Stockholm Day #1

Jamie and I arrived in Stockholm 8.00 in the morning last Friday!  I was so happy to see Anna there to pick up so bright and early!!  We went to her house, settled in, and then went to town.  We started with the Old City, saw the castle with all the guards, and the smallest alley in Sweden. (?)  The weather was not the best on Friday...kind of rainy and cold.  We brought our umbrellas to keep us dry!!

Can you tell the difference between these pictures?!?!  Jamie and I standing with Jamie in front of the Old City Stockholm.

The smallest alley in Stockholm

At the castle!

Walking around in the rain.

After we walked through the Old City...we wondered over to main city to SHOP!!  We walked SO MUCH and shopped until we dropped.  Well actually I only bought one thing and that was a new pair of sandles (on this day).  Jamie did a great job of buying things for her family to bring back.  Anna ended up leaving us and going to basketball practice...while Jamie and I met up with my friend Jonas. 


We met up with Jonas after he finished work and walked over to his house for dinner.  We also ended up taking the T (metro) to get there as well.  I know I am a loser for mentioning that, but I am a small town girl so something like this is kind of scary for me, haha.  But I figured it out after a bried moment of freaking out.  Anyway, we went over to Jonas's apartment for a very amazing dinner he made us.  On the menu was MOOSE steak, with cheesy potatoes and salad.  It tasted great!  My favorite though was the dessert.  We had Swedish strawberries and ice cream!!  These strawberries were amazing!!!!   

The dinner...

Just hanging out after dinner, munching on some dessert!

After dinner, Jamie and I met up with an old friend from college who was in Stockholm for the weekend, Mikael Björk.  He played football for Ft. Lewis and I guess I always knew he was Swedish, but it never registered until he got in contact with last year after finding out I moved here.  It just so happened that he is back for the summer and he just happened to be in Stockholm for the weekend as well.  It was great to see him!  It had been years, and it was even more crazy seeing him here in Sweden and speaking Swedish.  Anyway, we had a nice evening out with him...but we ended up leaving early for Anna's house because we were getting up early to go sailing....and that will begin Day #2.  TO BE CONTINUED...


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