More of Oslo with Julia...

Julia and I about to head out for dinner and night in Oslo!!
Beautiful, beautiful Oslo. I bet this place would be even more pretty if the sun was shinning. Well I think it's still nice!! Here are some pictures of some buidlings in the "city" part!! Also I nice little park!

A nice little park with fountains in the back!! So beautiful and neat...I love it!!
Down by the ocean...

So Julia took me to a place right down by the ocean! It was a dock full of restaurants and cafes. We ate at a restaurant called Olivias. It was italian food and I thought it was really, really good. I had the salmon pasta and I thought it was AMAZING!! Good stuff for sure and a glass of wine to top it off...PERFECT!! We sat outside right on the dock, right next to the water. It was pretty scenary and fun to people watch as well. Great location and spot, good decision Julia!! :-)

After dinner we walked back to Julia's apartment which was about a 25 minute walk. No problem for me...I got to check out more of the buildings and views of Oslo. I'm pretty impressed with this city!!

Some pretty neat colored flowers we found!

Today Julia and I will adventure out in Oslo and do some SIGHTSEEING. She has a plan of what we can do, so I will follow her lead. The tourists are in town!! No stress today though, we will take our time and explore. Tonight I believe Julia will have some type of get together at her house with a few of her friends and then maybe we go out somewhere. It will be fun to meet some of Julia friends here in Oslo!! Today should be a great day...I hope the weather holds out! Give me some sun...pleasssssssssssssssse! Hejdå for now!!
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