. Last year I stayed until the end of June and never felt it that warm before. SO it felt amazing!! Glad they got to see the "bright" side of Umeå! ;)
So since it was such great weather, I thougth it would be a good idea to go grill in the park. So we bought the little, one-time grills and went grilling at a park next to my place. Little did we know that the grills suck, and we spent almost 2 hours getting the grills going. Finally after about 3 hours, we had successful cooked all our food we brought. But despite the mishap, we still enjoyed one another's company...and the challenge the grill presented us. Spending time with family is always great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julia also joined us for the BBQ!


Grill Master Dan!! Good work!!

So a great night in the park grilling!!
On another day, we went out to Holmsund to check out the ocean...also known as the Baltic Sea! We walked out on a rock bryg and just sat on the rocks and enjoyed the beautiful scenary and great weather. We ended up just talking about everything, and it was just a great time!! These pictures best describe the experience!!

Baltic Sea

Just hanging out on the rocks!


So pretty with the sun sparkling off the water!
After our trip to the ocean, we went back to the apartment, Courtney made some dinner and then we met up with some friends at O'Learys later in the evening. Julia and Oscar came and joined us at the appartment, and Jenny also met up with us later!! It was a fun night with some live music and even some dancing by us!!

A night of fun at O'Learys! Our friends Oscar, Julia and Jenny joining us!

Kelsey, me, Julia and Lotta out on the patio!

Dancing on the dance floor!
The next day after O'Learys, we packed our things and caught a flight down to Stockholm for a couple of days. I thought it would be nice for the cousins to experience the capital city, and get more of an European view of things!! Lot's of history and touristic things for them to see. We arrived early Thursday morning, found our hotel in Bromma, trained to the city later in the day, shopped a bit, and then enjoyed dinner together. We were all pretty tired from the night before, so it was an early evening.
On Friday, we woke up pretty early to begin our tour of Stockholm. We started off in Gamla Stan... souvineers were bought and lots of pictures taken. We also walked around the castle, watched the changing of the guard and took a fika. Then we walked down by the water over to the Vasa Museum (which btw, I have seen 3 x's now). I think everyone was impressed by the big, old boat! Then it was a fast lunch and more walking around Stockholm. Around 5.00pm trained into the city and found a Pizza Hut! I was really excited to eat there since I haven't had American pizza for almost 10 months....but maybe not the coolest thing for the other americans with me! But it was still fun. Then it was back to the hotel, were actually Julia came down to meet us! She stayed a night in Stockholm and spent the next day with my family.

Gamla Stan

The Castle

Sisters in Stockholm

Everybody all together!!
So Stockholm was a lot of fun!! And I came home early Saturday morning. Kyle and Kelsey left later that night from Arlanda, and Courtney and Dan took off early Sunday morning. They have all now made it back safely to America and now it is my turn to follow!
The last two days have been crazy for me. I had to pack up everything in my apartment and move it to my new one. Then I had to clean everything and pack my bags for USA!! But I got it done finally and can relax a bit now!
TOMORROW I leave for America!! I will land in Denver 5.11pm local time. I leave Umeå at 6.30am tomorrow, so it's going to be a long day of travel for me!! But looking forward to it!! Can't wait to get home and see all my family and friends!! SOON I'M HOME!!!
Spain Trip
Day 1...I arrived to Barcelona in the evening. I met up with Courtney and Dan at the hotel around 8pm or so. I dropped my stuff off and then we walked to a local bar for some tapas and sangria. I had no idea at this time that it was going to be the theme of our trip (haha..tapas and sangria). We got the potatoes bravas and fried calamari, which was delicious!! The best part, however, about this time was seeing Courtney again. It had been over a year and a half since the last time I saw her. So lots of catching up to do! It was also my first time meeting her boyfriend Dan and we spent most the night getting to know each other and socializing. Went to bed pretty early that night.
Day 2...We made our way to the city of Barcelona. Our hotel was a little outside of the main city, so we trained in, dropped our bags off at the lockers in the train station, and began our explorations. First stop on the list was the Picaso Museum. Then to the Ramblas, an amazing market, the pier, and a couple tapas restuarants. The pictures describe the day best!

