Mmmm Semlor!!
FINALLY!! Semlor in the da' house!! Pam, Jo and myself went for a fika after lunch today at Mekka and had our first semlor of the year! And it was great!! Oh I love them so much!! And tomorrow we are going on another fika and I am FOR SURE gonna have another semla!! I will eat them until Fat Tuesday, by then I will be sick of them. That's the goal anyway, eat as much as possible till I can't stand them anymore...because they won't be back for a long time. Unfortunately (or maybe it's a good thing) semlor are you got to get your fix while it last!!
Okay moving on from semlor. Tomorrow I have another appointment with my doctor and I think we will discuss the date for my next procedure, the skin graph. I have made my personal decision of waiting until the end of regular season. After our last game at the end of February. Then I hope we can do the skin graph. I don't feel like I can take any days off now because I want to be in shape especially at the end of season when it matters the most. And especially since I am getting a little more comfortable with the ball in my hand and finding a way to get use to shooting again. I need that touch back! I will talk to my hand surgeon tomorrow about this possibility and I hope she won't mind. I'll let you know how that goes.
Tonight Julia, Pam, Gina and me went to watch the Dalen-City innebandy match. Gammliahallen was sold-out and packed as usual for this game...and normally the games are always fun to watch with the heated rivalry. But tonight Dalen dominated and won the game 12-4, wasn't that exciting but I'm happy that Dalen got the win!
WELL time for bed! Early appointment tomorrow. Got to get some rest because it's been a hard week with a lot of practices. Game on Friday vs. Norrköping and then Sunday vs. Visby. WE NEED SOME WINS!! (have I mentioned that yet??) There you go Secret Stalker...Nothing that exciting right now.
Now I leave you with something you may of seen before...but I love it so much, I'm posting it anyway!! Watch this if you ever need some cheering up!!
Sov gott!
Okay moving on from semlor. Tomorrow I have another appointment with my doctor and I think we will discuss the date for my next procedure, the skin graph. I have made my personal decision of waiting until the end of regular season. After our last game at the end of February. Then I hope we can do the skin graph. I don't feel like I can take any days off now because I want to be in shape especially at the end of season when it matters the most. And especially since I am getting a little more comfortable with the ball in my hand and finding a way to get use to shooting again. I need that touch back! I will talk to my hand surgeon tomorrow about this possibility and I hope she won't mind. I'll let you know how that goes.
Tonight Julia, Pam, Gina and me went to watch the Dalen-City innebandy match. Gammliahallen was sold-out and packed as usual for this game...and normally the games are always fun to watch with the heated rivalry. But tonight Dalen dominated and won the game 12-4, wasn't that exciting but I'm happy that Dalen got the win!
WELL time for bed! Early appointment tomorrow. Got to get some rest because it's been a hard week with a lot of practices. Game on Friday vs. Norrköping and then Sunday vs. Visby. WE NEED SOME WINS!! (have I mentioned that yet??) There you go Secret Stalker...Nothing that exciting right now.
Now I leave you with something you may of seen before...but I love it so much, I'm posting it anyway!! Watch this if you ever need some cheering up!!
Sov gott!