Weekend Bliss
So my first weekend back home in the States! So many people to see, so many things to do. Where to start??
After playing noon ball with the guys at Pulse, I drove down to Denver to meet my best friend Kellie. Her and her husband just bought a house in Highlands Ranch and I wanted to check it out. And since Jay was out of town, it was perfect to spend some quality time with Kellie!! I must also mention that Kellie is now 5 and half months pregnant!!! CRAZY!!! She found out she is having a boy recently on Tuesday! Well anyway, after about a 2 hour drive (which normally takes about 1 hour...but due to traffic, took a bit longer) I found her house! It was so beautiful...nice and new.
After a couple hours of conversation, Kellie and I went over to Amie and Jason's house that they have also just bought. They live in Englewood and picked a house that they will remodel. Amie's parents were in town to help with the move-in work and Amie's dad, Morris, made us some dinner! It tasted great...pasta with chicken and salad. I think I ended up having around 3 servings. ..haha!! After a fantastic dinner, for some reason we ended up getting into a serious debate over health insurance. POLITICS...something you should never talk about with a mix group of people. After about 30 or so minutes...Kellie, Amie's mom and myself wondered over to the couch to leave the debate. Amie and Jason continued going strong the entire night. Anyway...it was a great evening and so great to spend it with my great friends!!
A pregnant Kellie vs. a not-so pregnant Amy...Kellie and I having fun while the debate continues.
So now all the signs are pointing to the fact that we are getting older. Saturday morning Kellie and I woke up around 6.30, went to breakfast at the Egg & I at 7.00, took a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood, yoga, showered...AND it was all done before noon. Then while waiting we read our books. I'm reading the Twilight series now and Kellie read What to Expect When You Are Expecting. We must be adults now!! At 1.00 we drove to Cherry Creek to meet Lindsay for lunch. We hung out, ate and chatted with Lindsay for close to 2 hours. It was great seeing Lindsay again because the last time I saw her was in Sweden!
At lunch
Saturday night my Uncle John and Aunt Joy hosted a family and friends BBQ at their place in Windsor. My dad came down from Colorado Springs and Kellie even joined me. My cousin Michelle and her husband Chad were in town with their 10-month daughter Lauren. My grandparents also came and some friends of my aunt and uncle. It was a great clan of people and everybody sat around having a great time. My uncle grilled out some brats and hamburgers and they were quite tasty!! Neat to see 4 different generations at our family BBQ!!
Lauren with her great-grandma and her dad Chad!
Great-grandpa with Lauren...she is such a happy baby!
My lovely daddy!!!
How beautiful...before it gets dark...yes it gets dark here.
Woke up and went to church with my grandparents and dad. We went out to eat breakfast afterwards at Perkins (the best muffins ever!!). Went and hungout all day at my grandparents house. My grandma beat me in a game called 99 twice. We ate dinner and then my dad went back home. I went to go workout.
NOW I am house-sitting! My duties officially started today. At the house for a week...really nice to have a whole house to myself. Three dogs accompany me here. Tomorrow I plan to RELAX. I want to read my book and sit in the sun! That's my goal. I hope everybody had a great weekend!! Mine was busy and tomorrow makes a week since I have been back! CRAZY!! Hope all is well and God bless!!
Nighty Night!
I had a dream last night.. That you called me from US and told me that you was pregnant!!! OMG it is to much babies around us now ;) Ha,ha my "only" singel friend as left me for the land where everyone has babies, soon is your turn also. Just wait and see, my dreams are always right.. ;) Love ya!