Najs Weekend!!
Friday I met Jonas for fika at Wayne's Coffee. It was nice seeing him...I think the last time was when my family was down in Stockholm and he was our tour guide!! After that, Julia came over to my place and we baked some american chocolate chip cookies. They didn't exactly taste right...but they were still good. Then we went to the Dalen guys innebandy match, which was pretty much a blow-out from the start. I think they ended up winning that game 17-2 or something ridiculous like that. We left half-way through the 2nd period and the score was 10-0.
Saturday morning, Johanna, Julia and myself went to the gym to lift. Then went to watch another innebandy match that our old friend John now plays for. His team ended up losing by a goal in the final minutes of the game. Then I accompained Julia and Toby to lunch at Rhodos (nice food!!) and then we went to Stadium and Intersport looking at basketball shoes. The selection here in Sweden is bad. I couldn't believe they still had the same shoes as last year, and no changes what-so-ever. Anyway, Julia found a nice pair and they were pretty cheap (for Sweden).
For the night time....I went over to Frida's apartment for tacos and wine, and Anna was also it was just the three of us!! It was a fantastic night and we had some great girl talk!! It was really the first time I have hungout with those girls just me, and I had SO MUCH fun!! We have to do it again!! Hopefully this was just the start!

Anna and Frida
Sunday morning I slept to almost noon! I can't believe it, I never sleep in that late! But I guess my body needed it. I woke up, ate breakfast...or lunch by then, and went to the Dalen innebandy match. It was the Nolia Cup this weekend, so that meant LOTS of innebandy. In fact, I sat and watched two games in a row. After the guys played, I watched the final match for the ladies...IKSU vs. Dalen. IKSU ended up winning 7 or 8 -0. Then it was off to our evening practice. I thought it was good practice!! Came home and watched American Dreamz with Johanna on the TV.
So now my second week begins here in Umeå again! I thought I started work this week, but it is actually next week so I have another week of hanging out! This weekend we travel to Östersund (same place you went DAD) to play in the KFUM tournament. There are a lot of Damligan teams there and our first game is Friday night at 9.00PM. That's going to be weird playing so late. It will be interesting to see how we do! Tomorrow Mila comes from Russia to join our team, a 6'3 post player! We need some height so hopefully it works out. Vi får se!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Taco Dinner!!

