Friday aka: Longest Day of the Week
I have now decided that I will travel to Luleå next weekend with Julia to visit her mamma! It will be a nice break from Umeå and a chance to see something different. No plans really what we will do, but I'm sure it will be a lot of relaxing and some calm evenings! Just what the doctor ordered!! Maybe we will see a hockey match or something while we are up there!! I'm looking forward to the trip!!
Today I went to the hospital for another check-up. My incision is finally closed and healed which is good. I have to do some rehab stuff now and massage my hand to get some mobility in my skin. It's pretty hard now, so massage and movement should stretch it out some and get it going. Also have to bend the hand a lot and get my mobility back to where it was before all this. Good news is that I don't have to see the doctor for another month. So my weekly trips are now finished. I will probably do a MRI in a month or so, so my doctor can examine my hand better and decide if another operation is needed. I guess we will see and I'll keep you posted on it.
Tonight will be another night at home. First it will be TACOS with Pam, Gina and Jo!! Tomorrow night I'm going over to Hjort and Frida's place for dinner. I think there will be a small get-together there! Sunday we will travel to Sundsvall and play our match mid-day. On Monday, Pam, Gina and myself have planned a trip to IKSU spa for the day. Hoping to spend the day in total RELAXATION! Refreshed!!
Olympics are wrapping up and I'm looking forward to some of the upcoming games...USA vs. Finland in hockey and then hopefully the gold match to follow!!! USA...USA...USA!! Heads are down here in Sweden that they no longer are competing for the medal in hockey. I don't really know what to say that...sorry :( I even cheered for them!!
Well it's off to practice! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!!!!! :)
Peace out!
Well the trip isn't 100% booked yet, but pretty much 99.9% positive that I will traveling with my sister to Barcelona, Spain May 5th to the 11th!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someone else will also accompany us (?!?!?!?!?!?) I hope so anyway (she knows who she is;) ) My sister already has her trip planned to come to Europe April 12 and will stay until the end of May. She is doing some additional traveling but I thought I would meet her for a trip we could do together, and we came up with SPAIN!!! The moment she told me I got SOOOOOOOO excited!! Although the trip is still in "rough draft" mode, a some-what plan is decided that we will meet in Barcelona on the 5th of May and then make our way along the Mediterranean Coast staying maybe in Valencia the rest of the trip. BEACH, BEACH, BEACH!!!! Oh I'm longing for warm weather and SUN!!! It will be a quick 6-day trip but perfect for me, I am so excited right now thinking about it. The best part is that I will get to see my sister. I haven't seen her since she came and visited me last November here in Umeå. It's hard now that she lives in Washington, so when I came home for the summer, I was unable to plan a trip out there. Spain is the perfect setting to see her again. She will also be traveling with her boyfriend Dan, who I have not met yet. So it will also be nice to met my sister's sambo. VACATION, VACATION, VACATION!!!! Have I mentioned yet that I can't wait?!?!
Tomorrow the plane tickets will be booked!! Courtney and Dan will then travel with me to Stockholm on May 11th. Then head up to Umeå for the remainder of their stay over here. Probably like a week left by then! Yeah for Spain!
Today was another COLD day in Umeå....-20 still... FREEZING. Boring day, nothing much new to report. More OS watching, Sweden taking home another gold medal! USA hockey still advancing!! Maybe I'll wake up early and catch some of the Swedish hockey team play. It's time for bed now after a little reading of my book! Tomorrow is a day-off from practice. This weekend it's our last game in Sundsvall. Hard week of practice so far, maybe explains why my legs are killing me right now. You start to focus and notice other things once another gets better!
That's all I got for now!! TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!
And Amie Moulton...My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Love you my friend!!
3 Months Later...

An almost healed hand, after 3 months from surgery. And bandage free!! FINALLY!!
It's been long road to recovery...

1 day after the operation.

2 weeks after.

