Weekend Bliss
So my first weekend back home in the States! So many people to see, so many things to do. Where to start??
After playing noon ball with the guys at Pulse, I drove down to Denver to meet my best friend Kellie. Her and her husband just bought a house in Highlands Ranch and I wanted to check it out. And since Jay was out of town, it was perfect to spend some quality time with Kellie!! I must also mention that Kellie is now 5 and half months pregnant!!! CRAZY!!! She found out she is having a boy recently on Tuesday! Well anyway, after about a 2 hour drive (which normally takes about 1 hour...but due to traffic, took a bit longer) I found her house! It was so beautiful...nice and new.
After a couple hours of conversation, Kellie and I went over to Amie and Jason's house that they have also just bought. They live in Englewood and picked a house that they will remodel. Amie's parents were in town to help with the move-in work and Amie's dad, Morris, made us some dinner! It tasted great...pasta with chicken and salad. I think I ended up having around 3 servings. ..haha!! After a fantastic dinner, for some reason we ended up getting into a serious debate over health insurance. POLITICS...something you should never talk about with a mix group of people. After about 30 or so minutes...Kellie, Amie's mom and myself wondered over to the couch to leave the debate. Amie and Jason continued going strong the entire night. Anyway...it was a great evening and so great to spend it with my great friends!!
A pregnant Kellie vs. a not-so pregnant Amy...Kellie and I having fun while the debate continues.
So now all the signs are pointing to the fact that we are getting older. Saturday morning Kellie and I woke up around 6.30, went to breakfast at the Egg & I at 7.00, took a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood, yoga, showered...AND it was all done before noon. Then while waiting we read our books. I'm reading the Twilight series now and Kellie read What to Expect When You Are Expecting. We must be adults now!! At 1.00 we drove to Cherry Creek to meet Lindsay for lunch. We hung out, ate and chatted with Lindsay for close to 2 hours. It was great seeing Lindsay again because the last time I saw her was in Sweden!
At lunch
Saturday night my Uncle John and Aunt Joy hosted a family and friends BBQ at their place in Windsor. My dad came down from Colorado Springs and Kellie even joined me. My cousin Michelle and her husband Chad were in town with their 10-month daughter Lauren. My grandparents also came and some friends of my aunt and uncle. It was a great clan of people and everybody sat around having a great time. My uncle grilled out some brats and hamburgers and they were quite tasty!! Neat to see 4 different generations at our family BBQ!!
Lauren with her great-grandma and her dad Chad!
Great-grandpa with Lauren...she is such a happy baby!
My lovely daddy!!!
How beautiful...before it gets dark...yes it gets dark here.
Woke up and went to church with my grandparents and dad. We went out to eat breakfast afterwards at Perkins (the best muffins ever!!). Went and hungout all day at my grandparents house. My grandma beat me in a game called 99 twice. We ate dinner and then my dad went back home. I went to go workout.
NOW I am house-sitting! My duties officially started today. At the house for a week...really nice to have a whole house to myself. Three dogs accompany me here. Tomorrow I plan to RELAX. I want to read my book and sit in the sun! That's my goal. I hope everybody had a great weekend!! Mine was busy and tomorrow makes a week since I have been back! CRAZY!! Hope all is well and God bless!!
Nighty Night!
OH Baby!!
My best friend Janey has two kids. Dean is 3 years old and Norah is only 7 months old. I haven't met Norah before this year...Tuesday was the first day!! They are soooooo adorable!! Dean calls me Auntie Amy!!

Dean's a builder!! I think we were making a road...

Look how cute this little girl is!!! She is starting to warm up to me...little mamma's baby!
And then there is Lauren, my cousin Michelle's daughter. She is 10 months old. Tonight I met with my family for dinner at my grandparents. My aunt and uncle also came with Michelle and Lauren. Our night was spent being entertained by Lauren. She is a very active girl that is very happy with everything...have I mentioned that she is just so adorable?!?!

So there they are. This is what has been keeping me busy so far!!
Today it was hot! I am going to housesit next week for Janey's parents. I will get an entire house all to myself!! I do have to take care of three dogs though. It will be nice though. The following week is basketball camp...oh joy!!
I hear the weather has been great in Umeå! Of course the moment I leave it's beautiful and warm. How typical!
Tomorrow I'm going to Denver!! Going to visit my best friend Kellie and maybe meet up with some other friends for dinner...I think Amie, Jason, Steph and Nick will join us. It will be fun to see Kellie all pregnant...she's having a boy!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Vi hörs!!
Midsommar Pictures

The gang...12 of us total...hanging out in the sun and enjoying the company!!

