Holy cow what a busy Monday!  Seems like it has been non-stop ever since 9am this morning.  But finally I have had time to sit down and relax.  Here is some of my schedule...

Woke up, went to the bank, post office, and store.  Then to lunch....

Next we had a farewell fika for Danny!  Danny is headed back to America for about 2 months and will return in January.  We are really going to miss him!  It's been great hanging out with another fellow American but he will return.  And he better bring back some goodies for us!!  Anyway, the fika was nice...We just ate some delicious cookies, drank coffee, and played some cards.  Danny squeezed in a win by at the end and beat me by 5 points in gin rummy.  Booo....  Here are some pictures from the event.  Travel safe Danny!  See ya when you get back!


So proud of this picture!!! HAHA!

Then I went and coached the U16 team at 16.00 to 17.00.  From 18.00 to 19.00 Anna, Shannon, and myself started a new basketball clinic.  This one is for little, little girls who have never played basketball...EVER.  There were about 20 of them or so, ranging in age of 6-10 years.  And they absolutely didn't know any english what-so-ever.  Talk about difficult.  First, they can't even play basketball, and second, they can't even understand us.  But it was kind of cool because it really forced me to speak swedish.  Which I did and sometimes they actually understand me!!  HA!  I am really glad we are doing this, but it's going to be more basic than I thought.  I mean we have to start with MAJOR fundamentals.  Shannon, Anna and I wondered after if we were ever that bad at basketball.  We just didn't understand how you start out that bad...  We have some work to do!!  

After the basketball school, we had practice at Teg.  Then we had to rush to dinner at the hotel.  

EXCITING NEWS!!!!  My friend Janey had a baby girl yesterday!!  Her mom called and told me today!!  She said she looks just like Janey.  I can't wait to see pictures!  I am sure she is adorable...OHHHHHH!!!!  Can't wait!  I am going to call her later tonight so I will post more details later when I know more.

I talked to my grandparents tonight.  Sounds like everything is going well back home.  Courtney will be here in 4 days now!!  And our weekend in Stockholm will start it all off!     



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