Home in Bed...

Sooooo here I am again...SICK.  Oh this sucks!!  I guess the team got hit hard with sickness so it would only make sense that I get sick also.  I hope it's just a cold and that by tomorrow I will be feeling WAY better.  That's the goal anyway.  It is also good that I am sick now before our premiere next weekend.  We play Telge our first game in Norköpping on Oct. 4th.  Coming up before you know it.  The good news is that we finally got 10 players back to practice...we actually had 11 until I got sick.  But it's good to see the entire squad in place and practices being quite productive.  

Not too much to report.  I thought I would write a quick blog to let everyone know that I am alive, just not feeling the greatest.  

This week I started at SFI and up until today I was going to class at 8.30 in the morning.  I didn't attend today because I have been resting.  Class has been good though.  I met a couple english guys, they are quite funny.  Seems like almost everyone in my class is here because they have a swedish girlfriend or boyfriend and the reason why they are living here.  That was the first thing they asked me...."So do you have a swedish boyfriend".  My response is pretty quick...NEJ!  Jag spelar basket!!  I go M-W from 8.30 to 12.00 and then Fridays 8.30 to 11.00.  It has been good practice so far as I am gradually building my confidence to speak some swedish.  Things so far have been quite a review for me, which is what I need at first.  And they really force me to talk, which as much as I hate it at the time, I know it is good for me.

Anywho, that's all I got for now!!  Talk to you soon!



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