So we decided to cut down a tree and make a midsommarstång (pole) so we could dance around it a midnight, singing songs and dancing!! It was such a team effort and probably one of the funniest things I have done!!

The ladies creating the rings to go on the pole. Everybody having a great time!!

The midsommarstång going up...WE DID IT!!

The table all set and ready for Midsommar middag (the dinner!)

The guys were in charge of grilling all the meat!

While the ladies were in charge on making the salads and potatoe salads!! Sophia was the best host ever...she did a great job!!! Love ya darling!! :-)

Sitting around the table laughing and having a great time!!

Singing songs and drinking schnaps...now that stuff is gross!! SICK!

More singing and chanting...CHEERS!!! SKÅL!

There she is with all her flowers...kind of leaning...but that's alright!!

Playing some kubb. Lag ett är rätt!! My team were the champions!! Sanna, Johan and myself...defeated Hjort, Ejjee and Oscar in the finals!! We totally dominated!! Made them a little upset as well!! HEHE!!

The ones that stuck it out!! Notice the midnight sun!! Yep that's right, this picture was taken around midnight...so bright out!! SWEET, I love it!!
It was a great holiday and fun times for sure!! I am so glad I got to experience this!!
Back to the USA!!
My dad picked me up at the airport. My flight got in around 7.00pm. It WAS SO GREAT TO SEE HIM!!!!! We got my luggage and then made the hour drive to Fort Collins. On the way. the first place I went to go eat was TACO BELL!! It tasted amazing!! Oh how I have missed taco bell!! I stayed the night at Grandma and Grandpa's...I was so happy to see them as well!! We watched some of the Colo Rockies (baseball) game and then I crashed in bed around 10pm.
Not much to report since I've been back. I surprised my friend Janey yesterday at her house. I never told her exactly what day I would be returning home, and I just showed up at her doorstep. She screamed and then started crying. And then massive amounts of hugs. I got to see her 7 month old daughter Nora who I have not met yet. Also Dean who has gotten so big since the last time I saw him, now 3 and half.
Next I went to lunch at my aunt and uncle's to see my cousin Michelle and her new 10 month old baby Lauren. She was sooooo adorable, beautiful blue eyes. I hadn't seen Michelle in a year so it was great to see her. Her husband Chad comes to Colorado on Friday and then we will have a big family BBQ on Saturday night.
So now I am back at my mom's house where I will be staying the next two months. I fell asleep yesterday at 4pm. I slept-in until 5.45am this morning. HAHA!!! That is almost 14 hours of straight sleeping. But that shows how tired I was. This traveling takes a lot out of you. I finished unpacking my bags this morning and settled in a little in my room. It's now 7.30 in the morning and I have finished all of that. Today I think I will check into renewing my gym membership, play basketball with some of the guys, visit a couple more friends, and run some errands around town. I got my car now!!
Hope everyone is doing well!! Now I'm adjusting to American life-style again!! The weather hasbeen great so far!!
Vi hörs!!
You want to know the best Father's Day present ever....ME!!! You get my arrival back to the States as your present this year!!! :-) What could be better!!
Love you and miss you tons and I can't wait to see ya soon!!