TGIF!! THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!! What a busy and fast week!! I guess I haven't blogged in awhile and that is because I haven't had much time. My third year here and it seems I have more to do than ever before. And no I am not complaining about this, I actually think it's pretty nice!! Let me give a bried recap of the week (middle of the week actually).
On Wednesday morning I booked a facial! Kerstein and Julia's birthday present to me back in June. I didn't have time then to book it, but once I got back...that was the first thing I booked. The facial was great, but painful at times. The cleaning out the pore thing isn't the best feeling. But it didn't make my face too red and I guess in about 4 to 5 days my face will see a difference. I can't wait for that! The massage felt great and overall, a great experience for my first facial ever.
Wednesday during the day I met up with MARIA and LEO for fika at Starz!! Leo however slept the entire time so I didn't get to play with him :( There will be more times for sure!! Plus he is my #1 fan!! I think my facial earlier that morning put me in comma because I was really out of it and wasn't the most talkative. Bu I don't think Maria minded :)
That night we had a team dinner over at Carro's apartment. There were 10 of us girls that got together for a taco dinner! That would explain the pictures!! The tacos tasted great and nice to get the team together for some good times. After the dinner we went to watch Dalen vs. IKSU in a derby match, IKSU won 7-2. It was fun to say hi to all my innebandy friends at the game that I haven't seen in awhile!
Yesterday I finally hit my wall I think. I was absolutely exhausted. After lunch I ended up falling back asleep and took a nap for a couple of hours. My body was pretty tired after a week of working out and not to mention the 2 a day practices we have had. 3 out of 4 days we had 2 practices a day. My body just needs to get use to this again. Practices have been hard and forces us to really push ourselves. We are really going to have to out work teams this year, so I tihnk we are trying to do that as much as possible at practices. What doesnt hurt me only makes me stronger right?! NO PAIN, NO GAIN!! It's coming around and next week we leave for Östersund for our first pre-season tournament. Should be interesting to see how we do!
SOOO that leaves us with today...FRIDAY!! We have the next two days OFF from practice. It will be nice to give my body some rest. Jonas arrives today from Stockholm, he is coming home for the weekend! I will meet him for fika in town here soon. Then later tonight I think Julia will come over and we will make some chocolate chip cookies!! Then travel over to the Dalen game to watch the men play at 9.00. A calm evening but a pleasant one I think! This weekend I have to make some phone calls to check in on my family. It's crazy how I haven't even talked to anyone really since I have been here. It's been a week now...sorry guys...I still love you!! Talk to you soon!!
Have a good weekend everyone!!
Vi hörs! :)
Sunny Day!
Last night Carro, Julia, Toby and myself went out for some pizza. Then afterwards, Carro came over to the apartment and my roommates Aisling and Johanna all came out to hangout. We just sat around talking and discussing a lot of things, it was so much fun. It wasn't really anything special, just a bunch of random things. Before we knew it, it was 1.00 in the morning when our conversation ended. We couldn't believe we had stayed up that late talking without realizing it.
Today was nice weather!! After lunch I met up with Julia and we went to book a facial on Wednesday (this was a birthday present before I left from Julia and her mom). Then Carro, my roommates, and Julia went to the centrum to enjoy the outdoor atmosphere. So we ended up getting some ice cream and sitting in the park by the movie cinema! Then we walked to the "brygga" and checked out the river. Here are some pictures from the day!!

Get a load of this ice is bigger than Aisling's head! It's two scoops of ice cream with caramel topping and then soft-served vanilla on top in cone. WOW! And guess who ordered it...

Hanging out eating some ice cream (one of my favorite things to do here!)...IT WAS CARRO's ice cream of course :)

On the brygga!

Just hanging out and enjoying life!! Then there is my cool and sassy solo pic...haha!!
Tonight practice went well, it was a little easier than the past two days. My legs felt a little heavy today and took them awhile to get going. Practices continue to be going well, SO NICE to let go of the coaching and focus on just playing. It feels like a ton of stress off my back!! Tomorrow we will shoot-around in the morning and then an evening practice. I think may get in a lift in as well!! And that's pretty much my life now!!
OH and I found out a bit more about my job this year. Had a meeting to discuss what I will be doing. Right now there are two schools, but hopefully in the next two weeks it will be 6, that I will have basketball sessions at. I will teach basketball for an hour to students in secondary school. Basically to help them learn basketball and the skills that accompany it! I will be a Teg on Mondays and Sköfro on Fridays. It's during the day and the sessions last about an hour. But now my work will include getting information out there about them. Posting posters, handing out brochures and making phone calls. I even have an office!! So it will be fun I think and a really great experience! I never thought I would get so excited about work!! Starts next week...
Time for bed! Godnatt och sov gott!!
It's Like I Never Left!

My bedroom

The living room

The kitchen

Now on to the more important things....Training Weekend!!
We had two practices each day this weekend...and I thought they went REALLY well!! It is SOOOOOO nice having Tony as our new coach and I really like it! He works hard and gets us going, whipping us back into shape. I thought the practices have been really well. We are really young right now, and that kind of hurts us. The other players will arrive soon. We don't have our full squad yet. It is nice having 10 players though and having a solid practice! Julia and Carro have been working really hard I think this weekend! I really like our new player Johanna from Luleå BG. She is young but solid, very nice shot and athletic! Aisling from Ireland is very, very quick and spunky....I really like that! Emma and Emelie have returned also from last year. They have improved from last year for sure! We are expecting 3 other players to arrive in the next few weeks, so I am excited for that.
Our month of September is pretty booked up! The first weekend we have a tournament in Östersund, the following weekend we host our annual tournament, then a teambonding weekend, and then finally the last weekend we travel up to Luleå. That's a lot of competition!! Should be good for us. The club has done a good job preparing us for the upcoming year! I really hope it pays off. I can already tell you we are working harder than ever before!! I love seeing that, and it would be great to see all pay-off!!
It's great to be back and things feel good!! REAL GOOD!!
Last night, Johanna, Aisling, Tony and myself went out for pizza. Then afterwards I went over for fika with the Malms. They are like my family-away from home!! They really make me feel like part of the family and it's great!! Sanna, Emma, Maria and Bosse were all there. We watched some of the world championships in track and field then fika'd on some ruhbarb pie!! Tasted great!! OH I'm loving and missed the Swedish fikas!!

