I'm Back in Sweden

Just landed about an hour ago in Arlanda, Stockholm.  So here I am back for my fourth year in Sweden.  I can't believe it's my 4th year.  Time really does fly fast.

Last night...or I guess Monday night (back in America) my night was perfect with Mike.  He took me out to dinner at Sullivan's Steakhouse (a really nice restuarant) in downtown Denver.  Everything was great and I know these next 3 months are going to be hard, but I am confident and feeling great that Mike and I will make it through this and then be able to spend the rest of our lives together!!  I can't wait for that moment.  I LOVE YOU BABE!!

But for now, it is back to buisness in Sweden.  My flight for Umeå leaves in about 2 and half hours and this waiting now seems to be the longest part of the trip.  3 flights and 2 days later...I will finally be back in Umeå and getting back together with the team.  It will also be nice to see some of my friends again!  It has been 4 months that I have been gone now.

Tomorrow it is my first practice in the morning and then a second practice later that evening.  This weekend we will play 3 games vs. division 2 teams, in the Uman Cup and then travel to Luleå on Monday to play the Damligan team Luleå.  First weekend back and getting right into it.  Playing right away will be really good for me and I am excited to play with the team. 

Now my biggest challenge will be to is fight this jet-leg off.  After 3 years I still have no good solution for this.  I didn't sleep very much at all on the plane, so I am running on NO SLEEP.  I assume I will take a nap after lunch, even though I should hold out and wait until the evening.  But a little nap shouldn't hurt and getting settled into my new apartment will only take a little time.

Well there is a quick update.  My day is just beginning here while in America all my friends and family are fast asleep.  What a crazy 8 hour difference.  Hopefully I will give a better update when I am situated and starting up the ordinary life here.  Take care everyone and thanks for all the warm wishes!!



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