After 1 month, no more stitches

After 2 months, and right before my second operation (2 1/2 weeks ago).
And this is how it all started... I wrote this in my blogg post back in September 15, 2009.
"Check out my right hand compared to my left. SO WEIRD! I don't think it is anything serious and it doesnt hurt that bad, it just gets swollen and kind of annoying at times. I hope we can figure out this mystery soon!!"

Sep. 15, 2009
Little did I know it would resort to what it did. An intensive operation, a slow recovery, and 5 weeks out of basketball. And 3 months to finally heal completely (well just the incision part).
So a sarcoma in the hand from traumatic diagnosis! Not cancer!! I am thankful for that. Now it is time to put this all behind me and think of the future. My hand has hurt me this year, both mentally and physically, but now I can only push forward and work to get better...and most of all, win some games!!
Looks like it will be qualifications now for sure. Eos beat Norrköping yesterday, so that puts us behind 2 games and not able to catch them if we win this Sunday. There is still a small chance if Visby losses and we win Sunday, but it's not looking good. It's best we focus on winning qualifications now!! Although it sucks to be put under this pressure, I'm "loaded" up for it and ready to face it!! Bring it!
Now it is time to get back to watching the Olympics. The most inspirational thing for me right now!!! I love watching athletes competiting for their dreams to come true. Hard work and dedication being tested and hopefully for some it pays off in the greatest moments of their lives!! I LOVE IT!!
Take care everyone, sorry for the sick pictures (for you weak stomach people).
Medal Count Country |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Total |
United States | 6 | 7 | 10 | 23 |
Germany | 4 | 6 | 4 | 14 |
Norway | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 |
Korea | 4 | 4 | 1 | 9 |
Canada | 4 | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Austria | 2 | 2 | 3 | 7 |
France | 2 | 1 | 4 | 7 |
Sweden | 3 | 1 | 2 | 6 |
Switzerland | 4 | 0 | 1 | 5 |
China | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
I'm really enjoying watching the Olympics, but it's been kind of different watching it in a different country. It's just not the same but atleast I can watch a lot of the competitions that I enjoy. It would be more fun to watch USA in competition. Normally I don't get to do that unless Sweden is going up against USA. Like last night when the US men's curling team beat Sweden! Cool to see that America is doing really well in the OS, and has the most medals so far!! I'm also really impressed with Sweden...3 gold medals and 6 total medals! And they sure are proud about it! I really miss the commentary and interviews in english. But it's always nice not watching so many commericals like they have back home. Another week of OS that I'm looking forward to anyway!!
We had another loss yesterday vs. 08. Ended up losing by 18pts but could of easily lost by more. We looked pretty tired, and maybe we used up all energy in Wednesday game vs. Luleå. I'm not really sure?? We just seemed really flat. But 08 is a really good team, I mean they are second in league. Here are some statistics from the game if you are interested:
Now we have a week of practice and play our last game of the season vs. Sundsvall on Sunday there. Most definetly will be playing in the qualifications now, with Eos beating Norrköping tonight. It puts them 2 games in front of us, Visby is one game in front of us...Eos and Visby play next weekend so if Eos wins and we win also, then that's the only way we avoid qualifications. Guess we will see what all happens.
Today was a day of innebandy watching. Maria and I went and watched the longest match of the day with the lady Dalen's team. 3 injuries during the course of the game. One resulting in the ambulance coming and taking a girl off who injuried her neck on a hard play. I think she was alright, they were just being careful. Then after the women's game, Gina, Pam, and myself went to watch the guys play vs. Warberg. It was an excited game that they played very well in and ended up winning 8-6, vs. a top team in league. Fun to see!!
