Awesome Weekend!!

FIRST OFF...Happy Valentines Day everyone!!  Hope you have spent it with loved ones and have let each other know how much you love and appreciate one another!!  Some people may have more romanic moments than others, but it's still nice to know you are loved in some way.  But it's always good to have a special day to let that special someone know how much you mean to them.  In America, I refer to this day as "Single Awareness Day", but over here in really isn't like that.  Anyway, I just want to let all my family and friends know...that I LOVE YOU!

Okay moving on...this weekend was great!  A weekend off and a nice time spent doing some fun things!  Especially after our nice victory over Eos on Friday night!  Saturday it was lunch with Kerstein and Julia (the best fish soap ever!), then fika in town, IKSU match (Frida var jätteduktig), dinner with Pam and her parents, and then a calm evening watching some Olympics.  Watched the Sweden vs. Switzerland women's ice hockey match and saw my friend Frida on TV!  She even had an assist in their win over the swiss! 

Sunday was even more fun!!  I went with Pam and her parents to go DOG SLEDDING!!  It was so amazing!!  FUN, FUN, FUN!!  Definitely something I have never done before and an experience of a life-time.  It was so beautiful out and the scenary was spectacular!  The weather was also very good, the sun was shining bright and warmer than normal (only -3).  It was a perfect day.  We had a lot of fun and I am so thankful that Pam and her family invited me to do this!  Thanks guys.  I have some more to tell on our adventures with the dogs...but that is coming soon.  Here are some pictures from the trip! 

The two Americans getting prepared for a journey of a life-time...haha!

Doggie!!  They were soooooo cute!!  This was the leader of our pack!

We had three sleds.  Pam and I shared one sled that we took turns driving.  We both managed to crash our sled each.  Pam was the first one to crash while driving, coming off a pretty fast turn.  Pam went flying off the sled and did a nice face plant right into the knee-high snow.  I was in the sled part sitting and turned right over face first into the snow unable to use my arms or anything because I was bundled in the sled.  Pam had to come back and tip the sled over to rescue me.  It was really a crazy moment but also sooooooo funny at the same time.  We were so excited because we finally picked up some speed, but then paid for it.

The second time we crashed I was driving.  But we were in the woods in the thick of trees and a very narrow pathway.  I didnt steer right and we went off the track a bit and the sled turned over again, but we were not going that fast so no crazy fall. This time Pam was in the sled.  Pam then got out of the sled so we could tip it back, but the dogs had another idea and took off without us.  So I had to run after the sled and literally dive to catch it so we wouldn't get left behind.  I was pushing on the brake with my hand (normally you use your feet) so the dogs would stop running.  Pam then came over (she was like 10 meters behind) and stepped on the brake while I was holding it with my hands.  While I was getting up, the dogs decided again to take off...and Pam went with the sled and eventually stopped it.  By this point, some of our ropes were tangled around the sled and we had to spend a moment untangling everything.  OHHHHHH this was so crazy.  Everybody else was in front of us a ways, having no idea where we were.  But probably after 15 min or so, we finally got back on track and finished the course with no more accidents!!  Leave it to Pam and I to be the only sled that crashed and had the most problems.  We just laughed at ourselves for most of the time!  Great story!!   

Do you see the snow on our heads, this was after the first crash!!  But we are still having a ton of fun!! 

It was so pretty!!  All the snow on the trees. 

They were so nice and friendly!!

I highly recommend going dog sledding sometime in your life if you get the oportunity!!  Eventhough we had a couple mishaps, it was still an amazing adventure!! 

My Sunday ended with the Dalen mens match at gammlia, which they won big-time 13-3.

NOW it is time for me to prepare for another adventurous day tomorrow.  Pam, her parents, Gina, Julia and myself are headed to the moose farm and then we will go snowmobiling after!!  I did this with my dad 2 years ago, but now I will return again!  It will be my 4th time in Sweden going snowmobiling...I guess I'm pretty much a pro now!!  HAHA!!  Hopefully I am more successful tomorrow on the scooter than I was with the dog sled!!  Wish me luck.

Good night everyone!!  Hope you had a great weekend!!  Talk soon again!!



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