Tony, Johanna and Aisling at Maxim!

KEBAB PIZZA! Oh how I have missed you!! :)
Tonight I will eat pizza again with Julia! I missed Julia a lot and it's great to be back with her...clowning around at practice, beating each other up (haha!!). Fun times for sure!!
Well it's nap time then practice #2 for the day! Vi hörs!!
This picture was taken the last night I had dinner with my mom before I left. Her roommate Issac took us out to eat at Chili's!! The food was really great and it was a fantastic evening!! Thanks again Issac...and here is the picture Mom.
I feel like I barely left and I am back already. Not quite the same effect as the last two times. I really am getting use to this!! My flight leaves here at 11.25 so I get to Umeå around 12.25. TB and Tony will pick me up at the airport and then i am sure we might go to lunch...Droskan here I come!!
I'm looking forward to practice this weekend! Both Saturday and Sunday. I am also looking forward to just seeing everybody!!!! Can't wait!!
Well there is an update for now! I made it safely to Sweden...but I still need to get to Umeå!
Vi hörs snart!
Off to Sweden!!
Vi ses snart!!
Kellie's Baby Shower!!

Mommy-to-be and me!!

1.Janey stamp of approval
2. Girls being girls...chatting away. Kellie getting prepared for the near future!
3. Katie, Andrea and Janey

1. Guessing whose baby picture belongs to who. We also played baby food tasting (which I thought was gross) and a memory game. OH I won this first game btw!!
2. Everybody trying to figure it out,
3. Mrs. Andreas with her newest granddaughter McKenna and Kylie.
4. Eating lunch (chicken with salad).

Da Girlz....Lindsay, Kellie, Me and Janey!!
After the shower I went home and did some good work on my packing. Each time I do this, I never seem to have enough room. OHHHHH this part is so hard for me. I am only trying to take two pieces of luggage and one is smaller than normal for me. So frustrating, but I got a lot done and I think I can make this work...hopefully. I am starting to take some things out and I am telling myself I can live without it. Tomorrow I will do some finishing touches on it and then start to prepare for the BIG JOURNEY. I leave early Wednesday morning!! I can't believe I will be back in Sweden this week! Tomorrow I will play basketball one last time with the guys and then out to dinner with my mom and Issac our friend. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was busy because I am trying to wrap it up here in America. Kind of sad but at the same time...ready to get back to work!!

OH the madness!!
Last Saturday in America for 2009

Rock Bottom Brewery...Live music concert...beautiful sunny day...Downtown Denver

The 16th Street Mall
After lunch, my dad and I walked down the street and went the Cheesecake Factory!! Now this place is totally AWESOME and I would recommend it to anyone!! I don't know what else to say...their cheesecake is to die for!! We shared a carrot cake cheesecake and the peanut buttle chocolate ripple cheesecake. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!! My dad also tried a mojito for the first time! I know...I should of taken a picture but I was enjoying myself WAY too much to remember. :S
Then my dad and I went to a soccer game at 4.00. The Jones were in town from Durango and Krista had a soccer match. Quick history...the Jones family are Eric, Stephanie, Krista and Amanda. When I was in college at Fort Lewis, Krista and Amanda always attended the basketball camps. They were small...7 and 9 years old when we first met them. They formed a pretty good bond with me and my best friend Kellie while we attended college. We were kind of their role models (yes I know hard to believe). They kind of became our family away from home. Kellie and I would come over often for some great home-cooked meals and to spend time with the kids. NOW these girls older and in high school. Krista is 17 years old and will be a senior in HS and Amanda is 15 yrs and a sophomore. I can't believe how old they are now. So it was kind of fun that they were in Denver for the weekend, because we were able to meet up and spend some time together again. We went out to eat at Old Chicago, Kellie and her husband Jay came to meet up with us as well. It's crazy how fast time flys by...

