March Madness

Best time of the year!!  Where dreams come true!! 

Last night we got together as a team and watched some March Madness together.  It was fun!!  It was even fun watching the american commercials.  Haven't seen those in awhile!!  OH I miss this time of year back home.  Everybody filling out their brackets and hoping for the upsets.  ANYTHING can happen!!  LOVE IT!

After watching basketball, it was a late night talking to some friends and family on skype.  It's a little easier to get a hold of people with the time change already happening their and not here yet.  I haven't talked to some people in awhile, so it was nice to have some time to do that.  Kind of stayed up a little too late though.  But it wasn't like I had anything urgent to do the next day!

Today was a very NON-active day.  Slept in, went to lunch, cleaned my apartment, took a nap.  In the evening it was pizza with Frida at Maxim, then out to a movie Shutter Island.  Pretty good film but with a very strange ending.  But it was a great night and good times always with Frida!!  We manage to stuff ourselves with godis and popcorn!!  FANTASTIC!! 

A little bit more sun today, but now I stare out my window and see that it is snowing yet again.  GO AWAY SNOW.  I DON'T WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE.!  Tomorrow evening we are expected to have our schedule for qualifications.  So hopefully next week (weekend) we begin to play again!  It's been 3 weeks since our last game.  Now that's just crazy.

I'll be at Gammliahallen all-day tomorrow watching some youth basketball regional championships and handing out medals.  I figure I can also workout some in between games.  Frida and I are writing each other now on msn commenting how old we have become, going to the early movie and walking home while the others are going out.  I guess it's bound to happen!!  

Hope you have had a fantastic weekend!!



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