Starting the day off with a pitcher of Sangria!

Walking through the streets of Barcelona. The buildings were very close to each other and check out how people just hang-up their laundry. That would really suck if they dropped it :P

Some more scenary of Barcelona just walking around. It was very sunny and the building were beautiful!

A famous painting by his early days! Courtney got in trouble for taking this picture...haha!

Standing at the beginning of the Ramblas. The Ramblas is an outdoor walk-way filled with restuarants and shops. Lots of tourist attractions as well. We did a little shopping around here also.

First thing we had to do walking on the Ramblas was order the giant sangria cups!!

The straws were even crazy! Dan bought Courtney a sweet!

One of the coolest things I thought on the Ramblas were all the statue people. This guy I thought was the best, Edward Scissors Hands. If you paid them a little change, they would put on a little skit for you and allow you to take a picture with them. We found this very entertaining and spent a lot of time just watching all the different statues!!

Some were more extreme than is a fruit market guy!

There were many other great ones. Including a cowboy, a gold man, aileen, a man on the move, and a guy sitting on a toliet. They were all done great!

Next stop we visited a local market that I thought was sooooooo amazing. There was soooo much food inside this tent and I thought all the food looked great. The fruit was so colorful!!

Entering the market, legs of cow I think, and ICE CREAM!! The ice cream tasted unbelievable!
After a bunch of walking around, we thought we would sit down and relax for awhile so we found a great little tapas restaurant just outside the market. It turned out to be one of our favorite places on the trip! The tapas were so delicious and made so fantastically. We were amazed by all of them. We ended up spending almost 2 hours at this restaurant. We watched a lot of tapas come in and out!! I can't believe all the different kinds there were.

Here is the bar with all the different tapas plates on top. The middle pic is a tapa with bread, toped with seasoned chicken and topped with a chile pepper. One of the best ones I tried...I tried a bunch!! I couldn't get enough.

After the tapas restaurant we made our way down to the beach of Barcelona.

We took a nice little walk along the pier and checked out some great scenary!

On the walk!
After the walk along the coast, we made our way to the train station. We picked up our bags and jumped on the train to our next destination...Taragonna. It was about an hour long train ride. We arrived in Tarragona in the evening and found a taxi to take us to our hotel. We tell him the hotel name and he has never heard of it. I try to find the address in my bag...but surprise, surprise...I have lost the paper. So we have no idea what to do?? So we ask our taxi driver to take us to another hotel so we can ask them. We find out at another hotel, that the hotel we are staying at is 20 miles south of Tarragona in a city called Costa Dorado. So that kind of threw us for a loop. But we eventually get to our hotel and it's later than we expected to get in. We retire for the evening and decide we will check out more to the town the next day.
DAY 3.....We sleep in, wonder down to breakfast, enjoy a tasty meal, and walk outside to the beach. Our hotel literally sits right on the beach! The weather is nice, the sun is shinning, and we walk along the coast.

The beach by our hotel.

Walking along the coast. We found a spot with a little rock bryg. It was just so relaxing and calm!

Looking over at the beach and Costa Dorado in the background! Not a bad view at all!

The view from our hotel room. We had a balcony that we could go out on. The ocean looked so green and blue.
So we decide that we will go to the local grocery store in town and pick up some snacks and wine for the beach. We made a plan that we would spend most the day on the beach! So that is exactly what we did!

Haha, so we end up buying 6 bottles of wine for our 4 day stay in Costa Dorado. The wine was so cheap, only 2-3 euros a bottle. And it tasted great. SOOOO finally to me, my vacation begins sitting out on the beach, eating snacks and drinking some wine.
In the evening we keep ourselves entertained by playing ping-pong!! Courtney dominated us the first night, but each night, Dan and I were able to improve!! It made for great entertainment!!