Now it's back to watching some olympics and reading some of my book! Hope everybody had a great weekend!!
Tonight I came to the conclusion that I'm pretty much swedish now. I'm sitting here having a "myskväll" watching and cheering for Sweden's men hockey team in the Olympics, eating kladdkaka with ice cream, and drinking some coffee. And I am so happy just doing this!! Having a calm, relaxing evening laying on my couch and watching sports!! Härligt!! :) I think I will also read some from my new book, How to Meet Cute Boys. A total chick book that brings a smile to my face everytime I read it! :)
Tonight is a perfect night after a pretty long, busy day for me. Went to SFI this morning to pass out tickets to our game, taught class at Dragonskolan, had lunch with Sanna in town at Euroasia, had a doctor's appointment for my hand, had a small fika with Maria (she was working), taught the younger kids at Sköfruskolan, then it was off to film, practice, and then dinner at the hotel. Fika at home later!
Now I will finish watching the hockey match, SLEEP, and "load-up" for our game tomorrow vs. Stockholm '08. Vi spelar kl. 17.30 på Gammliahallen imorgon!! NU KÖR VI COMETS!!!
It's game-time!!
Fy fan! We were SOOOOOO CLOSE this last game! We lost by 3 pts to a good team in Luleå. 99-96 and we even had our chance to win the game. Lot's of points for both teams, but unfortunately Luleå came out on top. With about 5.45 left in the game, things didn't look so great for us. Pam had also just fouled-out. We were down 71-90 and it looked like maybe the game could be over, but we never gave-up and we continued to fight our way to the end. We fought hard at the end, made some key stops, converted them into points on the other end, and gradually Luleå's big lead got smaller and smaller. I remember looking up at the clock and seeing 91-82 with at 2.45 left to go in the game. We had held Luleå to 1 pt in the last 2 min and we went on a 11-1 run! With 33 seconds left in the game, I was fouled and made both my free-throws to tie the game at 96-96. We had tied the game and now had a chance to win the game!!! We just needed one more stop. Luleå ran the shot clock down to about 5 seconds not able to get a shot off and we were in a scramble to get the ball. One of their great shooters Elin was sitting open in the corner of our zone after our gamble and was able to make the 3-pointer to give them a 3 pt. lead, probably while the shot clock buzzer buzzed. There was 9 seconds left to go and we needed a 3 pointer to tie the game. We drew up a play at the time-out but we did not execute what we planned and somehow I ended up shooting a deep, contested 3-pointer that hit the front of the rim but no luck. Luleå wins the game by 3 pts after our couragous fight and comback in the final 5 min of play. Anything is possible and we almost pulled it off. Too bad.
After the game I found out that I ended up scoring 40 pts and 14 rebounds and Pam had 30 pts. I have never scored 40 pts in my life and I had no idea during the game that I was even close to that. I did shoot the ball well this game from the outside, and shot around 12 free-throws, but there wasn't much defense in this game by both teams. We gave up 99 pts and there is no way you will win games giving up that many points. It was a solid performance for us, and now we can only build from this. Johanna had some big plays at the end, Carro took care of the ball (8 assists and 0 turnovers), Gina rebounded well, and Julia stepped up getting some steals at the end. We can only get stronger and fight harder to end this season. We have two more games to do this, starting on Saturday with 08 and then our final game vs. Sundsvall the following Saturday. I hope this game boosts our confidence a bit and we get another win before the season ends. NU KÖR VI!!
Hej for now!
Another Adventure plus FAT Tuesday!