**Happy Father's Day to my grandfathers also!! You guys are the best!!
And a HFD to all the fathers out there!! Have a great day with the family!!
America Here I Come!!
Tonight was a very nice evening. Some of my friends from here came over to say goodbye to me. SO NICE OF THEM!! We had a little Hemavan reunion with Johan , Brink, and Jonas...soccer boys Jesper and Vlado....my American buddy Danny...and MVP Mattias...and of course my bestest Sophia. It was great that they were all able to come by and wish me a goodbye!! I have great friends everywhere and I am so thankful for them. I appreciate it more than they probably know :-) YOU GUYS ARE GREAT and I am going to miss ya. See ya in 2 months ;)
Today Maria, Sanna, Sophia, Julia and myself all went to the Umeå FC soccer game. It was really nice to hangout with everyone one last time (until August of course). The game ended in a tie 4-4. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm! I am so glad I have been able to experience the Swedish summer...very nice!! Thanks girls for hanging out. Going to miss you A LOT!! FUN TIMES for sure!! :-)
So I take-off at 6.30am and arrive in Denver 7.00pm (that's 3am swedish time). 12 hours total of flying and a full 24 hours with all the lay-overs. The time has finally come. I can't believe it is here!! Tomorrow night I will be at my house, maybe eating Taco Bell and chatting with my grandparents!!! SWEET!!
Hejdå for now!!
Vi hörs!!
I have some pictures from the day, but I am afraid I don't have the time or energy to post them!! Soon I will have some time when I am back to America in 2 days!! YEP, you heard right!! Back home in 2 days!!! I can't believe it...i have been in Sweden for 10 months. It's going to be nice to go home and see all my family and friends. OHHHHHHHHHHH so nice!!
Monday I leave Umeå, Sweden for that matter. Arrive home 7pm. The time has come!
Hope everybody had a fantastic midsommar just like me!! It was sweet!!
-pictures soon to come!! :-)
Back to Umeå...Final Weekend
I am going to be so excited to see Sophia at the airport to pick me up!! I've been gone now almost 2 weeks and it has just been constant traveling. It was a lot of fun and I had a great time...just tired. Time to recover!! But Sophia is having a midsommar party today and I think around 10 of our friends will be joining us!! Nice!!
Travels were fantastic!!! I have a million pictures to show!! I am absolutely speechless in describing the Norwegian fjords. They are so amazing!! Just breath taking!! I will defintely do this again someday in my life. So beautiful!
It was great to see my family and spend some good quality time with them!! They were fantastic and I can't thank them enough for letting me tag along with them to marvel in all these wonders!! It was one of the best trips I have been on. Great experiences and memories to last for a long time!! Love you guys!! It was great having you in this part of the world. Maybe someday see ya again over here ;)
Well I'm keeping it short because my brain is not really working right now. Night bus was not the most fun thing I have been on. Cramped quarters. Looking forward to this short trip now!!
1st Ferry Trip over

2nd Ferry Trip


The amazing view from our hotel room!!

And now we are just hanging out on the balcony relax'n ...life is good!!!

Tomorrow we are taking a boat trip to Bergan! About 4 hours there...hangout in Bergan for 4 hours...and then 4 hours back!! Full day of great scenary!! PERFECT!!
Hejdå from Norway!!
Fjord Country Here We Come!!
Thanks Julia for letting me stay at your place for the last 4 nights!! It was great and I had a great time!! You know more about Oslo than you think you do ;) See ya in Umeå this weekend!
John, Joy and Monica arrived in Oslo around 12.30 and after about an hour of searching, they found the hotel. Julia and I met up with them, we walked around some spots, and then hungout at the hotel.
Now I need to get some sleep because we are leaving early in the morning and driving maybe 5-6 hours into the fjord country of Norway!! Yipeeeeeeeee!!
Keep ya posted with some pictures hopefully!!
Take care!! :-)
More Pictures...Oslo cont'd.
Julia and Malin
Yes, we loved that flag!!
Meeting John, Joy, and Monica soon!! More sightseeing and then we travel into the mountains tomorrow!! To see some country side of NORWAY! Oh yeah!!!

And so the tour begins....with the tour guide Julia. Here we are walking into downtown Oslo!!

Central Station

The Opera House

Some beautiful views from a top the Opera House!


View from Akershus

The Royal Palace

Guard guarding the castle and the park around the Royal Palace

Majorstuen...the more expensive district of Oslo. Julia and I sat on a bench and ate potatoe sticks here!! :-)
Just hanging out waiting for the tram...look a Twister bus!! Sweet...what fun!!
Vigelandsparken...aka the park with all the sculptures.
Some of the sculptures....everybody was naked??
Statues in the park...
Yeah I am trying to figure out why everyone is naked in this park??
SOOOOO lots of things we saw!! The weather was perfect, bright and sunny!
Pretty tired right now. I will post some more pictures from the night time tomorrow I think. Just wanted to share some of the things we have experienced here. Hope everybody had a great weekend!! I meet up with John, Joy and Monica tomorrow again after their weekend in Copenhagen.
Vi hörs!
More of Oslo with Julia...

Julia and I about to head out for dinner and night in Oslo!!
Beautiful, beautiful Oslo. I bet this place would be even more pretty if the sun was shinning. Well I think it's still nice!! Here are some pictures of some buidlings in the "city" part!! Also I nice little park!

A nice little park with fountains in the back!! So beautiful and neat...I love it!!
Down by the ocean...