The first night we ate at our hotels restaurant, which later in the trip we realized was the worse place of the whole trip. I ate a whole calamari head, even with its eyes. It tasted pretty crunchy. Courtney ordered a pizza and it came out with hotdog slices on it. The food didn't really settle to well with us that night. The next couple of nights, we went into the city and ate at some great local restuarants.
DAY #4....I generally woke up earlier than Dan and Courtney in the mornings. So I would sit at the breakfast table enjoying the great view and reading the 1st Steig Larsson book (which I completed on this trip) until eventually they would join me.

The breakfast consisted of sandwiches, yogurt, fruit, a potatoe quiche and the most amazing chocolate pastry!! And of con leche (actually)! Not a bad view though!

Then it was back at the beach! Courtney and Dan played a little out-door tennis while I read my book and laid in the sand. It was even more hot the second day at Costa Dorado, and we spent more time in the sun that day!

Since it was little bit warmer this day...we made it to the water more. Dan, however, was the only one that dove into the water.

Sisterly love!!

Goofing around with my sista!
That night we went to local bar to watch Barcelona play. Courtney and Dan went to a Barcelona game the night before I got there to Spain, so Courtney was able to buy some Barcelona gear and ready to support them. I won't forget when we walked through a group of kids, and half of them began to yell at us for being Barco fans while the rest cheered for us. It was kind of intimadating. But a fun experience I suppose. We went and watched one half at one bar, and the second half at another bar. It was quite the experience watching Spanish fotbal in Spain. People yelling and cheering and even dancing. One thing I did not enjoy was all the smoke.

Courtney and her gear!!
DAY 5...Day 5 was a sad day for me. It was the day I dumped an entire bottle of water all over my digital camera. I was early in the day and I went outside to sit in the sun and read more of my book when I noticed my purse starting to drip with water. I quickly grabbed all my stuff out, but I was too late and unable to save my camera. I shook it a bit and water just dripped out of it. SAD DAY.
We didn't really do much this day. There was a little overcast that day, I believe it even rained a litte. I went on a fairly long walk, while Dan and Courtney took a siesta. Not very much went on that day.
DAY 6....We woke up fairly early and traveled back to Barcelona. We spent 4 nights at Costa Dorado and decided to spend the last day in Barcelona. Our flight left the next day, so we thought it would be wise to be closer. We took the hour train back and found our hotel very easy this time!! (Thank goodness)! It was the best weather of the whole trip on this day and it was HOT. I spent most the day in the hotel's garden sun-tanning. We stayed at a very nice hotel in the very nice part of Barcelona. Later on that day, we took a walk down the road to check out some shopping and look at some cool buildings!!