Kellie, Me, Krista and Amanda...Back again!!

1. Eric and Stephanie
2. Eric and my dad in a discussion about sports assuming.
3. Jay and my dad enjoying their beers!!
It was a really nice evening and I had such a fantastic time with my dad today. It's kind of sad, because it was my last day with my dad before I head back. I can't believe I am leaving in 3 days...OH MY! THANKS DAD FOR A GREAT DAY!! I AM GOING TO MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU A LOT!! Can't wait to see you in Sweden this year!! And thanks Jones for a great night! It was so nice to met up with you and talk about the past. Those were good times for sure.
Now it is late and I should get to bed. Kellie's baby shower is tomorrow and that is going to be a lot of fun!! More friends to spend some time with and give my goodbyes!! OH and also to celebrate CHARLIE BECKER coming into this world. I am so sad I am going to miss it, but very thankful I can attend this shower!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Vi Hörs!!
WHAT?? So I guess my mom was given a couple kids a ride on her moped scooter and it fell over. Instead of falling over, she decides to put her arm out to stop the fall. But the scooter is pretty heavy and instead it crushes her wrist. The kids wére okay and she was going very slow, only like 5 mph. My mom got the worse end of the deal, she saved the bike, and the kids...but not her poor wrist.
I take her to the emergency room at the hospital and we get in pretty fast. 2 hours later we find out that she has broken her wrist in 3 different place and also broken her middle finger. So she has to wear a soft splint on her wrist and keep it in a sling. She completely fractured her wrist...I can't believe it. She is in a lot of pain but dealing with it okay. Now she gets to lay around and have me bring her food, help her clean and get things around the house. Perfect, right? But now she has to see an orthopedic specialist and unfortunately for her, I won't be around too much longer to help her out.

(Well I guess she is smiling about it...right?)

This is the second person in my family this summer that has broken her arm/wrist. My grandma broke both of her arms last month, and now my mom broke her left wrist. What is going on with my family?? So anyway, this was the excitement of the day. I am tired and ready for bed. I plan to sleep as much as possible, but I have a feeling I may be summoned to do something soon or early morning. Vi får se. Tomorrow I plan to spend most the day with my best friend Janey and her two kids Dean and Norah. Just a relaxing, clam evening. During the day I might try and play some basketball. Depends on how I feel. Hopefully things start getting better!!
I'm Sick of Being Sick
So the last three days I have been pretty sick. I think this is the first time I have been sick in 3 or 4 years. I NEVER GET SICK. What the heck?? Sunday night I could feel like something might be starting. So I went to bed really early. I woke up the next morning feeling horrible. I couldn't even talk, my voice was gone. I had a little cough but mainly my head felt extremely drowsy. They were definetly flu-like symptoms. So I slept in a little hoping I would feel a little better but that never happened. So I spent the entire day in bed on Monday. I am glad my mother was around because she brought me things to eat and kept giving me water. I took about a 4 hour nap on Monday and then went early to bed that night. So I definetly got plenty of rest. Probably around 16-17 hours of sleep. HA!
Yesterday I relaxed some in the morning and then got up to run some errands around town. Basically getting ready for my trip back to Sweden in exactly one week from today. I was suppose to go to the zoo with Kellie but had to cancel due to my sickness. Then I met up with my grandparents and Uncle John and Aunt Joy for dinner at the Inca Restaurant, in celebration of John and Joy's 33rd year wedding anniversary. Congratulations you guys!!!
Today I am still laying in bed wondering if I should attempt to work out or not?? I think it's best I rest since I don't want to wear down my body too much. But I can't afford to get too far behind in my training. We will see how I feel here in a bit. All I know is that being sick really sucks! It takes away all my energy and desire to do anything. I hate it! That is why I am sick of being sick. Not how I imagined spending my last week in America.
Soooo now I will take each day at a time. Today my voice is back full on. My cough sounds a little better...breaking down, but my body is still a little weak. I have begun my packing process since I have been forced to stay in my room. I have organized some old pictures and old documents. Got some stuff for your bleach stripes JULIA and TOBY! Also some chocolate chips and stuff to bake with when I get back to Sweden...for all the fikas I am going to have!! I'm looking forward to getting back soon. Just have to give my final goodbyes here first!
VI hörs nu!
The Faust Wedding!!

