Procrastination to it's Finest!!
Instead of working on my paper, Anna and I watched the One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl new episodes tonight! And they were great!!!! And of course before that we watched IDOL. The guys sang tonight. Last night we had a mini-party viewing of Idol with the girls singing at our place. Julia, Anna W, Danny, and Lars came over to fika and watch Idol! Then it turned into a You Tube viewing party also. It was a lot of fun to hangout!!
Yesterday....Julia, Madde and me went computer shopping again. It was a lot of fun. My favorite was when I started playing Guitar Hero at the store!!! I rocked it for sure! I found a computer I really liked and actually ended up buying one online!! I should get it by the end of this week!!! I am so excited for it!!!!!!!! So that is pretty BIG NEWS!! I even got a swedish one so I can now begin to write in swedish more often (since I will have the proper vowels).
GRATTIS JULIA on your birthday!! We will most definetly celebrate it this weekend!! It is going to be so much fun, I can barely contain my excitement right now :)!!! And don't worry...I'm making some cupcakes!!
Tomorrow Anna and I are getting massages at IKSU!! A 60 minute full body massage! OMG it is going to be AMAZING!!! Well I think that is about all for now! Much love to all!! :)
Tattoo Time!!!

Which one should I get????
-OK so I am really going to get a tattoo!! And I am going to get it here in Sweden! And I have my mind set on the Gemini zodiac sign. And I think I will put it on my back!! :) Madde and I went into a tattoo shop today here in Umeå to check out prices and availability to get one. They said we can drop in on Fridays or book a time for April or March. I think we might drop in on Friday...hehe. But not this week, maybe next week. I still have to pick a design. I really want to get something with meaning, and my mind is set for the gemini zodiac sign. Both my sister and I are gemini's and she already has the tattoo. I think it would be neat to get somthing similar. Of course my own design. Too bad the design is kind of boring. But I am searching around and I think I am going to design it my own way using some of these sign designs. Give me your opinions!! OH MY GOSH!!! I really am going to do this...and with my tattoo buddy Madde!!! OHHHH...How cool!!
Adios compadres!
Uman Basket Cup

65-62 win vs. Sundsvall in the Uman Basket Cup this past weekend!!
(I know, I take wonderful action faces are the best!)
Overall Good Weekend!!
Woah what a weekend!! 3 total games in row! We finished 2-1 in the Uman Basket Cup! Today we lost to Lulea by 18 pts. You could tell we were really tired. We didn't have that much energy and it showed. Plus Lulea is a strong team that is very physical and fast. We just couldn't keep up with them. There was a time in 3rd quarter where we cutt the lead to 9 pts, but that was the closest we got. We still did good though...the score doesn't entirely reflect how we played. I am really happy and proud that we went 2-1 this weekend!! This is proof that we can be a good team this year, if we set our minds to it!! It's enough motivation anyway for the team I think!! It's about that time to take the next step!! With a few clean-up spots here and there...the better we will be. Not to mention, we are still missing our other american and we were without Ida. Right now my body feels pretty beat up. Back-to-back-to-back games is tough! But I am so glad we finally got to play in some games!!!
Tonight Anna and I went over to Bosse and Maria's for dinner. The food was AMAZING!!!! OMG it was so good!! It was so great having a home-cooked meal! :) OH and the fika was great also!!! It was like a vanilla pudding topped with raspberries and sugar!! YUMMY!!! Then we watched some Australian football. AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL IS CRAZY! Have you ever watched something as crazy as this sport!? I was so fascinated and IN SHOCK watching this. This is a tough sport! It is freakn' unbelievable how these guys survive?! I don't really understand the rules whatsoever but basically I think there are NO rules. Tackle, kick, push, shove, kill whoever you want. It is so insane. I just sat on the couch with my eyes stuck watching the TV while this sport was going on. RIDICULOUS! And there were so many people in the stadium watching. I was in shock watching this! But it looks like a lot of fun. Pretty brutal stuff. Check out this link This is so crazy!! I think the best part is all the cool tackles and even fights that take place :) Looks like I found a new favorite sport!!! :) SO AWESOME!!!
Well that was pretty much the highlight of my day!!! I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!!! NO SCHOOL, NO PRACTICE!!! Julia and I are going to go and look at laptops. I am most definitely going to buy one this week!! I can't wait!! It's going to be great! And my personal shopper Madde is going to be an excellent assisant for me! She's great! Hope everybody had a spectacular weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in dyer need of a massage! I can barely move right now I am so exhausted and drained! But it's always worth it! It's why I play! Tack for middag Bosse and Maria! Grattis TEAM!
Win vs. Jamtland!!
I'm pretty tired right now playing almost two 40 minute back to back games. Tomorrow we play in our third game vs, Lulea who killed Sundsvall 105-75 earlier today. That's gonna be a tough game! Plus I'm sure both teams will be tired. Now I am just sitting on the couch eating a bag of godis!!! Anna treated herself to some Ben and Jerry's!