Pretty interesting was soooo green!! Me and Courtney walking by it checking it out. /pic from Courtney's camera.
DAY 7....Our flight left around 2pm that day. SO we were able to sleep in a litte, enjoy a spectacular 5-star breakfast at the hotel!! That was one great thing about this trip...the food was great!! I enjoyed almost everything! But all the hotel breakfast were perfect (I sound swedish).
We took a taxi to the airport and everything went smoothly...UNTIL we got on the flight. The trip back did not go as smoothly. Our first flight was one hour delayed. We had a connection flight in Milan and we only had an hour lay-over. So we knew it was going to be close when we landed to making that flight to Stockholm. We were able to land before our 2nd flight took off, but unfortunately, the airline didn't think we were going to make they re-booked us on another flight to Frankfurt and then to Stockholm. SUCK...we were there in time but they wouldn't let us on. So instead of getting in to Stockholm at 8pm, we were going to get in at midnight. That means I was going to miss the last flight to Umeå. And also a night in the airport at Stockholm. Well I think I have blogged about this already...
DAY 8....I arrived back to Umeå around 9.00 am!! FINALLY!!
But what a great trip I had. It was a lot of fun and I was happy to be able to spend time with Courtney and Dan!!
Well that wraps it up! More to come on this past week with the family. Kyle and Kelsey are on their way back to America now and Dan and Courtney head out tomorrow!
Crazy Busy
The weather here has been HOT and sunny!! So NICE!!! This weekend was amazing and I spent the entire day in the sun!
It was also a great weekend because Sophia was here and the two of us back together again!! Hopefully I can post some pictures later of the weekend, but not from my camera.
Can't write too much, headed out the door to teach a basketball class and then spend more time with the FAM!
Tomorrow we are headed to Stockholm for a 2 day trip. Then as soon as I come home its pack up my things, move my things into a new apartment, and then USA on Tuesday. Time is going WAY too fast. Before I know it I am home.
More to come I hope soon!! Take care!!
Here are some posts from the local newspapers:
My job next year will focus more on recruitment of players in school, developing individual skill clinics, coaching clinics, camps, and just more public relations for the club! I will actually have my own office at KFUM and will focus on developing solid relationships around the community of Umeå (schools and Comets club especially). I'm really looking forward to it and happy that KFUM has employed me full-time and have promising hopes that we can build and change basketball around here in Umeå!! Let's make it happen...I'm getting excited just writing about it now! Complete focus on improving the popularity of basketball in Umeå!!!
Glad to remain a part of and continue my dedication to the KFUM Comets!!
A Night in Arlanda
-Leave Barcelona at 2.55 to Milan
-Our flight is delayed an hour
-We miss our flight to Stockholm by literally 5 min...(actually the plane is still there, but they don't allow us on because they had already moved us off that plane to another).
-We then fly to Frankfurt
-Plane is delayed an hour
-We make it to Frankfurt and make it time for the flight to Stockholm
-Arrive in Stockholm at midnight
-I have at this point missed my flight back to Umeå and no more flights for the night
-Spend the night at Arlanda and fly out tomorrow morning at 8.00am
OJ OJ OJ OJ!! What a day. So tomorrow I will finally be back in Umeå...I HOPE!!
Yesterday we spent the day in Barcelona...the sun was shinning bright and it was HOT! It was great. We stayed in town at a really nice hotel, and I spent most of the day outside in the garden!! Then we hit the town for dinner and our last sangria of the trip. This morning we woke up and enjoyed a nice 5 star hotel breakfast meal! Then did some last minute shopping and then hit the airport. 3 plane trip later, I'm sitting here in Arlanda. Soooooo close but yet so far away :)
Courtney and Dan are on their way to Jonas place to sleep in Stockholm and then will catch the boat to Helsinki tomorrow on the Silja Line. They will meet back up with me in Umeå on Friday. Then Sunday, Kelsey and Kyle will be making the visit!!! Can't wait to see them and all the family in Sweden...haha, kind of funny!
Well I'm going to do a little internet surfing and then maybe find some floor to sleep on for a little bit.
Take care everyone!!
2 Days to go!!
The trip is going really well so far, except today I had an accident and dumped a bottle of water on my camera and now my camera is not working. I´m really hoping it will dry out but with my luck, I´m guessing not.
The last two days, Courtney, Dan and myself have been sitting out at the beach and enjoying the sun. I got a little red in the face yesterday and took about a 3 hour siesta because I was so worn out from the sun I think. Dan and Courtney went on a walk and came back 3 hours later, I had slept the entire time and was shocked I slept that long.
I have taken a load of pictures, so hopefullly I will be able to upload them once I get back. At least my memory card is still saved. Today its a bit cloudy and we have resorted to staying inside the hotel. Looks like we might go for a walk now and explore some more of this town. Its kind of crazy how between 2.00-7.00 the entire town is pretty much shut-down for siesta. So crazy, and then eating dinner so late has also been an adjustment. Last night we went to a local bar and watched the Barcelona game. Lots of cheering and shouting!! I´m kind of sick of the cigarette smoke though. It was a fun atmosphere!!
Well ADIOS for now!! Hopefully talk soon!!
Made it to Spain and things are going great!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO great to see Courtney again and meet Dan!! They are perfect together and I give them the sister approval!! Yesterday was a day spent in Barcelona, sight-seeing and shopping! Found a great little tapas restaurant where we spent about 2 hours eating and drinking wine!!! Lots of sangria and tapas so far. Now we are staying at a hotel right off the beach pretty secluded, an hour south of Barcelona...Today we have spent the entire day down at the beach in the sun!! We will be here for the next 3 nights!! So fun wearing my bikini and shorts in the sun!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay they are charging me for the internet so time is money!! Gotta run but have a great week!! Back to the sangria!! :-)
So I enjoyed myself a grande caramel macchiato!! SO NICE!! So far, a great start to the trip!! Haha!!
I have also bought the Stieg Larsson Book #1 in English to read for the trip, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...Män som Hatar Kvinnor in swedish. All my Swedish friends have been talking about how great this book is, so I thought I would see for myself and read it! It's orginally in swedish, so it's fun that I can find an english version and begin to read! They have even made a movie, that hopefully I will watch after. I like reading the books first, then the movies.
Well that is pretty much it for now. Not too much new to report, just excited and anxious for this trip. And most of all I get to see Courtney today!!
Take care everyone, will try to report as much as possible!!
SPAIN Tomorrow!!!