After the moose, it was snowmobile time!! It was actually my 4th time in Sweden going snowmobiling but my first time this year!! OH HOW I LOVE TO SNOWMOBILE!! I forget how much fun it is. I absolutely had the time of my life yesterday. All 6 of us got our own snowmobiles and took a very long, amazing ride through the forrest. The scenary was so beautiful, I had to stop a lot of times to take pictures because it was just breath taking. So unbelievable!! Had some moments on the trip where we could be more adventurous, including a field with deep, soft snow that everybody got stuck in! I some how managed not to get stuck, I think I just gunned it. Had another stretch where they built a mini-race course. We all raced through it, Julia getting the fastest time! Then lastly, we rode up a little mountain with an intense drop down that some of us soared through! Just everything about the trip was great. I can't wait until I go again!! I wonder how much it cost to buy a snowmobile?? Wouldn't mind owning one of those bad boys!! SOOOOOOOOOO FUN!!!
Getting started!

Some of the beautiful scenary on the trip!

Check out the white snow compared to the blue sky.

Great weather!

Taking a mini-break and observing the beauty!

Great day, great trip, great company....PERFECT TIME!!

Pam, Me, Julia and Gina
Lastly...Today was FAT TUESDAY. So what does that mean here?? Well it as many semlors as possible!! Last year I was able to eat 4 semlor in one day, so today I went for a new record...and managed to EAT 5 SEMLORS TODAY!! Now I can honestly say I am sick of them. I ate WAY TOO many and I think I am sick now. Guess I will be able to wait another year until my next semla. OH I can't believe I did that, but at least I got a new record!! Just paying for it now with a little bit of a stomach ache. Did anybody else top that??
Tomorrow is GAMEDAY, norrland derby vs. Luleå in Luleå. Tip-off at 19.00. We take the bus and leave Umeå at 13.45. Should be a good game!!
Awesome Weekend!!
Okay moving on...this weekend was great! A weekend off and a nice time spent doing some fun things! Especially after our nice victory over Eos on Friday night! Saturday it was lunch with Kerstein and Julia (the best fish soap ever!), then fika in town, IKSU match (Frida var jätteduktig), dinner with Pam and her parents, and then a calm evening watching some Olympics. Watched the Sweden vs. Switzerland women's ice hockey match and saw my friend Frida on TV! She even had an assist in their win over the swiss!
Sunday was even more fun!! I went with Pam and her parents to go DOG SLEDDING!! It was so amazing!! FUN, FUN, FUN!! Definitely something I have never done before and an experience of a life-time. It was so beautiful out and the scenary was spectacular! The weather was also very good, the sun was shining bright and warmer than normal (only -3). It was a perfect day. We had a lot of fun and I am so thankful that Pam and her family invited me to do this! Thanks guys. I have some more to tell on our adventures with the dogs...but that is coming soon. Here are some pictures from the trip!

The two Americans getting prepared for a journey of a life-time...haha!

Doggie!! They were soooooo cute!! This was the leader of our pack!

We had three sleds. Pam and I shared one sled that we took turns driving. We both managed to crash our sled each. Pam was the first one to crash while driving, coming off a pretty fast turn. Pam went flying off the sled and did a nice face plant right into the knee-high snow. I was in the sled part sitting and turned right over face first into the snow unable to use my arms or anything because I was bundled in the sled. Pam had to come back and tip the sled over to rescue me. It was really a crazy moment but also sooooooo funny at the same time. We were so excited because we finally picked up some speed, but then paid for it.

The second time we crashed I was driving. But we were in the woods in the thick of trees and a very narrow pathway. I didnt steer right and we went off the track a bit and the sled turned over again, but we were not going that fast so no crazy fall. This time Pam was in the sled. Pam then got out of the sled so we could tip it back, but the dogs had another idea and took off without us. So I had to run after the sled and literally dive to catch it so we wouldn't get left behind. I was pushing on the brake with my hand (normally you use your feet) so the dogs would stop running. Pam then came over (she was like 10 meters behind) and stepped on the brake while I was holding it with my hands. While I was getting up, the dogs decided again to take off...and Pam went with the sled and eventually stopped it. By this point, some of our ropes were tangled around the sled and we had to spend a moment untangling everything. OHHHHHH this was so crazy. Everybody else was in front of us a ways, having no idea where we were. But probably after 15 min or so, we finally got back on track and finished the course with no more accidents!! Leave it to Pam and I to be the only sled that crashed and had the most problems. We just laughed at ourselves for most of the time! Great story!!

