Hösten Är Här!!!
Fall has arrived in Umeå and what great weather we been having. Yesterday was a beautiful day and the weather was amazing, about 17-18 degrees(that's in celsius). The trees are beginning to change in color and it has been absolutely gorgeious!!! I tried to capture some of this beauty by taking some pictures of what I have been witnessing these last couple of days!!! I sure have been enjoying it a lot!!!!!!
Anna and I went down to the river yesterday to sit and soak up some sun!! It was so nice just to sit and enjoy the great weather and beautiful scenary.
The best part of fall...the changing colors. The colors are so crazy right now. I love all the different colors!!!
Here are some pictures of Umeä University. It was too bad I had to sit in class on this beautiful day!!! But it was fun starring out the window!! So here are some pictures of where I go to school!! Pretty neat!!
And then I have added just a couple pictures of where we practice and play our games. Gammliahallen!
So here is a little taste of the scenary I have been experiencing these past couple of days. I have a feeling this won't last for too much longer, because once the leaves start to change color, the sooner they fall off the branches. And then of course comes snow next. Oh wow...before you know it is going to happen. But for now I will just enjoy this while it lasts :)
Today we had no practice. It was a nice day-off. Madde, Anna and I spent the afternoon together. This included some shopping over in Ersboda...I checked out some laptops. I think I will be getting a new computer here shortly!! I need a new one..my current keeps acting up and going crazy. Time for a change. So I have been looking around and hopefully will purchase one here soon!!! After that, we went and played some pool at Megazone!!! It was a lot of fun, except for the fact I didn't win a single game...dang it! Madde is freakn' really, really good a pool. I think she won every game. What the heck! She is my partner next time we play!! ;) This was followed by a fika to Wayne's and then an evening spent on the couch watching Idol! Perfect!
Two more days until we play!! I'm so excited! I have class from 13.00 to 17.00 tomorrow followed by practice!! I need to do a better job of studying my swedish! Need to devote more hours!! I am going to get this language eventually someday!! Well I leave you with one last image of Umeå!
So cool! T2UL!! :)
So you still suck at pool, huh? remember when me & Carly kicked your asses 5 times in a row? :P