So Julia took me to a place right down by the ocean! It was a dock full of restaurants and cafes. We ate at a restaurant called Olivias. It was italian food and I thought it was really, really good. I had the salmon pasta and I thought it was AMAZING!! Good stuff for sure and a glass of wine to top it off...PERFECT!! We sat outside right on the dock, right next to the water. It was pretty scenary and fun to people watch as well. Great location and spot, good decision Julia!! :-)

After dinner we walked back to Julia's apartment which was about a 25 minute walk. No problem for me...I got to check out more of the buildings and views of Oslo. I'm pretty impressed with this city!!

Some pretty neat colored flowers we found!

Today Julia and I will adventure out in Oslo and do some SIGHTSEEING. She has a plan of what we can do, so I will follow her lead. The tourists are in town!! No stress today though, we will take our time and explore. Tonight I believe Julia will have some type of get together at her house with a few of her friends and then maybe we go out somewhere. It will be fun to meet some of Julia friends here in Oslo!! Today should be a great day...I hope the weather holds out! Give me some sun...pleasssssssssssssssse! Hejdå for now!!
Vi hörs senare!
I am really proud of Julia coming here to Oslo and doing her thang. It's so different than anything I am sure she has ever done before. I like it, it's great here. Today I went on a 45 minute walk through Oslo jammin out to my ipod. It was fun to see the differences compared to Sweden...there are a lot, nothing too drastic though. This is definetly more city-like here! That's why I think it's so cool to see Julia do the job thing here. SO EXCITING!! On my walk, I stopped at a cafe to get a coffee. I love seeing the different cafe cultures in each country I have been visiting. People really seem to be enjoying life here!! I am really looking forward to this weekend!!

The view from Julia's apartment...and the rain outside :(

Here are some pictures of Julia's cute little Norwegian apartment!!
Tonight we are going out to dinner and then we will see where the night takes us!! Tomorrow we will go out and maybe do some tourist stuff...I know Julia doesn't want to, but I am going to force her!! I mean how many times am I going to be in Norway?!?!

Can't wait until you get home!!!!!!!! :)
Later for now!!
Helsinki...Scandic Tour '09

Leaving Stockholm...the view from our room!

Did somebody say DUTY FREE!! Look at all that vodka!!

Entering into Helsinki!!

Walking around Helsinki

The Lutheran Church
Lots of steps...

Neat little park....Kappeli Cafe!

Downtown Helsinki...beautiful buildings!

Departing Helsinki...

Bon Voyage Finland!!
SOOOOOO now I have made it to Oslo, Norway!! A long day of travel but I got off the airport train and there to greet me was lovely Julia!!! It was great to see her!! We took about a 20 minute walk to her house...I got to see some of the town!! Very nice so far!! Haven't done anything really yet though. We made some tacos and I just sat on my computer getting caught up with everything. Sometimes I just can't live without my computer. HAHA!! But anyway, I made it here and it's great!!
Tomorrow will be a slow day. Julia has to work so I am thinking about walking around the city a bit and trying not to get lost. I like Julia's set-up!! And I even get my own room tonight!! AWESOME!! Well I'm off to bed!! Later everyone!!
Sweet 26!!
HELLO EVERYONE!! So my travels continue and once again I am sitting here in the Arlanda airport about to depart for yet another trip!! This time...TO OSLO...to visit Julia!!! It's going to be so much fun!!!
Yesterday was my birthday!! And thanks everyone for your birthday wishes!! I think the older you get, birthdays become more as something that reminds you how many friends really do care about you. It was great I thought and had no idea that I had that many friends that actually did care...haha!! It was so nice and made me really happy!!
My brithday was spent in Helsinki with my great family! On Tuesday my family and I departed from Stockholm on the Silja Cruise line around 5.00pm. For the first 3 hours of the boat ride it was SO BEAUTIFUL!! We traveled up the coast a bit away from Sweden and got to experience the thousands of islands that make up the coast. We were so close to the land it was crazy. So amazing though. On Tuesday I wasnt feeling the best. I was pretty tired and I think I had the stomach flu. So that night it was early to bed for me. We woke up the next morning, MY BIRTHDAY, and were just a couple hours from embarking in Helsinki. We went and ate breakfast and watched the scenary as we entered Finland. We went into Helsinki around 10am and began our walking! First on the stop was Lutheran Church and then we walked to the Church in the Rock. From there, Monica and I parted ways with John and Joy and went on a walk ourselves.
I think Helsinki was really pretty, despite what I had heard from the Swedish folk. It wasn't that cold just a little overcast. NO rain which was great! Monica and I walked and admired all the great buildings right in the centrum of Helsinki. Very distinct and clean look I thought, Helsinki was just beautiful!! Monica and I wanted a calm and relaxing day and thought a little fika adventure would be great (btw, my family loves fika). We stoped a cafe along our walk. We snacked on a pastry and coffee, avoided attacks by a crazy seagull and mainly people watched. Then we adventured further down this park to fika again at Kappeli's. A cafe located close to the water and in the park. I very nice outdoor patio. There we endulged in a glass of wine. Then it was more walking for Monica and me. We found a cute little restaurant in a nice building and sat and dined on lunch for a good 2 hours. It was perfect. We sat in our own soffas while eating sallad and sipping on wine and looking out enjoying a great view from above. Our time was perfect in Helsinki!! After a quick trip into Stockmans, we went back to the boat to prepare for the departure.
We departed Helsinki while John, Joy, Monica and myslef sat at the back of the boat outside. The sun was out shinning and the view was SPECTACULAR. Breath taking!! That's all I have to say...what a way to spend your birthday. The night ended with the family taking me out to dinner at a really nice restaurant on the boat right next to the window. The whole dinner we were able to stare out and enjoy the view! The food was great, I took the peppar steak (very yummy), while the others dined on some Swedish cuisine (reindeer, witch fish). Then for my brithday, the restaurant allowed me to go through the dessert line and take whatever I wanted. I had a plate loaded with dessert. Of course I shared, but I did eat a good portion of it!! MY BIRTHDAY WAS PERFECT!!! And I really have my family to thank for that!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!
So this morning we arrived back in Stockholm and I took my seperate way from the family. They are going South to Kalmar to spend the night and then spend 3 days in Copenhagen. I went to the airport to now await my flight to Oslo and Julia! I am really looking forward to it!!
Let the travels continue!!
PS. I will have to post pictures later!!
Mohr Scandic Tour 2009...STOCKHOLM!
5.20pm I arrive in Stocholm
7.00pm John, Joy and Monica arrive in Stockholm.