Do you see the snow on our heads, this was after the first crash!! But we are still having a ton of fun!!

It was so pretty!! All the snow on the trees.

They were so nice and friendly!!
I highly recommend going dog sledding sometime in your life if you get the oportunity!! Eventhough we had a couple mishaps, it was still an amazing adventure!!
My Sunday ended with the Dalen mens match at gammlia, which they won big-time 13-3.
NOW it is time for me to prepare for another adventurous day tomorrow. Pam, her parents, Gina, Julia and myself are headed to the moose farm and then we will go snowmobiling after!! I did this with my dad 2 years ago, but now I will return again! It will be my 4th time in Sweden going snowmobiling...I guess I'm pretty much a pro now!! HAHA!! Hopefully I am more successful tomorrow on the scooter than I was with the dog sled!! Wish me luck.
Good night everyone!! Hope you had a great weekend!! Talk soon again!!
My computer is broken. I got it back earlier this week and there is still problems. Something with the construction of my computer...probably dropped it a few times too many. Sucks because it looks like I have to buy a new one. I'm at Julia's now, just had lunch with Kerstein and Julia...then we will go to town to meet Pam and her family for fika!! SEMLA!! Then I think I will head over to watch IKSU play with Hjort. We have the weekend off so it will be nice to enjoy some non-basketball activities.
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Hopefully I can write more later with an available computer! Not sure what I am going to do...anyone have an extra laptop out there???
Goodbye for now!
Bake Day!!

