A Night in Arlanda
Well today didn't play out so great according to plan...and it has now left me hanging out in Arlanda at 1 in the morning. Here is a quick re-cap of my day.
-Leave Barcelona at 2.55 to Milan
-Our flight is delayed an hour
-We miss our flight to Stockholm by literally 5 min...(actually the plane is still there, but they don't allow us on because they had already moved us off that plane to another).
-We then fly to Frankfurt
-Plane is delayed an hour
-We make it to Frankfurt and make it time for the flight to Stockholm
-Arrive in Stockholm at midnight
-I have at this point missed my flight back to Umeå and no more flights for the night
-Spend the night at Arlanda and fly out tomorrow morning at 8.00am
OJ OJ OJ OJ!! What a day. So tomorrow I will finally be back in Umeå...I HOPE!!
Yesterday we spent the day in Barcelona...the sun was shinning bright and it was HOT! It was great. We stayed in town at a really nice hotel, and I spent most of the day outside in the garden!! Then we hit the town for dinner and our last sangria of the trip. This morning we woke up and enjoyed a nice 5 star hotel breakfast meal! Then did some last minute shopping and then hit the airport. 3 plane trip later, I'm sitting here in Arlanda. Soooooo close but yet so far away :)
Courtney and Dan are on their way to Jonas place to sleep in Stockholm and then will catch the boat to Helsinki tomorrow on the Silja Line. They will meet back up with me in Umeå on Friday. Then Sunday, Kelsey and Kyle will be making the visit!!! Can't wait to see them and all the family in Sweden...haha, kind of funny!
Well I'm going to do a little internet surfing and then maybe find some floor to sleep on for a little bit.
Take care everyone!!
-Leave Barcelona at 2.55 to Milan
-Our flight is delayed an hour
-We miss our flight to Stockholm by literally 5 min...(actually the plane is still there, but they don't allow us on because they had already moved us off that plane to another).
-We then fly to Frankfurt
-Plane is delayed an hour
-We make it to Frankfurt and make it time for the flight to Stockholm
-Arrive in Stockholm at midnight
-I have at this point missed my flight back to Umeå and no more flights for the night
-Spend the night at Arlanda and fly out tomorrow morning at 8.00am
OJ OJ OJ OJ!! What a day. So tomorrow I will finally be back in Umeå...I HOPE!!
Yesterday we spent the day in Barcelona...the sun was shinning bright and it was HOT! It was great. We stayed in town at a really nice hotel, and I spent most of the day outside in the garden!! Then we hit the town for dinner and our last sangria of the trip. This morning we woke up and enjoyed a nice 5 star hotel breakfast meal! Then did some last minute shopping and then hit the airport. 3 plane trip later, I'm sitting here in Arlanda. Soooooo close but yet so far away :)
Courtney and Dan are on their way to Jonas place to sleep in Stockholm and then will catch the boat to Helsinki tomorrow on the Silja Line. They will meet back up with me in Umeå on Friday. Then Sunday, Kelsey and Kyle will be making the visit!!! Can't wait to see them and all the family in Sweden...haha, kind of funny!
Well I'm going to do a little internet surfing and then maybe find some floor to sleep on for a little bit.
Take care everyone!!