The beautiful bride!!

Present from the maid of honors.

The Circle of Friends...Steph and me!

Cute little flower girl!

Yeah this wedding was definetly basketball themed!

Mr. and Mrs. Faust!
RECEPTION TIME!!!! Let the party begin!

Kellie and me!

Kate and Steph

Sarah and Jeremy...and Janaina in the back!

Janaina and her boyfriend! Nice dance move!

Little Camden, Bob and Lauren

Over 155 people at the wedding!!

My dad and me!

Couple dance I've ever seen!! Good work guys!!

Coach Kellogg with his son Camden....breaking it off on the dance floor!

Me and the bride!!

Faust the groom with me!

Lindsay and me!!
The wedding was fantastic! So many Fort Lewis basketball players!! It was great!! Amie looked beautiful, the ceremony was perfect, and the reception was crazy fun!! It was so much fun!!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Faust!! Love ya guys!!
Friday Bliss
Getting our nails did on Friday...the day before the wedding.

There were 13 of us total getting manicures and pedicures!
Rehearsal time!! Day before the big event...

Circle of friends!! Steph and me.

Getting married in less than 24 hours!!
DINNER TIME!!! FRIENDS EVERYWHERE!! aka Basketbal Reunion!

Ben and Ryan

Laura and Kate

The bridal party!! Nice watches!!

Ryan, Yutzy and Kristen!

Jamie and me!

Laura, Ryan and Taylor
So all these pictures were taken on Friday. The dinner was awesome! The food tasted excellent at the Rio. And the world famous margaritas were spectacular!! Friday there were about 45 people at the dinner. To me it just felt like a FLC basketball reunion. Well it was!! I even gave a speech....and it went alright!! I had so much fun and soooo thankful I was included in all this. Wedding post next!!
Be back soon!
A Few Iowa Pictures

Just was driving around Iowa and then BAM...I see this sign!!

Me and my crazy cousin Kyle!!

Sadie the puppy...sooooooooooooo cute!!
This weekend is Amie and Jason's wedding in Masonville! It is going to be a great reunion of all past teammates and friends from college. I can hardly wait!!
Today I talked to Sophia on Skype!! It was soooo great to finally hear from her after about 3 weeks or so. So much has happened and time is cruising so fast.
Here is what is on tap for the next few days:
Thursday...BBQ with the Fausts
Friday...Manicure/Pedicure and Rehearsal Dinner at the Rio!!
Saturday...FAUST WEDDING!!!!
OH these next 2 weeks are going to be crazy, busy!! I officially leave in 2 weeks from today! WOW!! Fastest summer EVER! That's all I got...It's a short one!
Back in Colorado!!
After two weeks in Iowa I am finally back in Colorado!! Home sweet home!! Good to be back eventhough I have a ton of things I need to get done. Not to mention I leave in 2 weeks. OMG!!! I have some pictures to post from the Iowa trip, but I have to unpack and get some things done before I post it. Right now I will leave you with a picture of my new hairdo!! I got a lot of hair taken out and it's a bit shorter.
I took this from my phone so it isnt the best quality.
Well I'll be back later with more pictures and info!