Välkomen till Sverige!!!

The rental car and driving experience in Sweden.
After finding the rental car place, we got our car and began our drive into the city. John had googled the directions and with my navigation skills (haha) we arrived at the Hotel Bema with no problems. We didn't even get lost! NICE!!
Our hotel is about a 10 minute walk right into the center of city and 20 min walk to Gamla Stan. After settling into our hotel, Jonas arrived and meet the family. He was our designated tour guide for the Stockholm part of our trip. That night we did a nice walk into the city and then a quick pass-by Gamla Stan. We ate dinner right by the water and by that time it was almost 10pm. Still bright outside!! At dinner we talked a bit about what to do the next day, planned the day, walked home and went to bed.
The next day we began at 8.30am. Had a nice breakfast at the hotel and began our journey down by the water. The weather was great in the morning and the sun was shinning bright! Just not the warmest though. We decided we would take the boat tour. The boat tour is some sight-seeing around about 6 of the islands in Stockholm. It was absolutely gorgeous on this trip!! SO BEAUTIFUL!! We saw a lot of great things and a great way to show the beauty of Stockholm by the water.

On the Sight-Seeing boat

What tourist we have here :-)

Joy checking out the Royal Castle
After the boat tour, we walked into Gamla Stan to watch the Changing of the Guard.

Monica really loving this one!!

In Gamla Stan!

Eating at Pontus! Right off the water!! Great view and great idea Jonas!!

Our walk to a pretty view of Stockholm!

How beautiful!!

Anna met up with us at lunch and then joined us for the walk. Here we are at the top of the hill looking over Stockholm!

FIKA in Gamla Stan!! FIKA, FIKA; FIKA

Beautiful picture of a guy painting!

We also went to see the Vasa Museum. After that, Monica and I walked back to the hotel (which at that point took us about 40 min), while John and Joy went to Skansen.
We all met up again for dinner and ate a place just a block from our hotel, Drottninggatan Restaurang!
First day was great!!
Today Monica and I will hit the shopping while John and Joy will visit a couple of museums, including the Nordic and Armory. I think we will meet for lunch and then leave to board our cruise aroun 3.00pm. We depart for Helsinki around 5pm I believe. Then tomorrow...aka my birthday!!...we will spend it in Helsinki all-day!! Should be great!!
Talk to you soon!!
Svensk Fotbol Match

I'm not really going to comment on this too much!! Just wanted to show us sportn' the Swedish pride!! They called me the wanna-be Swede!!
I'm Off!!