And the finished product...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had two practices today. Morning workout getting beat by the pad and an evening practice with tons of shooting. First Wednesday practice back since my hand operation. Normally we do a lot of shooting on Wednesday so I sit it out or do half of it, but today I completed the entire practice! No more sitting out for me. My hand is getting a little better and the wound is getting smaller, but it still swells which causes my hand to get stiff after awhile. Still not 100% but maybe some day!! Anyway, it was a productive day of practice anyway!!
How I Met Your Mother is awesome!!
Time for bed. I think that's all the news for now! Game on Friday vs. Eos at home.
Weekend Blooper
Saturday morning I woke up pretty early before shoot-around to eat some breakfast and have a relaxing, calm morning. So I was really excited about making and eating breakfast. I made some oatmeal on the stove with some new jam flavor, a glass of orange juice, and a breakfast sandwich. I thought I would toast the bread so I used the toaster and everything was going good. After my bread was finished being toasted, I made my sandwich, set all my food out so excited about eating it. I set the toaster on the stove and thought I would let it cool off before I placed it back in the cabinet. So I sat down and started eating this great breakfast. Then I began to sniff a bit and smelt something funny...sort of like burning plastic. I continued to eat my sandwich and then suddenly it clicked what I was smelling... I had left the stove on and I placed the toaster on the burner that was still turned on from my oatmeal. A sprang up from my chair and by the time I got to the toaster, all this smoke was everywhere and black plastic melting all over the stove top. The fire alarm went off and then again and my entire appartment was clouded by smoke. I didn't know what to do?? Then the fire alarm went off and I couldn't get it to stop. I ran over to the window and opened it up to let a lot of the smoke out. Things started to clear up and I finally got the alarm to stop sounding. I walked over to the toaster and the entire bottom was just melted away and ruined. Man that was a stupid move on my part. My appartment smelt horrible, the smell of burnt plastic. Not good! I'm sure my neighbors were wondering what I was doing. What sucks is this smell did not go away for a long time. It lingered around for a pretty long time. I tried to do everything to make the smell go away...I left the window open all day (my appartment was freezing), and lit a good-smelling candle. May my toaster RIP now. :(
So that is my blooper of the weekend. I'm sure some of you, okay probably all of you, can believe I did something like this. Not a big surprise I guess, but something I can laugh about now. And I do have to buy a new toaster now.
So I stayed up to watch the Super Bowl last night and made it the 3rd quarter and then I fell asleep. Right before I dozed off, the Saints had just begun their run. So it wasn't that big of a surprise when I checked the score this morning and I saw the Saints had pulled it off!! I didn't want to fall asleep, and I'm pretty mad at myself for doing that. I was enjoying the game so much and it was great to see some football!! I just wish I had some more snacks, then it would of been a perfect night. And maybe some company. Some company would of been nice, not right watching the Super Bowl with no party! SO I had to check out some of the commericals somehow, so I YouTube'd them this morning. There are some pretty funny ones
HAHA!! This last one is funny. Does no one remember Larry Bird anymore??
Superbowl Sunday!
So I hope everyone has a fantastic Superbowl Sunday!!
Yesterday was my Grandpa Mohr's birthday and I just want to let him know I didn't forget about him. I will try to make the phone call tonight, but I really didn't feel like doing much after another loss. So I am sorry for that Grandpa but I hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I can't wait to get my computer back so I can upload some pictures!
Good night!
Finally after three weeks away, we finally return back to Gammliahallen for a game vs. Sallén kl. 15.00. Both teams have a lot at stake, so I'm anticipating a good game!! HEJA COMETS!!
"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." Muhammad Ali
No Love
I really miss my friends and family back home right now. I wish I could just travel over and be with them right now. Sometimes it's hard being so far away from home. The ones that know me best are a million miles away. It's so boring that I have no visitors this year. I guess I have been gone too long. Or those that I would love to visit are busy with their families and taking care of their lives. What I wouldn't give to hold their babies and talk about life to them right now. I'm sure there wouldn't be a single minute without a laugh or smile. Oh I miss you guys. And what is about family? No matter what there is that instant bond that makes you feel warmed and loved. They care for you more than anything no matter what, and solely because you are their family is the only reason they need for that. It's been far too long since I've hugged them. I miss you guys.
I'm really thinking about everyone back home right now. Miss you guys and love you!
This year has been hard. I never thought an injury like this could have so much impact on my life like it has. It's frustrating and drains all my energy. Playing basketball is what makes me happy and what dictates a lot in my life. Not having basketball, has been rough on me. And now I think it's finally hitting me hard, like a huge piece of me is missing. Basketball has always been there through everything...breakups, bad days, fights, college, building life-long friends, an outlet to anything. Take that away and what do you got...not much for me. :( I guess that is my fault and I shouldn't feel so sorry for myself, but it just means a lot to me. So now I feel like everyday is such a fight and struggle to practice and "get-use" to my hand the way it is now. Nothing ever seems to get better and I think time is all it's going to take. But taking time is difficult during your basketball season. Sometimes I'll think I'm making progress and taking some steps forward, and then just like that...a giant step back. OHHHHHHHHHHH it's hard. I really feel like if this operation never happened, we would be fighting for a play-off spot in our league, instead of fighting in the qualifications. SUCKS. It's a bold statement, but I feel like it's true. This has been such a crazy ordeal and something I never thought would happen. I never pictured this in a million years the first day I stepped into the doctors office. Oh I just get mad and sad thinking about it.
