The adorable...
On Tuesday I went down to visit Kellie and Charlie!! Charlie was so freakn' adorable and he is really getting big now. I can't believe how much he understands when you tell him something but he just won't talk back yet. I think that maybe his first words will be Amy...I hope so anyway :P It really is fun to be home and see my best friends babie's grow in front of my eyes!! And yes I know I have only been home 3 weeks or so, but I really can tell the difference. Fun times!! He is such a CUTIE!!
Yesterday I went down to Colorado Springs to visit my dad. We also bought new phones...the Droid 2! And I must say that I am officially ADDICTED TO IT! I can't put it down. It has so many different applications that I sit for hours just checking out all the different ones!! I think it's better than the I-Phone for sure...haha!! Well it's a pretty high-tech phone for me, so I am very happy with it and excited to learn about all the cool things it can do!!
Tomorrow night Metro men open up their season vs. Evergreen State at home. I am excited to go check out the game and watch my man in action coaching!! And I finally get to be around some basketball again!!
It's been so great to see so much basketball on TV again over here. Something I have missed for awhile. The UConn vs. Baylor game was some great women's basketball, 1 vs. 2...and yes, nationally televised!! UConn gets the 1pt victory over Baylor and wins 80 games in a row now. That's so unbelievable. 9 more wins to go and they beat UCLA's 88 game winning streak, which is the longest streak in basketball ever!! It would be great to see UConn get this, and it would be great for women's basketball. I personally don't think it will be hard for them, but pressure is pressure, so we will see!! Hopefully I get to witness this historic moment!
Well I think that's the update for now, not much else going on. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Sleepy Days
Sleepy days when it's cold and snowy outside...who wouldn't want to stay warm in bed!!
Not too much happening on this part of the world. Mike will officially start his season this Friday vs. Evergreen State. I'm excited to go watch and cheer on the team!! Kind of weird that I will be cheering for Metro these days, but I'll get use to it. But I will still stay true to the gold and blue of Fort Lewis when that match-up comes.
Not much else going on right now. Sorry for a boring update, but hopefully something exciting begins here soon!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Have You Forgot This Face?!?!

Bored on a Thursday planying with Mike's web cam!! I thought maybe you check out my new hairdo! I press this button.

So serious...I mean seriously, how does this thing work!!
The job hunt still in action!! Hopefully some good news in the next couple of days!!!
Snow here today!! I heard there is a bunch back in Umea. Time to bust out my winter jacket...AGAIN!
Later peeps!
Norah Turns 2!!

Sesame Street Theme party and Cookie Monster as the cake!! I can't believe Janey decorated this all by herself!! IMPRESSIVE!!

The main event...NORAH JANE PATELLA

Like mother like daughter!!

Janey's oldest Dean, he will be turning 5 years old in 20 days!!

Norah opening my present I got for her, the bag is almost as tall as her. Everytime she opened a present she would say "Look it!!" Sooooooooooooo cute.

Time to blow out the candle and Norah trying to figure out what is going on?!!?

Cake completed! I think most landed on her face!! SO adorable!!
Today is one of my more exciting days!! I will meet Amie for lunch in a couple hours!! Amie is one of my best friends here in America! She and her husband are expecting their first child in March, and she gets to find out what she is having this Friday!!!!! I cant wait to find out...will they break the trend of boys??? Then later tonight I will travel up to Loveland to visit my friend Janey and attend the party of her daughter, Norah, who turns 2 today!!! So I am going to bust out my camera and make sure I can post some new updated photos of life here!!
So one of the coolest things about me being back home, is that I get to attend all my friends babies birthday parties now. I just missed Charlie's one year birthday...but there will be more to come!! Norah today, Dean (her brother) the end of this month, and Jaxon in January! That I am looking forward to!! So crazy being back home this time of year, because I havent for the last 3 years. It's kind of exciting and fun at the same time.
There has been a lot of perks since being back, but I want everyone to understand that I am missing Sweden and the life I left there. The people I met there mean so much to me, and I hope they will continue to be a part of my life eventhough we are so far apart. My best friend Sophia means the world to me!! And I am so thankful that I met her when I did. We have the craziest story of how we met, but there was a reason for all of that to happen! She has been my backbone over there and my voice of reason. Also my partner in crime...and we have had some great times together!! Hemavan, Rex, Switzerland, New Years, numerous parties, Mid-Sommar, oh there is so much more. So I just wanted to let you know, I miss you friend and I can't wait until you come visit me this summer!!

Forever Gangstar!
I hope your knee gets better and I am thinking of you always!!
Well peeps, that's all I have for now. I hope everyone is having a great week. Is it Friday yet??? I can't wait for the weekend because finally Mike has a day off!! He is such a busy man.
Back in America!
I havent done too much being back. Just trying to get caught up with the new times. I was waking up early for awhile, at 5am wide awake and falling asleep pretty early. Which is fine because Mike has a similar schedule with 6am practices for him. But now I can successfully sleep in a bit longer after he leaves for work.
This weekend I should be able to catch up on somethings. I have re-construct my blog a little bit, since it is no long "My Life in Sweden". I have even been wondering if I should even continue with it. But Sophia is on me that I should continue so all my friends back in Sweden (Switzerland) can see what I am up to over here in America. What do you guys think??
Things in Umea finished up great! There was a very dinner for me Saturday night at Droskan with my team and non-basketball friends!! There were some really nice speeches given and it was amazing to see that I have in fact made an impact in some peoples lives. I felt very appreciated and I am very thankful I have these people in my lives!! I have some pictures to post and some more comments to make on my goodbye weekend...but I will get to that later. I am almost settled in and once that is completed I promise to pay more attention to this blog!
So now my life begins a new chapter here in America! I will meet with a doctor and probably interview for a job at the bank sometime next week. Mike's season is inching closer to the start! I am going to be the wifey cheering my man on at all the games!! Cant wait.
Well that's all I have for now...and coming soon...MORE!
Have a great weekend everyone!!