Body Pump Here I Come!!

Tonight Sophia and myself are going to BODY PUMP class at USM!!  Time to work my butt back in shape!!  I have a feeling I will not be able to walk or get out of bed, for that matter of fact, tomorrow!  Looking forward to it!  After the class, Sophia and I will fika together!! 

So far my day has been pretty busy (more busy than normal anyway).  I went and did some shooting with the soccer boys today...and no...not shoot hoops, but shooting at a goal.  There was even a goalie in the goal!  Haha!!  It was pretty fun, especially since I was able to score 3 times, outside the box ;)!!  YIPEEE...and the boys didn't even think I would score once!

Then it was a fika with Tony and Hannah at the hospital.  Kind of a weird place to fika, but it's by the university so it made sense at the time.  Then I was just able to walk over to my class which started at 3.00.  I rode my bike today to school!  Okay it isn't my bike, I have borrowed it from Julia, but it was such a great day I thought I should ride a bike in it!  So that's what I did!!  It was really nice!! 

So now I am off to dinner and then BODY PUMP later!!  Wish me luck!



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