When Life Gives You Lemons....

When life gives you lemons....make some lemonade.  Isn't that how the phrase goes??  Pretty much sums it up right now for me.  I have some things to figure out right now!!  Like why we keep losing games and why I am playing so horrible.  SUCKS!  But I am not going to give-up....NEVER!    Just have to work harder and figure something out that will work.  I freakn' hate losing.  

Well that's all I am going to write about that.  I just got back from working a concert at Gammlia (where we train and play games) for a team fundraiser.  We were in charge of coat check-in.  Lot's of people!  Kind of got crazy at times.  But we did good.  I even watched some of the concert.  Too bad I really didn't understand anything.  It was fun to watch some of it though.  

SO that's all I got for now.  I'm gonna go hangout with my roommates right now!  We had a fun bonding experience last night!!  Didn't want to be in complete depression last night.  So I thought it would be fun to get our minds off basketball and go out and do something!!  And for some reason we ended up staying up until 5 in the morning.  So I'm pretty tired right now.  Think I will go to bed soon! 

I will leave you now with some pictures of sleeping beauty

Lights on, still in her practice gear and hasn't showered....haha!  Of course we would take pictures of this!!

Talk to ya'll later...



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