But I am really proud of us!! 2-0 so far in the cup!!! YIPEEE!!! Winning ways!! Let's keep it up!!
Good bye for now!!! :)
65-62 WIN vs. Sundsvall in First Practice-Match
We pretty much kept the lead the entire game, not a big lead...maybe 8 pts was the most. But it got close the final minute when they cut the lead to 2 pts. They had a chance to tie the score, but we got a rebound and they were forced to foul us. We made 1 out of 2 FT's and it was enough to seal the win! I'm so glad we kept our composure and finished the game on top! There is still a lot we need to work on, but the important thing is that we played as a team! We did some good stuff and there is still some room for improvement! Saw some good stuff from Anna and Frida! Anna ended up with 18 pts and Frida had 10 pts. Points were the only statistic taken. I ended up with 26 pts. I wish they kept rebound stats because I know we would of out-rebounded them by at least 20 or so. Anna and Frida did an excellent job on the boards. Caro and Julia also performed very well! They controled the ball and got us going on the defensive and offensive end. And Madde proved herself vs. her former team. She had some pretty big plays that we really needed at certain times!! Overall team effort was great! It really does make a difference when you have already played with the same players. We know each other and we know what to do! We only played 7 players tonight also. We got tired at times but it still all worked out!
Well I know this is just a practice match...but it is still exciting to see how we respond to the competition. Tomorrow we play Jamtland at Teg 16.30. It will be neat to see how we respond to them! I hope for good things!! It's nice when you win because everybody is in good moods!! :) I'm feeling GREATTTTTT!!! I want to keep this up!! Have a good weekend everybody!!! T2UL!!
Kram och Puss! :)
UMAN BASKET CUP Den Här Helgen!!
Tomorrow we have our first practice-game vs. the Sundsvall Saints at 18.30 in Gammliahallen! I am really excited to finally play, I just wish we had a healthy team. Sanna has been sick for almost 2 weeks and now Ida has a fever and is very doubtful for this weekend :( Inte bra. Anna W. has also been sick and will not play this weekend either. We are still minus another american also, but hopefully our new one will get here by next week! Definetely before our first game on October 12.
I am anxious, nervous, excited, ready....these are all of the emotions I am feeling for tomorrow. More than anything, I am really excited to play!! It's been awhile!! This weekend will also be a good test for our team. Hopefully we will rise to the challenge, and perform well! If we play hard, then good things can happen. Also if we believe we can...then of course we can!! I guess we will just see!! :) Currently I am in a really good mood...and I hope it stays this way!
In the morning I have school and then it will be off to the game in the evening. This weekend is packed with games. Saturday we will play at 16.45 vs. Jamtland and then on Sunday at 13.15 vs. Lulea. I'll keep you posted on the outcomes! We must develop winning ways...and this weekend is a perfect start!! :) Game-time!!!
I love this game!
Hösten Är Här!!!
Fall has arrived in Umeå and what great weather we been having. Yesterday was a beautiful day and the weather was amazing, about 17-18 degrees(that's in celsius). The trees are beginning to change in color and it has been absolutely gorgeious!!! I tried to capture some of this beauty by taking some pictures of what I have been witnessing these last couple of days!!! I sure have been enjoying it a lot!!!!!!
Anna and I went down to the river yesterday to sit and soak up some sun!! It was so nice just to sit and enjoy the great weather and beautiful scenary.
The best part of fall...the changing colors. The colors are so crazy right now. I love all the different colors!!!
Here are some pictures of Umeä University. It was too bad I had to sit in class on this beautiful day!!! But it was fun starring out the window!! So here are some pictures of where I go to school!! Pretty neat!!
And then I have added just a couple pictures of where we practice and play our games. Gammliahallen!
So here is a little taste of the scenary I have been experiencing these past couple of days. I have a feeling this won't last for too much longer, because once the leaves start to change color, the sooner they fall off the branches. And then of course comes snow next. Oh wow...before you know it is going to happen. But for now I will just enjoy this while it lasts :)
Today we had no practice. It was a nice day-off. Madde, Anna and I spent the afternoon together. This included some shopping over in Ersboda...I checked out some laptops. I think I will be getting a new computer here shortly!! I need a new current keeps acting up and going crazy. Time for a change. So I have been looking around and hopefully will purchase one here soon!!! After that, we went and played some pool at Megazone!!! It was a lot of fun, except for the fact I didn't win a single game...dang it! Madde is freakn' really, really good a pool. I think she won every game. What the heck! She is my partner next time we play!! ;) This was followed by a fika to Wayne's and then an evening spent on the couch watching Idol! Perfect!
Two more days until we play!! I'm so excited! I have class from 13.00 to 17.00 tomorrow followed by practice!! I need to do a better job of studying my swedish! Need to devote more hours!! I am going to get this language eventually someday!! Well I leave you with one last image of Umeå!
So cool! T2UL!! :)