Well the trip isn't 100% booked yet, but pretty much 99.9% positive that I will traveling with my sister to Barcelona, Spain May 5th to the 11th!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someone else will also accompany us (?!?!?!?!?!?) I hope so anyway (she knows who she is;) ) My sister already has her trip planned to come to Europe April 12 and will stay until the end of May. She is doing some additional traveling but I thought I would meet her for a trip we could do together, and we came up with SPAIN!!! The moment she told me I got SOOOOOOOO excited!! Although the trip is still in "rough draft" mode, a some-what plan is decided that we will meet in Barcelona on the 5th of May and then make our way along the Mediterranean Coast staying maybe in Valencia the rest of the trip. BEACH, BEACH, BEACH!!!! Oh I'm longing for warm weather and SUN!!! It will be a quick 6-day trip but perfect for me, I am so excited right now thinking about it. The best part is that I will get to see my sister. I haven't seen her since she came and visited me last November here in Umeå. It's hard now that she lives in Washington, so when I came home for the summer, I was unable to plan a trip out there. Spain is the perfect setting to see her again. She will also be traveling with her boyfriend Dan, who I have not met yet. So it will also be nice to met my sister's sambo. VACATION, VACATION, VACATION!!!! Have I mentioned yet that I can't wait?!?!
Tomorrow the plane tickets will be booked!! Courtney and Dan will then travel with me to Stockholm on May 11th. Then head up to Umeå for the remainder of their stay over here. Probably like a week left by then! Yeah for Spain!
Today was another COLD day in Umeå....-20 still... FREEZING. Boring day, nothing much new to report. More OS watching, Sweden taking home another gold medal! USA hockey still advancing!! Maybe I'll wake up early and catch some of the Swedish hockey team play. It's time for bed now after a little reading of my book! Tomorrow is a day-off from practice. This weekend it's our last game in Sundsvall. Hard week of practice so far, maybe explains why my legs are killing me right now. You start to focus and notice other things once another gets better!
That's all I got for now!! TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!
And Amie Moulton...My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Love you my friend!!