I Love Him!

This weekend was great in Las Vegas and I am so glad I got to spend it with Mike!!  I can't wait to live the rest of my life with him and I love him dearly.  I am going to miss him sooooo much and today is my last day with him :(  I hope the 3 months goes by fast because I know it's going to be hard. 

The wedding was a lot of fun!!  Fun times with some great friends of Mike's.  It was a great view of Vegas from the reception.  The reception was held at a suite in the MGM Grand.

Today I am packing up and getting ready to leave tomorrow.  I feel a little rushed, but I will get it all done.  Then I am meeting my dad downtown for lunch and to spend some time with him!!  Tonight it will be some goodbyes and the hardest goodbye will be tomorrow morning when Mike drops me off at the airport.  My flight leaves 10.25 and I arrive in Stockhom 7.45 Wednesday.  Land in Umea at 12.25. 

I can't believe how quick the time has gone by.  I will try to blog again here soon with some more pictures from the wedding.  Take care everyone!!


Postat av: Mr. MVP

you better not be jetlagged for our season-opener! :)

2010-09-20 @ 22:34:22
Postat av: Sophia

I know it is hard to leave... But time goes fast and soon you are back home. But I am happy right now, because soon I will see you and the best part: you are on the same time as me ;D Love you and can not wait to see you again!! KRAM and have a safe flight back to Ume :)

2010-09-20 @ 23:55:12
URL: http://sophiamolin.blogg.se/

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