Tarragona, Spain...our hotel awaiting us!!
PACKING, PACKING, PACKING!! Today I am busy getting ready for my trip to Spain tomorrow!! So it's of day of packing and cleaning my place. I always clean my place before a trip because I think it feels really nice to come home to a clean place and not have to worry about that! So today it's some laundry and a bunch of cleaning and of course packing. I'm really trying not to pack a lot because I want to travel simple and hopefully hassle-free.
I can't believe the day is almost here!! VACATION!! HERE I COME!!! I don't plan to do much, just sit in the sun and lay on the beach. Maybe some shopping and site-seeing as well. But what's going to be great about all of this is I will get to see my loving sister Courtney and meet her boyfriend Dan. I haven't seen Courtney since last November when she came to visit me here in Umeå. So it's going to be so great to see her!! Love ya Court!
So today is kind of busy with preparation. I hope I can get a workout in later today. The sun is finally shinning over here in Umeå. It disappeared for a couple of days but now it's back! Still kind of cool, but the snow keeps melting so that's good.
Well take care everyone, I will try to keep you updated on my trip but I can't guarantee for sure! I hope so anyway!!

*Use a light, shimmery eye color right under your eyebrow. Use a darker color on your eyebrow bone to make your eyes look bigger. Under and over the bone. Blush can be used to blend the two colors together.

*Use the same light eye shadow on the corner of your eye. The darker eye shadown can be used for eyeliner also for the bottom and top of the eye. But Amanda used the cake eyeliner on my top eye lid. By adding water to the cake eyeliner, you can determine the consistency and how thick you would like the eyeliner to be.
So there it is, some tips I thought I would share with you also!!

Now only 2 days until I leave for Spain!!!! I can't believe it's almost here. Courtney and Dan have started the trip today down to Spain, I believe they taking a night train down and will be there a day before me. I will meet them at the hotel Wednesday night!!
Today I will go workout at the gym and then practice with the div. 3 team later. Not too much going on these days, as I have mention quite a few times now!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Happy Valborg!! Valborg is a holiday in Sweden to celebrate the beginning of May and spring, well that's what I have concluded. It is also a time for friends and family to get together and have their first GRILLING of the year! Yesterday I was invited over to Maria and Kalle's house for a very nice evening. It was grill master Kalle on the grill and Leo as the main entertainment!! Maria's friend Zalina also came over, both her and Maria are pregnant at the same stage. So it was a real family atmosphere that I really enjoyed!! It's always great to hangout with great friends and enjoy each others company!! The night started with dinner, then we traveled up to the university to see the huge bon-fire, back to the house for dessert, and then a competitve plop (?) game of cards!!
My new best friend!
Zalina and GrillMaster Kalle
Maria loving her baby!!
THE FIRE!! Up at the University. Check out the clothing. The weather was horrible. Rainy and cold. Where is the sun these days?!?
Today the weather is the same but more rain. Sad that we can't get some warmth and sun. I really, really can't wait for SPAIN at this point. Tired of wearing my jacket and gloves. COME ON!! It's MAY now!!
Now it's relaxing day at home...not much planned this weekend. Taking it easy before my trip on Wednesday.
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE...Thanks again for a great night Maria!! It was sooooo much fun!! :)