Taco Dinner!!

TGIF!! THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!! What a busy and fast week!! I guess I haven't blogged in awhile and that is because I haven't had much time. My third year here and it seems I have more to do than ever before. And no I am not complaining about this, I actually think it's pretty nice!! Let me give a bried recap of the week (middle of the week actually).
On Wednesday morning I booked a facial! Kerstein and Julia's birthday present to me back in June. I didn't have time then to book it, but once I got back...that was the first thing I booked. The facial was great, but painful at times. The cleaning out the pore thing isn't the best feeling. But it didn't make my face too red and I guess in about 4 to 5 days my face will see a difference. I can't wait for that! The massage felt great and overall, a great experience for my first facial ever.
Wednesday during the day I met up with MARIA and LEO for fika at Starz!! Leo however slept the entire time so I didn't get to play with him :( There will be more times for sure!! Plus he is my #1 fan!! I think my facial earlier that morning put me in comma because I was really out of it and wasn't the most talkative. Bu I don't think Maria minded :)
That night we had a team dinner over at Carro's apartment. There were 10 of us girls that got together for a taco dinner! That would explain the pictures!! The tacos tasted great and nice to get the team together for some good times. After the dinner we went to watch Dalen vs. IKSU in a derby match, IKSU won 7-2. It was fun to say hi to all my innebandy friends at the game that I haven't seen in awhile!
Yesterday I finally hit my wall I think. I was absolutely exhausted. After lunch I ended up falling back asleep and took a nap for a couple of hours. My body was pretty tired after a week of working out and not to mention the 2 a day practices we have had. 3 out of 4 days we had 2 practices a day. My body just needs to get use to this again. Practices have been hard and forces us to really push ourselves. We are really going to have to out work teams this year, so I tihnk we are trying to do that as much as possible at practices. What doesnt hurt me only makes me stronger right?! NO PAIN, NO GAIN!! It's coming around and next week we leave for Östersund for our first pre-season tournament. Should be interesting to see how we do!
SOOO that leaves us with today...FRIDAY!! We have the next two days OFF from practice. It will be nice to give my body some rest. Jonas arrives today from Stockholm, he is coming home for the weekend! I will meet him for fika in town here soon. Then later tonight I think Julia will come over and we will make some chocolate chip cookies!! Then travel over to the Dalen game to watch the men play at 9.00. A calm evening but a pleasant one I think! This weekend I have to make some phone calls to check in on my family. It's crazy how I haven't even talked to anyone really since I have been here. It's been a week now...sorry guys...I still love you!! Talk to you soon!!
Have a good weekend everyone!!
Vi hörs! :)