More Work on the Hand :(
Not the best news today from the doctor. Found out that more work needs to be done on my hand. Not as intensive as the first operation, but hopefully a procedure that will for once close my wound. It's still open and not healing properly so the doctor wants to take a skin graph and place it over my wound. That means taking a sample of skin from another area (probably my upper arm) and then transferring it over to the area not healing. My doctor said it will at least take 10 days for recovery and doing NOTHING with my hand. But now the decision needs to be made on when I will do this. I can continue to play with it the way it is and then do the procedure after season...or find 10 days that maybe we don't have a game and get it done sooner than later. The last time I decided to do it sooner than later, it left me out 5 weeks from playing. AND I do not want that to happen again. OH maybe I should just chop my hand off now and not worry about it anymore.
So soon I need to make this decision and I will keep you posted on what I decide to do. I don't want to miss anymore games so I think I might just wait. Thats what I am feeling like now. But we will see. And of course it depends on how my hand keeps on doing. I really think it gets better everyday and that the wound is a little smaller than before. I still can't make a fist with my hand and my fingers are pretty stiff, but I think each day my flexibility in them is getting better. I'm trying to stay positive. :) VIEWER DISCRETION again, just want to show you what I am dealing with.
What else is new besides my hand?? My classes/practices at Dragonskolan have been going well. I have had two lessons and my third one tomorrow. The guys are older but eager to practice. I have to adjust my coaching a bit, and I need to find some challenging drills for these boys. And we need to work on their listening. We all know how well guys listen...oh wait, they don't. I will have my final lesson in the evening at Skufruskolan with the younger girls.
Well today I have been absolutely exhausted so I think I am going to go to bed and hopefully rest up! We have some VERY IMPORTANT matches this weekend!
Sov gott!
Oh scheisse.. Your hand is a mysterium but you have to think positive, even do it is hard sometimes! Take the bad energy you have and take it out on the games that is coming, kick some ass :D Love ya, Kram!