And Then There Was Grass!!
Oh the things you get excited for in life sometimes!! Yesterday I saw grass in the yard at my place for the first time in a long time!! The snow is melting slowly but surely...but it's happening!! Great to see!! Hopefully the snow will be completely gone by the end of this month.
Today is Saturday and it is our last weekend off from playing with everyone here. We have 3 more games left in qualifications and will be finished a week from this Wednesday. We play Wednesday away in Göteborg and then Sunday and the following Wednesday at home to end the qualifications. What has seemed so long and drawn out, is finally showing the end of its path. Kind of sure-real thinking that that Pam will be gone now in less than 2 weeks (22nd of April)....and same with Gina who is driving back to Hungrary with her parents. And not to mention I will be coming home the end of May...that will be here before I know it.
May is going to be a VERY busy month for me. May 5th I leave for Spain for a week, then my sister and her boyfriend will follow me back to Umeå, and then my cousins Kyle and Kelsey are coming to visit May 16th!!! I'm so excited to have more visitors come and see me. I've waited all year for that, and then I get 4 visitors right at the end. Yippeeeeeeeeeee! It will also be nice to have all of us here at the same time...Courtney, Kyle, Kelsey and 4 of us!! Now I have to plan something good!!
Alright, off to begin the day! Going to watch Umeå FC play a practice game, then fika with Tony and Carro, and then team get-together tonight!! What a day!!
Hope everyone has a greattttttt weekend!!