Well anyway, it is what it is now. What will happen now?? I guess only time can tell and I must continue to be patient and pray my hand heals someday. Just hope it does...
Kreativ blogg
Jag fick utmärkelsen Kreativ blogg häromdan av Sophia.
I received a challenge Kreativ blogg the other day from Sophia
Utmärkelsen går ut på att man ska berätta 7 fakta om sig själv:
The challenge is to give out and tell people 7 facts about myself:
1. I'm pretty prone to accidents but have never broke a bone in my body. I have fractured a finger and knuckle before, but never broke anything. And I have the craziest injuries...The first time I went to the training room in college was because I burnt my leg pretty bad from boiling water of a hotdog cooking machine. The second time was because I ran into a volleyball net and sliced my hand open. One time I received a helmet for christmas from one of my teammates. Huge clue there.
2. I really do wear my emotions of my sleeves. You will always now how I am feeling, their is no secret there. When I am mad... you know and when I'm will know. That's why it's important I stay happy!!
3. I love traveling!! I have been to 31 different states in America (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Arizonia, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Delaware, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Washington DC(not a state I know)) in America and 14 different countries (USA, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, British Commonwealth of Nations-aka. Bahamas). Maybe someday I can visit all the states in America, all that is left are all on the east coast and Hawaii. And of course I would love to do some more traveling in Europe and now I also have a desire to go to Thailand!!
5. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason! God has a plan and certain things in your life take place to help build and to encourage who you are...and to test your character. God will never test you beyond your strength. He knows what you are capable of and will shape you into a better person if you are patient and believe! My greatest weakness is patience right now...but I am faithful in my faith, and know that someday it will be promising!!
6. In high school I had to make a decision between band or basketball. I use to play the clarinet and was in the marching band. I marched in a couple of parades and countless football games. In junior high school I also played the clarinet in orchestra. I also played the piano and had a number of recitals. Let's just say I ended up picking BASKETBALL!! HAHA!
7. Basketball is my true love and tests me everyday just like in any relationship! It pretty much dictates all my feelings. Maybe having a boyfriend would be easier...naw I don't think so!
Jag skickar vidare denna utmärkelsen till: Maria, Mattias, Linnea, Josefine, ...hmmmmm whoever else reads this and bloggs.
I forward this challenge on to: (i dont know 7 people)
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- kopiera awarden på din blogg!
- länka till personen som gett dig awarden!
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- lägga en kommentar i deras blogg att du gett dom denna award!
Cast Free
I went to the doctors yesterday and they took the cast off after 5 days in it. The doctor said that half of my transplant has taken to the wound and the other half still needs to attach. So they actuallly wanted to put my hand back in the cast for 5 days, but I told them they promised only 5 days. Instead they bandaged my hand up more than normal and applied more pressure to the wound and told me to refrain from "over-using" my hand. And to try and avoid bending at the knuckles. SOOOO that's kind of hard when you play basketball almost everyday, and my right hand is pretty much used ALL THE TIME....but I've been to two practices now, and they have gone okay. My fingers are a little stiff and sore from not moving in the cast, but today was better than yesterday and I have a feeling tomorrow will be even better and hopefully before long it will be no problem! Just have to get the fingers use to movement and with the ball in my hands and of course adjust to the bandage!
I am really hoping for a great game this weekend vs. Sallén at Gammliahalllen kl. 15.00. It's a very important game for us and we will have to fight through out the entire game and perform well to walk away with a W. But anything can happen and of course I always hope for the best!!! 5 games left in the season for us... Sallén, Eos, Luleå, 08 and Sundsvall. Good news is 3 out of the 5 are home so hopefully we can grab a few wins. It's time to fight now!
Some interesting (maybe not that surprising) wins by a few teams this past week. Sundsvall beat number 1 Telge, Visby beat Luleå and 08 got the victory over Solna. Eos also beat Brahe which doesnt help us because now we are two games behind Eos for that 10th spot. So that means we have to win at least 2 more games (if not more) before the season ends if we want to avoid going to qualifications. Which I really hope we can do.
Okay that's a lot of basketball talk. End of season is starting to wrap-up so of course interesting things are happening. I think it's always important how a team ends...that's a key thing in this league and for almost all sports. We started out strong at the beginning and have now hit a little bit of slump. But the only thing we can do now is continue to fight and believe! We must believe in ourselves and each other if we want to be successful and get some W's.
So today I've had two basketball sessions that I taught and two practices of playing. Now it is time for bed because I am exhausted. Started the day off with 8.20 class and also did some promoting of our game at my faithful school SFI!! I get to sleep in a little tomorrow morning so I'm gonna love that!! Then it's morning practice at 11.00. OKAY...god natt!!