Gonna miss ya!! See ya when I get back soon!!
Sorry Sweden...couldn't pull off the win yesterday :(
Gotta run. Hopefully I will do some blogging while on the trip. I'll try and post some pictures. Hejdå!
But the weather is HORRIBLE today!! I don't like it at all!! I loved it when the sun was shinning and everybody sitting out in the sun. Now it's cold and rainy. Don't like it one bit! It makes me really tired also. I hope the sun comes out this weekend!! That would be great! It's like winter out there.....suck! Crazy swedish weather!
Tomorrow is a grill party!!! At Hjorts with some of my good friends here in Umeå. Since it is my last weekend in Umeå (for now), I thought it would be nice to get together with everyone one last time!! So we are going to grill-out and then later watch the Sweden vs. Denmark soccer game. Should be a good Saturday! Jag hoppas det!
Tonight I am going with Sophia and Frida to watch a movie. Demons and Angels (I think it's called something like that), the sequel to the Da Vinci Code. Before that, Julia's mamma is going to take me out for dinner at Lottas!! YUMMY!!! They have the best food in town I think!! It's soooooooooooo nice of her!!
I can't believe things are starting to wrap up here! CRAZY how fast time is flying by. Yesterday I went with Sophia to go get her tattoo. She was suppose to get it Tuesday, but the place was closed. So she found a new place and I went with her at the spur of the moment! I think her tattoo turned out great!! I really really like it!! Kind of inspired me a little, since I did chicken out (I was suppose to get one with her at the same time). But maybe next year...sorry about that Sophia!! But I love how her's turned out and now I know I can trust that place!! Only like 5 more days of seeing each other my friend! :(
I went to town today and met Maria and Leo for fika at Starz!! It was great to see her!! And Leo is the most adorable thing ever!!! My buddy!! Now I am saying my goodbyes to everybody, so it's sinking in more and more! Sophia came and met us and then we got our stuff for tomorrow's grilling party! Now I am home just waiting for my dinner...and then movie!! What a nice evening planned!!
Here are some pictures of Sophia's tattoo adventure!!

Before, Durning, and After!!!
Hope everybody has a great weekend!!!
Lazy, Hazy Day!!
It's something about the weather, when it's like this it's very hard for me to be productive. All I want to do is just lay around and be lazy. Bad habit!
I'm thinking about staying up tomorrow night to watch the first game in the NBA final. The game starts 9pm ET...which means 3.00 in the morning here :S. OJ! But if I want to watch the game, I am going to have to do that!
I got my flight information today!!! I come back to the States JUNE 22nd!! I arrive in Denver at 7.00pm!!! I have a 5 hour lay-over in Chicago, which is unfortunate. That is going to be after a 9 hour flight so I am sure that won't be too much fun!! But it's going to be great when I get back!!
SO soon my travels begin....
June 7th-- Travel to Stockholm and meet-up with John, Joy and Monica
June 9th-- Take a cruise to Helsinki
June 11th-- Travel to Oslo and meet-up with Julia!
June 15th-- Meet up with John, Joy, and Monica in Oslo
June 16th-- Mountian trip in Norway!
June 18th-- Bus to Oslo
June 19th-- Fly back to Umeå to celebrate Mid-Sommar!
June 22nd-- FLY BACK TO USA!! Arrive 7.00pm!!!!
That's a lot of traveling soon to begin!! I can't wait!!
Summer Time!!
Soon it's back home. Three weeks today I will be traveling home!! I haven't been back in almost 10 months. It has been a really long time away from my family and friends back in the States. It's been nice to have visitors come, but I still long for home! Now it's packing time and a little bit of traveling with some family!! I am excited for a spectacular trip in the Scandic region. To many around here it may not sound as great (because they are always traveling to places like Thailand or Turkey), but to me and my family, this is something exciting for us. And I think it's something I MUST do!! Now less than a week away! CRAZY how fast time is flying!! On Sunday I'm back to Stockholm!!

In Stockholm at Skansen!
EXCITING NEWS for my bestest friend Sophia!! Tomorrow I will accompany her while she receives her first tattoo!! Orginally the plan was that we were both going to go get a tattoo at the same time together, but I have chickened out and backed out! But I will still go with her while she goes and gets one!! First we have lunch spinning at 11.30 and then tattoo time at 13.30!! I'm so excited for her and who know...maybe it will inspire me!! Lycka till Sophia...I'll be there with you!

Sophia and I at Rex this past Saturday!!
JUNE IS MY FAVORITE MONTH OF THE WHOLE YEAR!!!! Lot's of great things!! Does anyone have any suggestions why or ideas why I think this??? I ask you that question!!!